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Qld Premier Rugby 2013

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Tigers Tale

...UQ actually have modelled themselves on sydney uni over the last few years and thats how they have managed to dramatically improve as a club over the last decade.

TD - can I question your comment about the Red Heavies dramatic improvement over the last decade - these stats from the last 20 years would paint a different picture - numbers don't lie my friend.

Last 20 years GF appearances ; L20 years P/ships; L10 years P/ships
Souths 7;4;0;
Easts 6;4;2;
Canberra 3;3;0;
Snbbnk 5;3;3
Uni 3;2;2;
Wests 4;1;1;
GC 5;1;1
Bros 4;1;1
GPS 2;1;0
S/Coast 1;0;0

I would say that given the number of talented colts which lob on Uni's door step each year simply because of the UQ factor I'd say the Red Heavies unlike your Sydeny cousins under perform rather than over perform at the Premier Grade level. Technically speaking yes 2 premierships in ten years is an improvement but only because you didn't win one in the previous decade.

And for my Magpie mates who like to throw the choker tag around the Tigers just note that we have won the same number of premierships in the last 20 years boys but also note that it has been over a decade since you last drank (2000 in fact) from the Hospital Cup. Chipsy Wood boys - Wests, Breakers & Brothers have won more premierships than you have in the last decade. It's time you boys got over the golden era. Reserve grade is nice but Premier grade is what counts. At least for their superiority complex the Filth have tasted HC success on one occasion in the last 10 years.


John Thornett (49)
Not good reading for GPS fans. Only realised this season how few trophies they have. Not rubbing it in, but I genuinely thought they had more Premierships.

But that is true about University.


John Thornett (49)
East Coast Aces & Tigerland 12 - Sean had an operation on his shoulder last week but if I quote the man himself "if I play rugby next year it will be for the Tigers and if I don't play I'll be Mull's assistant". (Mull - Easts Manager)

As for Sam he has commuted to training from the gold coast for two years so as for returning to the Gold Coast to live he never left & after the season he had culminating in a premiership I doubt he has aspirations to return to the Breakers.
Love it!

I don't know the boys, but they always seem to be enjoying themselves. They are two of the players who go unnoticed a lot of the time, but really do put in the hard yards.

Sean needs to be in the starting team somewhere next season. Whether that be at 12, wing or fullback. I suspect he'll get opportunities with Toua & Placid on representative duties.

Red Heavy

Billy Sheehan (19)
7 or 8 years ago Uni were at the bottom of the table in prems and only the colts doing well for the rest of the club.

Uni has now won the Dougherty shield 4 years in a row. I think nearly every grade on offer by the QRU has had at least one Uni team in the finals for the past 3 years.

The Uni prem grades side had its lowest finish to the regular season in the past 4 seasons this year when they came 3rd. (well equal 2nd but had a lesser for and against to easts)

I think TD was pretty close to the mark to say there has been improvements (and sustained ones at that)


Charlie Fox (21)
7 or 8 years ago Uni were at the bottom of the table in prems and only the colts doing well for the rest of the club.

Uni has now won the Dougherty shield 4 years in a row. I think nearly every grade on offer by the QRU has had at least one Uni team in the finals for the past 3 years.

The Uni prem grades side had its lowest finish to the regular season in the past 4 seasons this year when they came 3rd. (well equal 2nd but had a lesser for and against to easts)

I think TD was pretty close to the mark to say there has been improvements (and sustained ones at that)

I could be wrong, but I was told Uni only won the Dougherty Shield this year because they had 4x colts & a women's team.

This is a great effort undoubtedly, but doesn't represent like for like points accrual as no other club has 4x colts, & only a reduced number field a women's side.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Clubs go through ups and downs...That's probably the best way in describing it. Honestly Easts are going to be strong in the next couple of years along with Sunnybank and University.

I can feel it, there is an underlying Magpie squawk swirling in the air. They are building something down at Chipsy Wood. I wouldn't be surprised if Souths make the finals next year.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
I could be wrong, but I was told Uni only won the Dougherty Shield this year because they had 4x colts & a women's team.

This is a great effort undoubtedly, but doesn't represent like for like points accrual as no other club has 4x colts, & only a reduced number field a women's side.

Uni only receive Dougherty points for 1 of their Colts 2 teams.

The idea of the Club championship is to reward the most successful club across the board. All the clubs know how the points system works. If they choose not to field teams in some grades then they know it will reduce their chances of winning the Dougherty Shield. Why should it be made easier for clubs that don't field all the teams?

Red Heavy

Billy Sheehan (19)
I could be wrong, but I was told Uni only won the Dougherty Shield this year because they had 4x colts & a women's team.

This is a great effort undoubtedly, but doesn't represent like for like points accrual as no other club has 4x colts, & only a reduced number field a women's side.
Only one team per grade counts. So the highest finishing Uni colts 2 team goes towards the Dougherty and the other does not.

Uni also finished 100 points (or 25 wins) clear of 2nd and 160 points clear of 3rd. Both those clubs were only missing a womens team in comparison to Uni so even if you take out the ladies (which you never would) Uni still wins buy fair bit.


Sydney Middleton (9)
these stats from the last 20 years would paint a different picture - numbers don't lie my friend.
It's been said that you can prove anything with statistics except the truth. In the week to week grind of Premier Rugby I suggest that no team would ever consider a game against Uni to be anything less than a very, very tough prospect. Same goes for Souths. Just because they haven't won a premiership for a few years does not necessarily mean that they are underperforming. To me, a club is performing if it is providing an opportunity for its players to play to the best of their ability each week while developing them as footballers and (hopefully) as people. I'm not taking anything away from Easts' marvellous premiership win this year but I believe there are many more aspects to a "successful" season than winning the premiership. As Easts have found, sometimes it takes a number of years to develop a team with the right amount of experience, skill and depth to go all the way.

Great to see the results of Easts' trophy night on Saturday night. Particularly pleasing was the "Best Club Person" trophy going to Peter Mullins, manager of the Premier Grade side, a very worthy recipient who unselfishly delivers plenty to the club and to the players, week after week. I know every club has a few of these guys but Peter really deserves the accolades that come with such a prestigious award.

Now, when does the 2014 season start? Go Tigers!!!


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Speaking of the Dougherty Shield, Brothers haven't won it since the mid-90s. It's mainly due to one year having strong grades and weak colts numbers or vice versa. I reckon University win it because they seem to achieve at least a bonus point in each team in every round of fixtures. GPS and Souths will be the other contenders next year.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Shall be a glorious day!

Sorry FilthRugby :p

That's fine ha-ha, but Brothers really haven't had the Golden Run most people think. I mean 06, 08, 09, 11. 4 GF's. Prior to 06 however, Brothers didn't make a final for 15-20 years.
I heard that your young fly-half might be coming back to Crosby next year, SX. I honestly doubt it though.

Tigers Tale

I'm waiting for the Brothers demise. Lot of age in that premier squad.

SX - In the AFL they talk of Premiership windows - referring to the chance of winning a flag with a particular group of players.

Easts if they retain this years squad for a few years then they might get another Premiership in the next few years. They lose Butler to the Brumbies next year and Bertini/Parry may retire but if Ed Quirk managed to play some post S15 football for Easts that might cover that hole and they may not see as much of Toua in 2014 but the return of Mansell & possibly Shannon Walker will add depth to their already strong group of outside backs. Then in 2015 you'd think they might lose an Enever, Ready, Gunn, Placid to another Australian franchise but they need to bring on some existing colts to replace these guys and although their colts just missed the semis this year Gunn & Placid were not the only lads with talent in this years colts.

I think with Brothers that they may turn over a few old heads in the next year or so but despite failing to reach the Prem Colts grand final through excruciating circumstances (first try - joke) they probably had the most talented Premier Colts squad this year and they were big lads as well so I think maybe not next year but the following these guys will filter into their Premier Grade side and open up another premiership window for the Filth. I think it premature to be writing off the Filth SX.

I predict that regardless the Filth will still finish ahead of the Wests "Rugby Football" Bulldogs in 2014. In fact I am already to pick my top 4 for 2014 in no particular order - Easts, Souths, Uni & GPS - I think things are not so good out at Oldmac Oval and with no Adam W-H I don't see them having the glue to hold them together. On that amazing effort by AWH this year the bloke's knees are shot.

Will be interesting if Sam Greene heads to Crosby - that would certainly increase the male crowd numbers at Jack Ross Oval if the Greene family were to lob at Brothers in 2014. Filth need a replacement for Murphy at #10 if they are going to open another premiership window, because I don't think you win premierships without a good #10.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Will be interesting if Sam Greene heads to Crosby - that would certainly increase the male crowd numbers at Jack Ross Oval if the Greene family were to lob at Brothers in 2014. Filth need a replacement for Murphy at #10 if they are going to open another premiership window, because I don't think you win premierships without a good #10.

Good point you make there TT in regards to good #10s winning premierships. There was lots of talk down at GPS after the GF about how a standout #10 such as Brandon had much more influence over the game than the GPS #10 McWhirter who is no doubt a solid player but not a star.

If a young gun #10 such as Greene was being added to the Brothers backline where they have some great attacking threats out wide it would no doubt make them a premiership favourite imo.

It will be interesting to see whether there is an exodus of players from Wests for next season as surely there is going to be a revamp of the coaching program starting from the ground up with colts. I already know of a couple of Wests Prem Colts players from this year who will be making the stroll down to Yoku in 2014 to play grades rugby as the experience they've had at the Kennel has been less than impressive. Not having a dig at the club itself, I think the Doggies have some great blokes and great players but there is an obvious need to make some of the younger players happy so they can build up the strength of their teams in the future.

thierry dusautoir

Alan Cameron (40)
FilthRugby I doubt Greene would leave, the reason he has flourished like has has is due in part to the people he is surrounded with at wests.
TheBigDog I have been very aware of the colt situation for a while, and am aware that certain player are going to GPS. However these player were GPS juniors in the first place and where only here due to a certain tie with a person at the club who has now moved on.
The colts at west have been a problem for a few years, but this years crop was full of only of bottom age players bar one or two. From my understanding a large portion of these lads have re-signed.
Wests colts system will improve slowly but surely.


Nev Cottrell (35)
thierry dusautoir thats good news if some of the players have already re-committed but surely there is still a need for new coaching staff in the program. I know its hard for Wests in terms of player recruitment out of school as they are stuck between two larger and currently more successful clubs in UQ and GPS but having a good mentor and strong recruitment for next year would help.

East Coast Aces

Johnnie Wallace (23)
Easts have also had declining colts numbers. Unless this turns around next year our Premier Grade success will be short lived and the lower grades will go back to the dark days of 2012.


Arch Winning (36)
I've always thought that with Colts (and grades, for that matter) you don't take "re-signing" or "committing" to a club seriously until rego has been paid & comp games have been played. There is always a lot of talk about who is changing or staying at clubs, but given this is only a week after the GF it is possibly premature.

I know of players who have gone to a few clubs' preseason training sessions and then pick the one they are most comfortable at.

East Coast Aces I wish I could like your post more than once.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Was at the Wests award night last Friday & one of the recipients mentioned how he was proud that Wests don't pay for players (huge round of applause)

TheBigDog is right that one of our feeder schools BBC is located in between 2 big rivals in GPS & UQ and the success of those clubs & the idolising of young aspiring rugby players might get Enamoured at the payroll'd reds on the books at UQ & GPS.

I wish I knew how to fix Wests Colts but ill leave that to smarter men then I. But it's time to try something out of the box.
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