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NSW JRU State Championships & Representative Teams 2015

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Vay Wilson (31)
Teams attached. Titmuss out with injury. Leniu out with 5 kick. Nsw schools 12 Country 0 five mins into H2


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Vay Wilson (31)
Wash up of day 1.

Nsw u16s schools over NSWCJRU circa 29-0. A rusty start by schools against a typically courageous if not overly structured country team, but they found their rythym in H2. Fenn the pick of schools forwards and the 15, Mitsias, best of the backs.

Syd u16s over NSW u15s 14-12. Good game by 15s #7 Ben Mau and #1 Bell in forwards and Easy in backs. Many good judges thought the 15s scored on the bell, but that's not what the ref saw from 15m behind the play and called a knock on. Syd 10 Harrison played extremely well and was the difference.

Nsw u16s schools 22 NSW u15s 7. A very gutsy performance by the 15s against an extremely strong group of boys a year older. After being down 17-0 at halftime, the 15s worked out that the older boys were indeed human and took it to them to 'win' the second half 7-5. Mau and Reimer strong in forwards and Walsh in backs.

Many curious refereeing decisions in games 1 and 2. I have a lot of respect for refs, giving their time and effort to an often thankless job, but it should be horses for courses - allocate the best refs to the higher level games. Where are the young academy refs on weekends like this?

Joe Public

Frank Row (1)
Wash up of day 1.

Nsw u16s schools over NSWCJRU circa 29-0. A rusty start by schools against a typically courageous if not overly structured country team, but they found their rythym in H2. Fenn the pick of schools forwards and the 15, Mitsias, best of the backs.

Syd u16s over NSW u15s 14-12. Good game by 15s #7 Ben Mau and #1 Bell in forwards and Easy in backs. Many good judges thought the 15s scored on the bell, but that's not what the ref saw from 15m behind the play and called a knock on. Syd 10 Harrison played extremely well and was the difference.

Nsw u16s schools 22 NSW u15s 7. A very gutsy performance by the 15s against an extremely strong group of boys a year older. After being down 17-0 at halftime, the 15s worked out that the older boys were indeed human and took it to them to 'win' the second half 7-5. Mau and Reimer strong in forwards and Walsh in backs.

Many curious refereeing decisions in games 1 and 2. I have a lot of respect for refs, giving their time and effort to an often thankless job, but it should be horses for courses - allocate the best refs to the higher level games. Where are the young academy refs on weekends like this?

Agree re the referees: a tough job but maybe high quality players should benefit from high quality referees and not those looking to wear their Acme Whistles out for the sake of it? Schools u16 had a very different front row for most of the second half vs u15s, somewhat weaker than the horsepower of the first half 1-3, who were consistent throughout the three games, with many scrums and line-outs to pack down and lift for. Schools backs were a little underwhelming with many handling errors and spilled balls. Hopefully we'll see most of these guys again as I think they were playing well under their potential at the weekend.

Show and go

Sydney Middleton (9)
Agree re the referees: a tough job but maybe high quality players should benefit from high quality referees and not those looking to wear their Acme Whistles out for the sake of it? Schools u16 had a very different front row for most of the second half vs u15s, somewhat weaker than the horsepower of the first half 1-3, who were consistent throughout the three games, with many scrums and line-outs to pack down and lift for. Schools backs were a little underwhelming with many handling errors and spilled balls. Hopefully we'll see most of these guys again as I think they were playing well under their potential at the weekend.

I really enjoyed watching nsw schools v Sydney was a good arm wrestle but nsw always had that extra fire power which told in the end bringing Tyrone from wing to centre at half time was the difference. Good standard both no 10s played well standouts Tyrone and Johnny M (nswsch no 15).

Very surprised these two teams didn't put big scores on nsw u15 or country as both those teams played a very poor standard of game on Sunday with country no4 being standout in an error riddled game.


Rod McCall (65)
Dunno if I am on the right thread, just want to mention a NSW County team is touring here and played a Paarl Boys High (2015 nr 1 SA ranked) u16 team yesterday and beat them 31-14

Joe Public

Frank Row (1)
Probably not the right thread but good to hear the news anyway! Hopefully, Rugby is back on the up here in Oz after a strong RWC!

rugby hunter

Stan Wickham (3)
I think the ARU missed a good opportunity to promote the game during the RWC. No advertising anywhere, promotions? NIL. Hopefully numbers will increase next season, especially in junior club rugby. This will make a stronger rep scene and flow through upwards.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Sydney Junior Representative Teams
Following on from the recent NSWJRU State Championships players in various age groups have been selected to participate further in Representative fixtures.

In the U14s age group a squad has been selected from which the U14s team will be selected.

The U15s and U16s Zone teams will compete at the Regionals to be held at Boronia Park on the weekend of 16th/17th July.

The SJRU U17s and U18s will compete against Country on 16/17th July.boys selected Teams can be found at the link below

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Sydney Middleton (9)


Congratulations to all teams who have participated and special congratulations to the winners:







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