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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I'm keen to have some rough figures of Schoolboy Rugby participation around the country.

Just wondering about the size of the Qld QPS competition, and how it is faring against the round ball game.

How many teams does each school in the Qld GPS comp have overall? What is the breakdown by age group, and what is the same for soccer?

Using The Kings School in NSW as an example, the figures using a legend of Total (Open/U16/U15/U14/U13) are:
Rugby 29(10/4/5/4/6)
Soccer 37 (9/6/7/6/9)

Red Black

Larry Dwyer (12)
Using The Kings School in NSW as an example, the figures using a legend of Total (Open/U16/U15/U14/U13) are:
Rugby 29(10/4/5/4/6)
Soccer 37 (9/6/7/6/9)

Shouldn't you take into account how many players form the team though? Assuming something like 19/Rugby team and 14/Soccer team the numbers come out to be: 551 Rugby boys vs 518 Soccer boys


Bob Loudon (25)
I'm keen to have some rough figures of Schoolboy Rugby participation around the country.

Just wondering about the size of the Qld QPS competition, and how it is faring against the round ball game.

How many teams does each school in the Qld GPS comp have overall? What is the breakdown by age group, and what is the same for soccer?

Using The Kings School in NSW as an example, the figures using a legend of Total (Open/U16/U15/U14/U13) are:
Rugby 29(10/4/5/4/6)
Soccer 37 (9/6/7/6/9)

For GT


U11 5 teams 72 Players
U12 5 - 89
U13 6 - 118
U14 6 - 141
U15 6 - 115
U16 5 - 90
Open 6 - 112

Ill try and do Soccer later if I can find the figures



Bob Loudon (25)
For GT


U11 5 teams 72 Players
U12 5 - 89
U13 6 - 118
U14 6 - 141
U15 6 - 115
U16 5 - 90
Open 6 - 112

Ill try and do Soccer later if I can find the figures


Cant compare directly because they are played in grades not age groups but here are the Soccer figures.

Grade 5 4 Teams 52 players
6 - 5 - 59
7 - 6 - 97
8 - 6 - 91
9 - 7 - 137
10 - 7 - 122
11 - 6 - 106
12 - 5 - 80

HJ Nelson

Trevor Allan (34)
Staff member

Total (Open/U16/U15/U14/U13/U12/U11):
Rugby 27 (6/4/4/4/3/3/3)

Total (Yr 12/11/10/9/8/7/6/5):
Soccer 31 (5/5/5/5/4/3/2/2)
Plus soccer is Term 2, and rugby term 3, so they don't really compete against each other (as far as school sports go)


Ted Fahey (11)
The Last Round of the 2015 GPS Season is upon us.
Churchie will take out the premiership for the second year running. The blokes in their Rangee heated seats will be happier than a Churchie mum after a good spray tan. Well done to them, from what I saw it was well deserved! And the spray tans were good too.
On the other hand, Nudgee will be angrier than Des Hasler with a paper cut at a funeral. So close and yet so far away. The NC Old Boys are now throwing away the “2015 GPS Rugby Premiers” T-shirts they had already printed (for the second year running).
Southport, well you’ve fallen short again, despite easily having the best team on paper and looking pretty good there for a while. Enjoy the off season and we look forward to the Titans Under 20s playing in the comp next year in your place.
And BBC, well there’s another 12 months for you to wait for a crack at that first Rugby premiership since the Beatles were formed. Gin for all!
Seriously though all 4 teams on their day were up to it, but as usual, in a 9 week season your timing needs to be exceptional!
Here are the last “egg flips” of the season:
Toowoomba Vs Southport
T-Ba were definitely the best of the rest this year and of course beat the eventual premiers. They welcome their flashy beachside cousins to the red dirt this week and I suspect an ambush awaits for the waxheads. The Blue & Gold might just pull one out of the saddle bag on Saturday and I for one will be cheering them on! Sorry HJ!.
TGS by 2
Grammar Vs Churchie
Nice of Grammar to host the Premiership after-party for their good mates. Northgate will be decked out in Churchie colors for the day and Grammar players will be offering free maths tutorials for their less academically inclined opponents after each game. Mitch will be there too, holding placards and ranting at anyone who looks like they might be on a rugby scholarship, so steer clear of him.
Churchie by “quite a few”
Ipswich Vs Nudgee
Nudgee will get to Ippy early entertaining the faint hope they can crank out a win and Churchie get rolled by Grammar. However, they’ll arrive at Brassall to find overgrown fields, tumble weeds blowing down the main driveway and a confused looking bloke who looks like the Marlboro Man, wandering around looking for his horse. Frankly Ippy have moved on and they’ll be in the cricket nets getting ready for term 1 next year.
Nudgee WOF due to lack of interest
Terrace vs State High
Without doubt this fixture has “game of the round” billing. It will be very entertaining, as both these sides showed some exuberance at various stages of the season. Let’s not forget State High rolled Nudgee and Terrace only just lost to them last week. They are also two sides on the up and up in the next 2-3 years in my humble opinion. I might just pop out to watch this one on the big screen, from the corporate box, in the flashy grandstand. State High will be cockier than Quade Cooper after a trip to the Tatt Pallor, after the win over Nudgee the other week. This might just be enough to get them over the line.
State High by 6


Bob McCowan (2)
Just watched the curtain raiser at Ballymore, Nudgee v IGS U15's. IGS 22 Nudgee 10. Great game, Both teams played well.


Bob McCowan (2)
Its not only soccer that is competing with rugby for participation - since rugby was changed from Term 2 to Term 3 in the GPS competition, Rugby has lost a lot of boys to basketball.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Just watched the curtain raiser at Ballymore, Nudgee v IGS U15's. IGS 22 Nudgee 10. Great game, Both teams played well.

Agreed it was a good game. Very well played from IGS!

This was the first time I'd be able to watch a full match of that NC 15s team everyone has been talking about.

They really didn't play as well as people had spoken about them ... Have the standards slipped, are boys out injured?

Blue & white

Billy Sheehan (19)
Its not only soccer that is competing with rugby for participation - since rugby was changed from Term 2 to Term 3 in the GPS competition, Rugby has lost a lot of boys to basketball.


Basketball has really affected IGS
they have more basketball teams than rugby and just won basketball premiership-- by a long way


Ward Prentice (10)
Basketball has really affected IGS
they have more basketball teams than rugby and just won basketball premiership-- by a long way

On the topic of Rugby's swap from term 2 to term 3, do people really think it has been that much of a success?

From what I've seen, there have been some talented soccer players who have been able to play both rugby and their preferred sport, but unfortunately many boys still are being pulled at by their desire to be on the courts as well as wanting to be running round on the paddock.

Term 3 is also difficult for many boys who have heavy academic loads; QCS for grade 12 and the most arduous grade 12 assessment occur in this term. Regardless of WW's jokes about BGS boys' maths tutorials, rugby has added a big load in this term for many boys from Terrace, Churchie and Grammar who are on the hunt for OP1s.

Just wanting to start a discussion about whether or not the GPS association were right in making the switch from the traditional rugby season to one pushed back 4 months.

Monday's Expert

Chris McKivat (8)
Congratulations to BBC today for beating grammar. As a school you should be truly proud of yourselves for finding the best players in the world and putting them against a group of Schoolboys. Sarcasm intended. The lack of moral compass posesed by the GPS has never been more clear. In fact there was another impressive victory for BBC in the seconds, well done to Chris Veravis as well as his former firsts team-mates who really cemented their spot in the seconds today with a dominant performance, it's really good to see that BBC now has imported enough players to fill two teams in each grade with a Queensland representative in the seconds. To the BBC coaches you guys are truly genius' who would have thought that if you invest enough money you can put a squad of wallabies against a group of kids trying to make the most of their time in high school and get a win. But alas perhaps I'm being overly critical of BBC as they're the latest targets of my building frustrations, perhaps the problem is with the entire GPS. In fact there is no doubt that this competition is now well beyond repair, academics seem to have taken second priority behind finding the biggest boys in the southern hemisphere to build the strongest team. It's quite miraculous that a grammar team which lost just 2 games in grade 9 in 2012 have turned into a firsts team that could manage just one win? Seems a bit off to me. The conscience of the Churchie, Nudgee, TSS and BBC coaches should rest easy knowing that they managed to beat a grammar team made of home grown kids who actually pay school fees, well done to them, it must take a hell of a lot of coaching talent to guide those men to a win over kids 10 years younger than them. Furthermore, to you, green and gold writers, for shame, I see you write week in week out that grammar just lacks the skill to win the game, it should be a close victory to the opposition, how about you face up and confront the problem that is the rabid importing throughout our competition. Warren Wobble especially, it's easy to laugh at grammar isn’t it when they're losing every week, but I bet you wouldn’t feel the same way if your son was facing up against 120kg monsters every week. Now I hear you saying, but how would we discover these players, future wallabies surely, if we don’t let them into elite schools and this is the personification of the elitist attitude that keeps our game from reaching its fullest popularity potential in this country. For christ's sake let them make their way through the club system, the fact that they depend on being chosen in the GPS teams, or the fact that GPS selection occurs at all is evidence of the fact that the whole system is rooted to begin with. All of these elite schools encourage this system so they can use rugby to say how great they are. Where is the satisfaction in buying yourself a premiership and thumping teams consisting of players who actually properly attend the school and know their own school song. For these boys it's a matter of self identity to stand arm in arm with your mates and have a crack, for these imports it's a matter of getting a big hit on a kid half your size after attending school for 2 weeks and being put in the firsts. I was speaking to a current year twelve student that once attended BBC just a year and a half ago who admitted that he didn't know the names of twelve of the starting fifteen BBC players, goes to show just how far $40Million can get you. BGS a non selective school that doesn't give academic scholarships proves each year with 40-50 OP 1's that success should be bred not bought. Even the school down the road terrace upheld some of the real values of this system until recently but even they have bowed to the pressure of importing. I implore you green and gold subscribers, don’t put up with the disrepute into which this competition has fallen, it is the acceptance of people like you and me of a system which encourages importing that has led to this problem in the first place. There is no need to spend the majority of a school's yearly income on overseas rugby players, let us return to the way things should be, mates standing arm in arm, having a dead set crack in a high intensity competition where every game is a chance for an upset or a hard fought victory.

My god what a rant.

Mitch where were you when a BGS team with more than its share of imports, including Sam Greene poached from Churchie, won the cup in 2012???? Talk about short memories.
These are the sourest grapes I have ever heard on a forum where there are quite a few whingers, you sad twat. As for non selective non academic scholarships - puh-leese!!!!!
BGS give 30 odd trustees scholarships each year and announce them in the Courier Mail you gormless goon. They then skite about it when, wait for it, they get 30+ OP1s five years later.
BGS will get what Churchie decide to give them tomorrow. I hope you see the scoreboard and choke on your Johnnie Walker.
Take your scholarship bagging of BBC, GT and Churchie to the appropriate forum and tell your story walking.


Frank Nicholson (4)
" Mitch where were you when a BGS team with more than its share of imports, including Sam Greene poached from Churchie, won the cup in 2012???? "

year 8


Ward Prentice (10)
My god what a rant.
Mitch where were you when a BGS team with more than its share of imports, including Sam Greene poached from Churchie, won the cup in 2012???? Talk about short memories.
BGS give 30 odd trustees scholarships each year and announce them in the Courier Mail you gormless goon. They then skite about it when, wait for it, they get 30+ OP1s five years later.

Let's just note a few things
1. Green left Churchie with no financial assistance from BGS after being taunted by grade 12 boys at Churchie when he took a grade 12's place in the 1st XI.
2. BGS give under 10 trustee scholarships and in past years have received 40+ OP1s. Nonetheless, looking at other indicators, such as Median OP, BGS literally had over half the grade on an OP4 or better.

Not going to engage in Mitch's antics, but seriously mate if you're going to pay out Grammar, bag it for losing by 90+ in past years, rather than making up bullshit.


Frank Row (1)
I am a passionate follower of GPS Rugby . I have seen every 1st 15 team play this year with the exception of TGS & BSHS. Every game game I have seen has been played to very high skill level, intensity and true passion. There has been no foul play or lack of sportsmanship by winners or losers , this has made me very happy. Referees have also done well. We win we loose but comradre is essential, my best friends were once my adversaries from other GPS Schools. To be good we must lead, please remember this always.
Long may this live. Congratulations to Churchie ( I'm not an old boy ) And of course Go Wallabies at the Rugby World Cup.


Bob McCowan (2)
Rugby worked far better in Term 2, for all of the reasons that you outline above, as well as aligning better with Schoolboy rep programmes at the end of the season , rather than before any games have been played.
Soccer and rugby should be switched back around to where they were - that way Rugby may also get back some of the boys it has lost to term 3 basketball.


Colin Windon (37)
Just watched BGS 16As lose 40-7 to Churchie, and there were uncontested scrums - apparently a common sight.

I also heard on the grapevine that BGS have difficulty running out a 15C and 16C team each week. Troubling times ahead..

Not sure if this is common knowledge, but today will be Grammar First XV coach Damon Emtage's final match at BGS.

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Colin Windon (37)
Jaydn Su'a looks like he's going to play for ACGS as well

In even bigger news, I can confirm SamoanNo8 is set to make his first ever First XV start in the final game of a long and incredibly passionate Grammar rugby career #Rudy

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Herbert Moran (7)
Jaydn Su'a looks like he's going to play for ACGS as well

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What makes you say that-did you see him in the warmup? I'm almost certain Frazer Suffren is moving to 12 and Matthew Barakat is playing 14. They're both warming up now


Colin Windon (37)
What makes you say that, did you see him in the warmup? I'm almost certain Frazer Suffren is moving to 12 and Matthew Barakat is playing 14. They're both warming up now

He was wearing a singlet and school pants, which was the same uniform as everyone else in the squad. Looking at the warm-up it looks like everyone else has changed in to white shorts, he's still in school pants.

Digger McMillan just walked by as well with a moonboot- he's spent more time injured in his life than he has not

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