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NSW CAS Rugby 2021

rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
Hopefully a COVID free CAS is ahead of us.

I hope so Axe. It was tough watching the staff asking player and parents who had played today to leave the area especially when their is so much space. Barkers Old boys stand was empty. No Barker students there. So sad. Especially for all the year 12 kids. Next year this fixture will be at Knox. It will be a titanic game.


Peter Burge (5)
Here's hoping for a 2021 free of: Covid, serious injuries and schoolboys like Barker3Peat , Barker4Peat, BarkerDad, BarkerKermit .....

My prediction. Like a number of the last seasons, a cliffhanger between Barker and Waverley. This time, at Barker, Waverley avenge the 2018 loss at Death Valley, by coming from behind at Hornsby to win 21-20, Waverley's #15 kicking the conversion from the sideline to break the Red hearts . To set up the ....

CAS should schedule it the last game, or if they were not astute as some other school groups are, the first game ;-)


Bill Watson (15)
Here's hoping for a 2021 free of: Covid, serious injuries and schoolboys like Barker3Peat , Barker4Peat, BarkerDad, BarkerKermit ...

My prediction. Like a number of the last seasons, a cliffhanger between Barker and Waverley. This time, at Barker, Waverley avenge the 2018 loss at Death Valley, by coming from behind at Hornsby to win 21-20, Waverley's #15 kicking the conversion from the sideline to break the Red hearts . To set up the ..

CAS should schedule it the last game, or if they were not astute as some other school groups are, the first game ;-)
I’ll add Knox next year as a huge threat.....watch this space


Arch Winning (36)
I’ll add Knox next year as a huge threat...watch this space

I agree Axe,

In my view there are 4 obvious contenders, Knox, Barker,Waves and Cranbrook.
There were a lot of year 11 boys in all teams this year, and it appeared to me that a number of schools were more than likely aiming for 2021.

The GPS will also have 4/5 extremely strong teams. even more so than usual, with a number of special talents in various schools. So assuming all goes well, it will be really interesting to see how the CAS schools perform against these GPS schools in the preseason. Rest assured, these games are fair dinkum, no 1sts team likes losing, regardless of what some others try to put across.


Herbert Moran (7)
CAS Rugby1010, if that is true, that is great news. Let's hope they have a much better season than this year. I think Cranbrook a few years back had a lot of injuries and was in a similar position to Aloys this year. Cranbrook since have been competitive. Hope Aloys can do the same.

John O'Connor

Frank Row (1)
My CAS ladder prediction
1, Waverly
2, Barker
3, St Aloysius
4, Knox
5, Trinity
6, Cranbrook

Now there's a clear shock with alos and 3rd but from what i've heard there 16s had two players playing 1st xv rugby and are showing much promise in the year bellow, i may be wrong but let a man dream.


Couldn't agree more with the top three, however do you really think Knox and Trinity will get up against the Cranbrook team, it was a predominately year 11 lead team and i've heard rumours of a strong 16 A Squad. Whatever the outcome it will be an exciting season, I'm sure with unexpected outcomes.


Bill Watson (15)
Ok, let’s look at the facts. The 1st xv’s of 2021, have all played each other over the years from the 13’s onwards. Waverley in that age group have never lost a match. They will have a lot of boys who have played 1st XV already, with a sprinkling of 2nds and 3rds from this year and a couple of 16’s. They deserve to start the year as favourites.
Knox in that age group have only ever lost to one team, Waverley. They will have about 5 back from this years 1st’s, together with other boys from the 2nds, a very competent 16a’s and a couple returning from injury. Anyone that thinks Alo’s, Trinity or Cranbrook have a better chance than them next year have never read a form guide. Alo’s have lost by 30 plus points in every year in this age group since 2016 to Waves, Knox and no doubt Barker. Knox, IMHO, deserve to be 2nd favourites, alongside Barker, who have lots of boys coming back next year, and again, a very competent 16a’s.

There’s my thoughts on next years top 3..............the proof will be in the pudding.

Chilli Rugby

Bob McCowan (2)
I agree that 2019 16A's is a useful form guide.

However if Memory serves, in 2019 the Cranbrook 16A's had 3 close losses to Knox, Waverley & Barker so who knows?

The number of Year 10 & 11 boys in this years 1st XV are:

Waverley - 6?
Knox - 5
Barker - 6?
Cranbrook - 9?
Aloys - ?
Trinity - ?

Please adjust if incorrect.


Stan Wickham (3)
I agree that 2019 16A's is a useful form guide.

However if Memory serves, in 2019 the Cranbrook 16A's had 3 close losses to Knox, Waverley & Barker so who knows?

The number of Year 10 & 11 boys in this years 1st XV are:

Waverley - 6?
Knox - 5
Barker - 6?
Cranbrook - 9?
Aloys - ?
Trinity - ?

Please adjust if incorrect.

I believe that Barker only had about 4 year 10 & 11 boys ever in the starting lineup. Dion Yaz, Lachlan Hooper, Aidan Galloway and occasionally Tom Rodham.


Frank Row (1)
My CAS ladder prediction
1, Waverly
2, Barker
3, St Aloysius
4, Knox
5, Trinity
6, Cranbrook

Now there's a clear shock with alos and 3rd but from what i've heard there 16s had two players playing 1st xv rugby and are showing much promise in the year bellow, i may be wrong but let a man dream.

Yes, Aloys did in fact have two 16s players play every game this year, and a host of roughly 8 Year 11s that started a minimum of two First XV games (taking into account injury), hopefully next season can be a much more positive one for the men in Gold!