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NSW CAS Rugby 2020


Frank Nicholson (4)
Message from Barker Headmaster Tuesday 17th.
Today I met with the Heads of the other CAS schools to discuss the continuation of the sport program for the remainder of Term 1 and into Term 2. CAS schools resolved to suspend ALL competition and inter-school play until May 31. This decision also includes IPSHA, ISA and District sport.
The planned sport trials for Saturday 21 March are also cancelled.
We regret the disappointment that this necessary decision may cause to our community.

Barker will continue to run its mid-week sport training program for the time being. There will be no Saturday sport commitments or weekend co-curricular activities for the remainder of the term.

Mr Huge

Stan Wickham (3)
Pretty sure all CAS parents have this by now, CAS schools resolved to suspend ALL competition and inter-school play until May 31. This decision also includes IPSHA, ISA and District sport.
Looks as though the CAS/GPS "trial" rounds are cactus, and R1 and R2 which are in May. With SJRU putting a ban on everythingincluding training until the end of April, season looking shaky.


Frank Row (1)
Waverley college 16As predicted

1. Aj preketes - nsw, roosters
2. Jasper doyle
3. Metui fuka - nsw
4. Pat hogget - roosters
5. Jesse sonego
6. Baxter senior - nsw, roosters
7. Ethan halatokua - nsw
8. Lucius cappadona - roosters
9. Tom martin - nsw
10. Nick quinn - dragons
11. Ronan schocher
12. Max harrison
13. Miles minto
14. Tj speedy-coe - nsw, roosters
15. Dane towns - nsw, roosters

Waverley Till I Die

Bob McCowan (2)
Waverley college 16As predicted

1. Aj preketes - nsw, roosters
2. Jasper doyle
3. Metui fuka - nsw
4. Pat hogget - roosters
5. Jesse sonego
6. Baxter senior - nsw, roosters
7. Ethan halatokua - nsw
8. Lucius cappadona - roosters
9. Tom martin - nsw
10. Nick quinn - dragons
11. Ronan schocher
12. Max harrison
13. Miles minto
14. Tj speedy-coe - nsw, roosters
15. Dane towns - nsw, roosters

Yes I totally agree, I have Tom Martin as front runner for captain this year

Waverley Till I Die

Bob McCowan (2)
Predicted Barker 16A team-

1. Sam Sayhoun NSW
2. Bryn Edwards 16A, NSW
3. Euan Robertson 15A
4. Lachie Hooper NSW 16s
5. Adam Van Wyk 15A
6. Wil Kennedy?
7. Tom Livingston 15A, NSW
8. Harry Davis 16A
9. Finlay Marks 15A
10. Archie Warneford !6A
11. Jono Reid' 16A
12. Eli Sagala 15A, NSW
13. Wil Kennedy? 15A, NSW
14. Jakob Biet 15A, NSW
15. Jack Colbran CAS 16s, NSW

With a number of year 11 boys returning to play for the 16s and a number in contention for firsts teams the Barker 16 A's are looking extremely strong and hard to beat with a number of NSW players and a loaded forward pack and backline.

Team looks strong but I reckon Waverley boys will feed them

Waverley Till I Die

Bob McCowan (2)
Waverley College 1st XV Predicted Lineup
1. Max Farmeary (15C)
2. Jim Waterhouse (2XV)
3. Ben Dunning (2XV)
4. Clem Halaholo (16A)
5. Charlie Barber (2XV)
6. Will Baker (1XV)
7. Asolelei Fretton (1XV)
8. Davvy Moale (1XV)
9. Klayton Thorn (1XV)
10. Emmanuel DiBartollo (1XV)
11. Aaron Dimovitch (16A)
12. Ronald Volkman (1XV)
13. Jordan Swann (1XV)
14. Christian Smirnotis (16A)
15. Harjot Mand (16B)


Arch Winning (36)
Waverley College 1st XV Predicted Lineup
1. Max Farmeary (15C)
2. Jim Waterhouse (2XV)
3. Ben Dunning (2XV)
4. Clem Halaholo (16A)
5. Charlie Barber (2XV)
6. Will Baker (1XV)
7. Asolelei Fretton (1XV)
8. Davvy Moale (1XV)
9. Klayton Thorn (1XV)
10. Emmanuel DiBartollo (1XV)
11. Aaron Dimovitch (16A)
12. Ronald Volkman (1XV)
13. Jordan Swann (1XV)
14. Christian Smirnotis (16A)
15. Harjot Mand (16B)

You just burnt yourself, I just heard the bell ring, go back to class!


Stan Wickham (3)
What happens to M Amestero of Waverley? Didn’t he have another year?

I imagine no comp this year, but Barker 1st XV boys are still training just in case there is a chance of games ahead!


Bob Loudon (25)
What happens to M Amestero of Waverley? Didn’t he have another year?

I imagine no comp this year, but Barker 1st XV boys are still training just in case there is a chance of games ahead!

the 4sqm rule is going to kill off any training now surely.


Bob Loudon (25)
Rules still don’t apply to Barker eh?
He is just a boy RR and possibly is not aware of the rule announced this afternoon. Go easy eh.a lot of the training takes place in the gym and that will have to end. As to the work on the paddock I am not sure if it will apply.


Bob Loudon (25)
Speaking at cross purposes. I was referring to the announcement made by Morrison this afternoon but I do note anyway what you say re Monday’s Rugby announcement. Not sure if that announcement is binding on a private school anyway but perhaps others know better than I on that issue.

The Ballkid

Herbert Moran (7)
Speaking at cross purposes. I was referring to the announcement made by Morrison this afternoon but I do note anyway what you say re Monday’s Rugby announcement. Not sure if that announcement is binding on a private school anyway but perhaps others know better than I on that issue.

RA announcement was not binding in any way for most private schools comps including CAS

Mr Serious

Peter Burge (5)
You just burnt yourself, I just heard the bell ring, go back to class!

Ha Ha I see the schoolboys are back in the forums, no surprise they are waverley students utilising there "precious" class time correctly in the manner of taking the piss out of their fellow school mates. To the point about no CAS games being played this year I can see that happening as this epidemic will only get worse as it continues to grow, such a shame for the boys that are currently in year 12 as they may not be able to play their final year of schoolboy rugby.

Mr S:)


Peter Burge (5)
I'd be very very surprised if there was any CAS rugby 2020. It's probably going to be at least six months till this disease is completely under control and any kind of contact sport like rugby union is played again. ScoMo during his PM speech yesterday (Friday 27th March), mentioned six months a number of times.

If things really went well, maybe they might squeeze it in at the end of term 3, which would mean starting mid-late August and the boys back training at the end of July/start of August. Would they even entertain this, with the HSC disruption. Yes, I know a number of you will be thinking The Castle, tell the old fool "He's dreaming!". But we do have to have our dreams.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I'd be very very surprised if there was any CAS rugby 2020. It's probably going to be at least six months till this disease is completely under control and any kind of contact sport like rugby union is played again. ScoMo during his PM speech yesterday (Friday 27th March), mentioned six months a number of times.

If things really went well, maybe they might squeeze it in at the end of term 3, which would mean starting mid-late August and the boys back training at the end of July/start of August. Would they even entertain this, with the HSC disruption. Yes, I know a number of you will be thinking The Castle, tell the old fool "He's dreaming!". But we do have to have our dreams.

Good point.
Schools will not simply start up contact sport at the drop of a hat - pre-season contact work will have to be done first.


Nev Cottrell (35)
It's time to be realistic and accept that it's next to impossible for any CAS Rugby to take place this year. Which sucks for those Year 12s not desperate enough to repeat a year of school just to play Rugby.

Look: I played competitive sport until I was fifty. I played competitive sport, year round (Rugby, cricket, repeat) for many years until injuries stopped the Rugby. I was Chairman of a major sporting club for years, and have written numerous books on sport. The point is: I like sport. A lot.

And yet maybe this is the time to gather in some perspective. Missing a year of school Rugby will harm no-one. Sure, there will be some boys who miss out on some memorable experiences, and won't get another line written on their school blazer, but in the wider scheme of things that's OK. They're at school to learn, and to move forward in life, and school football is at best a step on the way, not a destination.

Plus, no-one will ever to be able to say you were wrong. Wrong to say that this would have been St Aloysius' year. Wrong to say that Waverley wouldn't have got 17 players in the Australian Schools squad. Wrong to say that Knox wouldn't have thumped Barker (or vice versa). Wrong to say that this wouldn't have been the year Trinity kept its best side on the paddock through the season. So talk it up. No one will ever know any better.


Arch Winning (36)
It's time to be realistic and accept that it's next to impossible for any CAS Rugby to take place this year. Which sucks for those Year 12s not desperate enough to repeat a year of school just to play Rugby.

Look: I played competitive sport until I was fifty. I played competitive sport, year round (Rugby, cricket, repeat) for many years until injuries stopped the Rugby. I was Chairman of a major sporting club for years, and have written numerous books on sport. The point is: I like sport. A lot.

And yet maybe this is the time to gather in some perspective. Missing a year of school Rugby will harm no-one. Sure, there will be some boys who miss out on some memorable experiences, and won't get another line written on their school blazer, but in the wider scheme of things that's OK. They're at school to learn, and to move forward in life, and school football is at best a step on the way, not a destination.

Plus, no-one will ever to be able to say you were wrong. Wrong to say that this would have been St Aloysius' year. Wrong to say that Waverley wouldn't have got 17 players in the Australian Schools squad. Wrong to say that Knox wouldn't have thumped Barker (or vice versa). Wrong to say that this wouldn't have been the year Trinity kept its best side on the paddock through the season. So talk it up. No one will ever know any better.

Dear Snort, I can't imagine anyone in their right mind would disagree with any of your points, they are all true, and luv your analogies, even if they are wrong,ha!

Assuming this takes 6 months to create a clear environment, what I think the schools may consider is an abbreviated comp, eg only the Opens teams play a CAS comp maybe mid week, as this covers the year 12 boys, and it may be voluntary given most have HSC exams,and other sports are about to start up. Of course this could only happen if this event gets sorted sooner than expected, but I would think the heads of Sports in each school are probably already trying to think outside the square.

Yes clearly I am always half glass full, and will have to meet you 1 day given our rivalry background, your literary skills and sporting life is very impressive.
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