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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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Blue & white

Billy Sheehan (19)
Fair enough. This is not unusual as Nudgee always start the season insanely well drilled and play a very Allblacks-style of rugby. Meaning they execute the set piece well and they capitalize on opposition mistakes even better.

A pretty looking try isn't worth anymore points and Nudgee know this better than most.

From mail I'm getting TSS and BBC looked very good at various stages of their games, but were let down with some fundamental errors that come from not exiting your 25 well and over playing your hand when you have attacking momentum. 2 things you rarely see Nudgee do.

That said the way to upset our good friends in the Butcher stripes is to ruffle some feathers and get under their skin early. I've seen it work very well in previous years.

TSS and BBC both have players who can do this well.

They can test it out on each other on Saturday!!! Might be worth a trip to Lexus Stadium to watch!

i was out there earlier this year and their impressive tennis courts ( with Australian champs flags everywhere) are also the BBC Lexus Courts.
not a bad partner to have.
i say bring back the bull that was paraded around Ross oval in the 90 s .


Johnnie Wallace (23)
Jeez, I just got to say....
We can rightly complain about the current state of the national team..
We can moan on and on about rugby in Australia being an elitist private school game...
We can also whinge about how rugby scholarships in those private schools are tainting the purity and fairness of the schoolboy competition in Australia and hurting the growth of the sport by concentrating all the best players in a dozen or so schools in QLD and NSW...
But, farkk, watch these schools go at it against one another!
It may be a smaller and more "elitist" comp than our southern hemisphere brothers but its great to watch. I will take our best GPS, or Sydney schools over any NH school team and to more than hold their own against the Saffers or Kiwi schools.
The quality of High School rugby in Oz is just getting better and better because of the need for bragging rights among the private schools. .
Its gotta translate into a better Wallaby team soon.


Johnnie Wallace (23)
Rugby Union is never going to be a game "for the masses" here. I think its a good thing that we concentrate as much young talent in the GPS and AAGPS systems as possible. Gives them a chance to play at the highest level available at their age groups. Kind of like a Super comp for School Boys.
Sorry...maybe wrong thread for this...


Herbert Moran (7)
Rugby Union is never going to be a game "for the masses" here. I think its a good thing that we concentrate as much young talent in the GPS and AAGPS systems as possible. Gives them a chance to play at the highest level available at their age groups. Kind of like a Super comp for School Boys.
Sorry.maybe wrong thread for this.

I think its a fair point.. there's always the negative view that every scholarships takes away 1 boys' spot but they never think about the 300 other boys who will get better by playing with, or against, the best possible competition. GPS Rugby should further abolish any tariffs and free market principles should reign!

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
Prediction for the weekend
BBC vs TSS (TSS by 7 or less) will be a close game.
TGS vs BSHS (TGS by 15)
IGS vs ACGS (IGS by 5)
BGS vs GT (GT by 10+)


Ted Fahey (11)
I have been following the "Mosey Cup" for the past 2 weeks now and I have to admit I like the culture that is being created there. This weeks game of the round will be Tigers VS Hunters. Here are my tips for the games
Tigers VS Hunters
Game of the round this week sees the undefeated Tigers come up against a formidable Hunters. The Hunters will be looking to chalk up their first win in a game where the bookies have heavily backed the favorites. In a crucial must win the Hunter will want the game more. Key players to watch out for is Nat 'hit and spin' Carswell. He will be looking to get around the big forwards of the Hunters and try and slice his opposing back with dazzling speed.
Hunters by 3 tries

The second game will see the Blackhawks VS Comets
A game filled with spirit ;) a close contest will be certain. Without seeing much of these two sides the favorites are definitely the Blackhawks paying $1.45 with a line of 2.5 tries. I'm going with the Blackhawks to get up in the partner touch with comets to win forwards and backs touch.

Either way it goes this is going to be a great season in the "Mosey Cup"
Good luck to all teams

Hi Boys,
Before you take the piss out of this forum too much, you should realize that it is in fact an honor to represent your school at First XV level (or in any team for that matter), and that when you pull your school jersey on, you don't just play for yourself, your mates and your school. In fact you are playing for the many thousands of people who have pulled that jersey on before you.
Many of whom read this forum because they are still passionate about the game and the schools they once attended and played against. Many of them would also be dead by now, (but that's a topic for another day).
There has been 200,000 views of this forum after game 1 and there will probably be close to half a million by the time the season is finished.
That's because this competition interests so many people right across Australia and many from overseas. GPS rugby games hold a place in people's hearts and it stays with them forever. You might in fact feel that one day too, as you are sitting on old boys hill. Let's hope so.
Most of what is on here is good natured and sometimes even insightful! But it's always passionate and there is never anything wrong with that.
Good luck on Saturday.

Dark Shark

Alex Ross (28)
Anyone know if the GPS boys will be playing in the QRFSU un 15 State Championships next weekend?

Yes. Most teams except BGS are losing numbers from their teams to play in the tournament down at Surfers Paradise. No games called off or rescheduled that I have heard of so far.

I thinks NC lose most with around 9 or 10 players selected for Met North.

The Adjudicator

Frank Nicholson (4)
Yes. Most teams except BGS are losing numbers from their teams to play in the tournament down at Surfers Paradise. No games called off or rescheduled that I have heard of so far.

I thinks NC lose most with around 9 or 10 players selected for Met North.

Glad they are still letting them play, greatly improves the quality of the tournament.
The boys learn a lot when made to play 6 games over 4 days, some things that no school can teach.
Should be a cracker of a tournament, always is.

Hilltop View

Peter Burge (5)
Yes. Most teams except BGS are losing numbers from their teams to play in the tournament down at Surfers Paradise. No games called off or rescheduled that I have heard of so far.

I thinks NC lose most with around 9 or 10 players selected for Met North.

For Met North, GT have 8, NC 11, st pats 2, Marist 1 & St. Paul's 1


Ted Fahey (11)
Happy to chat, mate your predictions are good however I'm gona go against the grain on TSS, I watched BBC last week, although they struggled with penalty counts and 10 minutes into the second half looked beaten, they regathered and came back. I haven't seen BBC recover like that for some time mate, that's only my opinion, like you say, it will be close but I'm going green white black! Let's see how it pans out champ!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Ted Fahey (11)
Match of the round billing this one and BBC enjoy their second home game of the season at Sleepy Hollow.
The support group know their way around a Lexus, but had some problems with the chip fryers last week, lets hope things are in order at the tuckshop tomorrow.
TSS will be looking to improve from the previous week. A clinical edge from last year was missing. That steely "Bronwyn Bishop” glare through a stiff wind, as her chopper lands was just not there. The kilt wearers on the other hand disposed of a very good IGS outfit last week, with probably only one slip in concentration, (when they lost that piper in the creek after half time).
A couple of injuries for BBC and TSS this week so that will even things out. There’s a mozzies ball bag in it.
BBC by 1
The Grammar supporters will be glad to be back home after having to endure that annoying drive down the M1. (much easier going north to Noosa), Back to Northgate tomorrow where they can repeal endless stories about just how nice their grounds are to anyone who will listen. Trust me if you see anyone with a Grammar hat on looking talkative - run in the other direction! Terrace supporters won’t be interested anyway as they have the best grandstand in the business. GT were doing quite well containing their excitement about this team early in the season and they’ll be filthy after losing last week - a game they should have held on to win. Grammar will get close here, no fear, but Terrace will have too much firepower in the backs and will get away with it.
GT by 6
IGS V Churchie
When the Churchie parents actually finish working out where the hell Brassall is - they will quite enjoy their little trip to the other side. Panicked mums will pack overnight bags, picnic baskets, survival blankets, small firearms and hip flasks into the boot of the Aston Martin and they will head off to The Bronx. Ippy will be busily ironing table cloths, putting out deck chairs and polo marquees for their uptight visitors early on Saturday morning. Some quick elocution lessons too, so they can work out what these strange people, from suburbs they have never heard of, arriving in car brands they have never seen, are actually saying. They may even unlock the IGS toilets this weekend. It will be worth the trip, just to watch the culture clash, it doesn’t get any better than this!
Oh yeah and IGS will win.
IGS by 12
The farmers will be more annoyed than Barnaby Joyce after being forced to go on a swim in his dick stickers with Tony Abbot. They had high hopes of rolling the brethren last week and to come away with an 18 point loss was harder to swallow than the boarding house chops on a Friday night. Our friends from the High School seem to be in another orbit, the first round bye will do that to you. Couple that with a trip up the range early on a Saturday morning and you will be flat out getting a full team up there. The State High 13As will do quite well filling in for the Firsts in the first half, but it will all be too much in the end as the strength of TGS and the discipline will take its toll. Welcome to the season High.
TGS by 17


Bob Loudon (25)
GT Line-up V BGS

1 Elliot Keefer
2 Oliver Macklin
3 Joshua Nasser
4 Jonathan Clough
5 Pat Carrigan
6 William Beirne
7 Tom Kelly
8 Jack Lutvey
9 Lachie Kirk
10 Isaac Lucas
11 Matt Forsyth
12 Bailey Ralston
13 Ed Burns
14 Will Eddie
15 Quillan Pritchard-Malaki

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Watched the tape for GT v Churchie last night and Pat Carrigan is a complete gas.....so funny; he also played and led well last week. Met him in Sydney and quite the accomplished young man. Go Terrace!
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