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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Thebreakdown, I think you need to be 100% fit to take on either TSS or NC. Whilst both of them are not as "flarey" as others of the past, they know their footy (not saying BBC don't) and they do the basics well. They are both much fitter and just a little better skilled than IGS and therefore due to injury concerns (for BBC) I think TSS by a wee bit.

As for the recovery; wasn't so miraculous, they had plenty of time and IGS forgot where the "gas peddle" was. TSS just kept a constant speed and then had some of there players take the opportunities as they presented. Both teams should be better for the run last week and hopefully their is less mistakes.


Bob Loudon (25)
Anyone know what is wrong with Olliver Clarke at GT and when he is due back, I expect he would be the first choice front rower at the school, is that still the case?


Frank Row (1)
Match of the round billing this one and BBC enjoy their second home game of the season at Sleepy Hollow.
The support group know their way around a Lexus, but had some problems with the chip fryers last week, lets hope things are in order at the tuckshop tomorrow.
TSS will be looking to improve from the previous week. A clinical edge from last year was missing. That steely "Bronwyn Bishop” glare through a stiff wind, as her chopper lands was just not there. The kilt wearers on the other hand disposed of a very good IGS outfit last week, with probably only one slip in concentration, (when they lost that piper in the creek after half time).
A couple of injuries for BBC and TSS this week so that will even things out. There’s a mozzies ball bag in it.
BBC by 1
The Grammar supporters will be glad to be back home after having to endure that annoying drive down the M1. (much easier going north to Noosa), Back to Northgate tomorrow where they can repeal endless stories about just how nice their grounds are to anyone who will listen. Trust me if you see anyone with a Grammar hat on looking talkative - run in the other direction! Terrace supporters won’t be interested anyway as they have the best grandstand in the business. GT were doing quite well containing their excitement about this team early in the season and they’ll be filthy after losing last week - a game they should have held on to win. Grammar will get close here, no fear, but Terrace will have too much firepower in the backs and will get away with it.
GT by 6
IGS V Churchie
When the Churchie parents actually finish working out where the hell Brassall is - they will quite enjoy their little trip to the other side. Panicked mums will pack overnight bags, picnic baskets, survival blankets, small firearms and hip flasks into the boot of the Aston Martin and they will head off to The Bronx. Ippy will be busily ironing table cloths, putting out deck chairs and polo marquees for their uptight visitors early on Saturday morning. Some quick elocution lessons too, so they can work out what these strange people, from suburbs they have never heard of, arriving in car brands they have never seen, are actually saying. They may even unlock the IGS toilets this weekend. It will be worth the trip, just to watch the culture clash, it doesn’t get any better than this!
Oh yeah and IGS will win.
IGS by 12
The farmers will be more annoyed than Barnaby Joyce after being forced to go on a swim in his dick stickers with Tony Abbot. They had high hopes of rolling the brethren last week and to come away with an 18 point loss was harder to swallow than the boarding house chops on a Friday night. Our friends from the High School seem to be in another orbit, the first round bye will do that to you. Couple that with a trip up the range early on a Saturday morning and you will be flat out getting a full team up there. The State High 13As will do quite well filling in for the Firsts in the first half, but it will all be too much in the end as the strength of TGS and the discipline will take its toll. Welcome to the season High.
TGS by 17

Terrace over grammar? You are absolutely dreaming

TB KingPin

Stan Wickham (3)
Couple of injuries this week for TGS. The number 1 and 13 are out after a shoulder and knee injure respectively from last weeks match against Nudgee.
I expect state high to play the way they usually do. Have a couple of nippy little backs that hate to be tackled and a big foward pack that will like to run wide until they run out of energy during the first half of the game and once this happens TGS should hopefully be able to run away with it.


Ted Fahey (11)
The sage, fair comments champ, gona be a great game. All the best to both sides. Both sides need a win to have a crack at the title!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Monday's Expert

Chris McKivat (8)
Terrace over grammar? You are absolutely dreaming

The word around the parishes.

This a hard one to pick. A resurgent BBC still cashed up from their 10 year sponsorship from Anusol and a TSS side bouyed by a first round win and the Grattan Institute's identification of Southport as the MILF capital of Queensland GPS, much to the annoyance of heavily sculpted western suburbs BBC mums. Lexus cancels BMW. Shark cancels Braveheart Warrior. Botox cancels collagen. I'm going to open my 2015 account with the call of a draw. you heard it here first.

BGS - v GT
Grammar would like people to underestimate them but I think their coaches are canny operators and the dictionary and slide rule stuff is an elaborate ruse. Terrace are no stranger to nasty pencil sharpening injuries whilst preparing for the QCS tests themselves but I think they will have been flagellated to within an inch of their lives at training this week because of the brain snap that gifted Churchie a win last week. If anyone is going to break a bone this weekend, Northgate is the place to do it with more doctors per head of spectating population than any other field in Brisbane. I'm going to give this one by 5 or less as the Altar Boys begin a season of either very close wins or losses. The fact some Terrace Old Boys have considered hiring a skywriter to distract the Grammar team with quadratic equations in the Northgate skies is not a bad idea.


As not many arctic vortex's hit Samoa, I think this one goes to the Mountain Men hands down. Wearing multiple beanies may help the Bro's avoid head injuries but frozen limbs will be their issue, especially in the backs as that westerly rips over Old Boys oval. The strange smell of cow poo coming with that wind will make State High think they are the Carina Dome but the efforts of O'Farrell and Enfantie over the past couple of years have really seen the program come on and TGS will mhave the better attitude and apoplication at altitude to get up on the day. TGS by 10+


The banana peel game for both sides. Lose and the season is almost over before it has begun for IGS. Lose and the vultures circling to deride the 2014 team as not a patch on the cynically scholarshipped 2014 "premiers" at Churchie will get bigger and bigger. Support for the Churchie team will be depleted as Churchie dads stand guard at expensive rides to stop enterprising locals making a killing levering off high end hub caps. Churchie mums to also be distracted commenting to coiffured partners about how "last season" the outfits of the IGS mums are. I just hope the ref is watching the game. This will be close as ACGS have lost Qld flanker MacMillan and IGS are traditionally stronger at the start of the season rather than the end and will be playing at their Old Boys reunion day. i'm going to give this one to IGS by between 3-7 points.


Given that very few arctic vortex's hit Samoa, I'm thinking the Mountain Men will have the wood on the Bro's this week. Wearing multiple beanies

Murphys Law

Allen Oxlade (6)
This weekend
TSS by 10+ - With BBC injuries, I think TSS will have a blinder. BBC do have the players to step up, but I think it will be too hard against TSS this week. TSS backs look as slick as last year.

TGS by 10+ - TGS looked good on tape and will only get stronger - missed a few opportunities against the favourites in Nudgee - so this should be a win for them.

ACGS by 7 - from the tape, ACGS let themselves down and GT in the game. They have one of the best FH and IC & 8 in the comp IMO. If they can keep all players on the field and ball in hand they should win.

GT & BGS - draw - but if I have to pick I would say GT - by 5. They will take some confidence from last week that they can capitalise off mistakes. But in saying that BGS did better than I expected last week as well.


Billy Sheehan (19)
I think BBC have lost a front rower from last week as well, anyone got a BBC team list?

BBC missing 2 key players who are both Qld 2 Reps in Farrell at 2 and Simpson at 14.
Simpson is a big loss because he was earmarked to try and control TSS x factor in Riley.Prop from 2 nds is now hooker.
So it will be one hell of a scrum (2 tightheads off IGS) but lineouts could be wobbly like last year.


Cyril Towers (30)
BBC missing 2 key players who are both Qld 2 Reps in Farrell at 2 and Simpson at 14.
Simpson is a big loss because he was earmarked to try and control TSS x factor in Riley.Prop from 2 nds is now hooker.
So it will be one hell of a scrum (2 tightheads off IGS) but lineouts could be wobbly like last year.

Thanks Gungenia - a lot of people want to jump on the BBC injury band wagon - Philpotts is coach this year I imagine it's Lassman jumping in - kid plays all 3 front row positions so he will go okay.

Depth at BBC greatly improved the 2nds match v Ipswich was physical and entertaining despite reports to contrary.

It will be a battle Royale tmmrw but hard to tip BBC given the way they were routed by TSS last year despite being heavily fancied- Philpotts is an ex TSS captain of rugby - this game means a lot to him!!!

The Guru

Fred Wood (13)
Thanks Gungenia - a lot of people want to jump on the BBC injury band wagon - Philpotts is coach this year I imagine it's Lassman jumping in - kid plays all 3 front row positions so he will go okay.

Depth at BBC greatly improved the 2nds match v Ipswich was physical and entertaining despite reports to contrary

It will be a battle Royale tmmrw but hard to tip BBC given the way they were routed by TSS last year despite being heavily fancied- Philpotts is an ex TSS captain of rugby - this game means a lot to him!!!

not sure what you mean by " bandwagon" but team lists are out and BBC have 3 first choice players out
9 T Raoran
2 S Farrell qld 2
14 B Simpson qld 2

not sure who is now marking Riley but BBC wings will now be a weaker .
who will throw the ball in?


Cyril Towers (30)
Guru if that's correct Raoren (also q2) and QLD 7s will be sorely missed - it will be very interesting to see who replaces him.

Farrell - good game last week against Ma'afu a quality player when switched on as he was last week. Don't know who will throw ball in but Christensen plays across front row so perhaps he or Lassman if replacement can throw - it's been a worry for BBC for a long time - thankfully Farrell has almost 2 more years to go.

I don't think Simpson played last week either and when Verevis cut to halfback the new wing went ok.

It will be a tough game for BBC tmmrw - TSS have won 3 premierships in last 10 years - BBC 1 in 100years therein lies another big issue.

Jack Hardy

Frank Nicholson (4)
The T Raoren who is injured is Tony (9), the younger brother of Tiaontin (10). Not sure how many brothers have played 9 and 10 together in a First XV. It's a shame injury has prevented Tony playing alongside Tiaontin.


Cyril Towers (30)
Thank Jack but can anyone post this weeks BBC team?

It now appears BBC only down Christiansen from team that beat IGS.
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