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NSW CAS Rugby 2021

rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
Congrats to Tom Goddard (Knox) and Ned Slack-Smith (Barker) captains of the CAS sides for tomorrow’s games against GPS.


Ward Prentice (10)
CAS 1st XV multi

CAS by 13+
Katoa anytime tryscorer
Jahnke Tavana anytime tryscorer

Safe as houses gents.

You are now informed!

What are the odds for this multi, Informant? How else are we to ascertain its value ;).

Also how much is Yazdani paying for first tryscorer? Haha, I can see him crossing over that white line early on


Frank Row (1)
What are the odds for this multi, Informant? How else are we to ascertain its value ;).

Also how much is Yazdani paying for first tryscorer? Haha, I can see him crossing over that white line early on

I'd say around $11.

Yazdani a great shot to cross the line. katoa knows how to put him through a hole that's for sure, powering through the defensive line. I'd say in the $20- $30 category for first.

Personally, I see an origin like scoreline occurring tonight, with the blue jersey turning into blood red. Good luck to all boys playing tonight!


Stan Wickham (3)
What are the odds for this multi, Informant? How else are we to ascertain its value ;).

Also how much is Yazdani paying for first tryscorer? Haha, I can see him crossing over that white line early on

How about in the 2nd XV? I think in the 1st game it will be a clear CAS victory, however much tighter in the 2nds game.

I see the CAS forward pack dominating, driven by Jack Black and Sartena, and the GPS back line just edging the CAS. I wonder if they will slide Flanagan off his wing at any point, he's just too valuable to sit and catch the long ball as most wingers in CAS do.



Bill Watson (15)
Lots of missed tackles there by Aloys - probably because Barker was too big and too fast.

After watching that, for mine, Barkers 2 best players were the 1 and the 7. Alo's are also tiny......................smallest 1st xv team i've seen in a long time. The Barker 10 has a fantastic step also. Everyone raving about Dion, I think the 1 looked far more dangerous with ball in hand.


Arch Winning (36)
I was thinking exactly that last night. So the pressure is on WLF. Your lot has to prove the selectors were right via a convincing win on the 17th.

Well Has, that's a little strange, my mob didn't pick themselves, the independent selectors did.

I will leave it to others to judge whether my mob has to prove anything, I could have sworn that all the talk, youtube videos, additional team members etc was coming from another school. But I could be wrong, ha!

How about we all focus tonight on the 1 team we are all part of, rather than whinging.