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Quade telling it how it is

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Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Wake up and read the post! Did say that? No I said that he made rugby exciting and fun not boring and negative!

See this is what I hate, this perception that the Reds are the Harlem Globetrotters of rugby, spinning the ball wide in their own 22, doing crazy tricks (ball under the jersey), and winning by 100 points every game while the audience whoop and cheer. Meanwhile the Wallabies are a stodgy mess where the backs barely ever see the ball. It's just patently untrue.

The Reds built their success on doing the basics well, not playing an outlandish brand of rugby. They were able to play a more expansive game (when it suited them mind you, not all the time- think games against Bulls and Stormers, and even the GF) because their forwards were mobile and competent.

There is no evidence at all to suggest Link made rugby more 'exciting' for Quade. The Wallabies aren't playing as expansive as the Reds did, undoubtedly. But you can't play that type of rugby at test level for 80 minutes like you might at super level, plain and simple.

And I would suggest the Wallabies were hardly 'boring and negative' against Argentina (where they frequently spun it wide), or in any game before that. FFS we have been complaining about grubbers in our own 22, how is that boring or negative?


Peter Johnson (47)
See this is what I hate, this perception that the Reds are the Harlem Globetrotters of rugby, spinning the ball wide in their own 22, doing crazy tricks (ball under the jersey), and winning by 100 points every game while the audience whoop and cheer.

You have to admit though when Ant pretended to be injured clutching the ball then Beau and Chibba ran out with the stretcher, picked him up and scurried to the try line to score, was pretty spectacular.


John Solomon (38)
Fuck me some of you people love to make Everest type mountains out of mole hills. This has become one giant bore.
This isn't the first time someone with celebrity status has made a tweet or two that they wish they hadn't and it won't be the last. Probably best to ignore the whole concept. People say shit all the time that they regret but being said it goes no further than those present, that's probably why he deleted it within a short period of typing, but with so many people with nothing better to do with their lives than to follow celebrity tweets it's out there for the world to see in no time at all and they all run with it like the good little sheeple they are, believing every hack media update in the process.
He's a fucking rugby player & all that matters to me is that he's out on the field entertaining me, which he can be very, very good at. What he thinks, says, does or eats is of absolutely no consequence to me what so ever.


Desmond Connor (43)
A whistleblower?
Using twitter?
If he had a pre conceived plan to expose the rotting carcass,any fool would understand the issue is too complex to be outlined in under 140 characters.
Why has he deleted the tweets, why is he in no comment mode?
The dumb prick had a moan on twitter and it has blown up in his face.
Otherwise he would have issued further statements clarifying his position,but instead he deletes the evidence.

Probably advised not to by the ARU & QRU, to minimize further damage such as all the posts here. I love my rugby, but seeing all the vilification in these posts is starting to turn me off forums - some of you on each side of the fence, get a life & move on. If I was a wallaby about to play a test against the Springboks and read this thread, I'd be wondering where my motivation is. I bet other nations followers of the Rugby Championship would be curious about our rantings - the way we are putting everything down.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Celebrities exploit twitter and other social media to promote themselves, stroke their egos and whatever else they want to do. It provides great benefit to the celebrity but it also carries the risk that they have to watch what they say.

When Quade Cooper tweets something, his 587,000 odd followers see it. If it's something controversial it will get published wider

Plenty of celebrities have had things they've said on twitter backfire spectacularly on them. That is the risk they have to accept if they want to use social media to promote themselves.


John Solomon (38)
That is absolutely true Braveheart, it still doesn't make it right to make mountains out of molehills. The debate this has created is far outweighed by what was said & then retracted.


Chilla Wilson (44)
I think we should wait and see what happens tomorrow night on the Rugby Club with Quade, And him being very quiet since this all started .He may have had a good think of how he has approached this outburst of his. He may even answer some question of why he did this......

But I do agree that the Wallabies are boring. And something is going on in there. Not just Quade but all our star players have had shocker for the Wallabies over the pass few years. I dont think the ARU understand youngers player of today.Stuck in there old fashion ways. They have skills to entertain but not aloud to be the player that they are.

I do reckon Quade is not the only one feeling this way. One moment your in the squad the next your dumped. His pet Players are always there and there fucken useless as well. Than they build another team around them in a week. Each week something has changed in the team.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I am curious if anyone besides Quade believe we are losing games such as those to Samoa, Ireland, the ABs (repeatedly) because we are not adventurous enough.
Or should I say "why" anyone believes that?
It seems to me that those critical losses, and the poor record in recent years against the ABs have been built around substandard execution of basic skills in core areas - lack of aggression and dynamism at the breakdown, passive defence, poor kicking and chasing. Yes, the back line play has been uninspiring a lot of the time. But I would wager that if we were winning the forward / set piece / defensive aggression battle, the backs probably would have done the job reasonably well. Constraining Quade, and anyone else, has not been the major stumbling block.
Sorry to interrupt the vitriolic ping-pong.

Lee Enfield

Jimmy Flynn (14)
I honestly think his heart was in the right place when he decided to tweet his feelings, but his head let him down on the best way to go about it. I think he was disapppointed and angry at his own performances, his injury, the Wallabies performances, Deans' comments, ARU negotiations and tweeted his thoughts whilst angry.
He subsequently retracted the tweets, when he had time to calm down and realise he made a blunder. Hopefully he has learnt a valuable lesson about putting the brain into gear before he puts his mouth (fingers) in motion. I know I am guilty of shooting off an angry email in the heat of the moment, to only wish I had walked away and calmed down before hitting send.
Unfortunately, his comments have distracted attention form the game this weekend and turned this into an argument about Quade. All the while the ARU keeps silent, hoping to slip under the radar to avoid having to deal with the problems within the ARU.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I honestly think his heart was in the right place when he decided to tweet his feelings, but his head let him down on the best way to go about it. I think he was disapppointed and angry at his own perfromances, his injury, the Wallabies performances, Deans' comments, ARU negotiations and tweeted his thoughts whilst angry.

He subsequently retracted the tweets, when he had time to calm down and realise he made a blunder. Hopefully he has learnt a valuable lesson about putting the brain into gear before he puts his mouth (fingers) in motion.

If he says this on the Rugby Club tomorrow night the ARU, his teammates and the Australian Rugby community would probably forgive him and move on. Hopefully he is contrite about it.

Unfortunately, his comments have distracted attention form the game this weekend and turned this into an argument about Quade. All the while the ARU keeps silent, hoping to slip under the radar to avoid having to deal with the problems within the ARU.

I would say this is exactly why the ARU is staying silent on the issue. There are far more important things to deal with in the upcoming 10 days than Quade Cooper's twitter comments.

Dealing with the problem will mean dealing with Quade Cooper. I guarantee that Quade Cooper's twitter comments won't be resulting in the board resigning, the coach being fired and whatever else some people seem to suggest should happen at the ARU as a result of Cooper's tweets 'highlighting clear problems'.


Lee, I think you are right - social media can be a dangerous carriage-way for young people. Often the ramifications are not seen until others start commenting. Thank God I am an old prick who cannot use


Dave Cowper (27)
I am curious if anyone besides Quade believe we are losing games such as those to Samoa, Ireland, the ABs (repeatedly) because we are not adventurous enough.
Or should I say "why" anyone believes that?
It seems to me that those critical losses, and the poor record in recent years against the ABs have been built around substandard execution of basic skills in core areas - lack of aggression and dynamism at the breakdown, passive defence, poor kicking and chasing. Yes, the back line play has been uninspiring a lot of the time. But I would wager that if we were winning the forward / set piece / defensive aggression battle, the backs probably would have done the job reasonably well. Constraining Quade, and anyone else, has not been the major stumbling block.
Sorry to interrupt the vitriolic ping-pong.

I have to say that this was my reaction too. Just taking the losses against NZ in isolation I certainly wouldn't say that the problem was a lack of adventure. On the contrary, I can remember a few times where the Wallabies tried to play too much rugby in their own territory. I can also remember a hell of a lot of "adventurous" kicks that would have been better off just going 50 metres down field. Some of it (perhaps even most of it) hasn't been executed well, but it is far too simplistic to say the problem is a lack of adventure.


Phil Kearns (64)
Poor execution is our problem, not a lack of adventure. We just make too many mistakes, particularly in attack.

Not sure why. Any thoughts?


Andrew Slack (58)
If Quade or anyone else is upset about what Deans said they have a terribly thin skin and must spend a lot of time out of their lives feeling upset and aggrieved and horrible hard done by in their toxic surroundings.

"So you benched him because he played like shite."

"Yup, I reckon"

Not far from:

"Sorry sir I didn't hear you ask for the skimmed Latte, that's full fat. Let me make you another one."

"Shut up. You have done me bad in this toxic place. I am greatly agrrieved. I'm tweeting biatch."


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Quade will be welcomed back to Wallabies, says Deans

Deans was reticent to discuss the Cooper issue, but indicated that the player was certainly not on the outer.

Deans said he preferred not to comment on Cooper's remarks.

"I have no interest in creating any further distractions," Deans said today.

"But it hasn't been a distraction for the [Wallabies] playing group, to be fair."

Deans said that earlier today he had sent Cooper a text message 'to wish him well for his operation' on his injured knee.

When asked if he could see Cooper being 'welcomed back' into the Wallabies camp, Deans replied: "Absolutely."


Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
and this just in - I sense some distance being put between QC (Quade Cooper) and Carmichael - but no doubt alternative views will foster another 33 pages.
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