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Reds 2015

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Jimmy Flynn (14)
Did anyone notice the former GPS premiers coach in the Reds coaching box yesterday? I can't remember his name but he is a young bloke.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Peter Wilkins? He's the defence coach and was part of the Reds coaching team when assisting with GPS Premiers.

Has been part of the set up since 2012 (did a little analysis work in 2011).


Tony Shaw (54)
Was it just me or was there something different about the game on the weekend? We appeared more organised, we seemed to be playing flatter and well we were in with a chance of toppling one of the best teams in the comp with 20 to go.

It would be interesting to know if some sort of coaching consultant (Knuckles or whoever) has been brought in already as it really seemed to me a least that there was some sort of turn around.

NB: I said 'more' organised and 'flatter'. I didn't say we were organised etc. Just a noticeable improvement in those regards.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
One thing I noticed was that Genia's habit of stepping across field (and backwards) when passing the ball from the breakdown increased as the game wore on and the Reds backline penetration suffered as a result.

It was definitely one of the better performances by the Reds this season. They've improved a lot in the last few weeks.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Scoey, if you isolate the three tries, they were really excellently executed pieces of play with wonderful lead up (other than a couple of ropey passes in the 2nd try). However the rest of the game...

Train Without a Station

Forwards held their own or even better put less pressure on Genia. Backs looked to standing a bit flatter but still no real plan. Get the ball to Samu and hope for the best.

Whilst I did notice players actually committing defenders more and therefore putting players outside them into space, there was still the element of get it to one of the superstars and home they step 2 blokes, break a tackle and carrying 2 more defenders over the try line.

Too often we went too many phases of forward ball without getting anywhere, rather than using forward ball to create quick phase play, suck in defenders then exploit overlaps by getting it quickly to the backs. Currently it seems to be once the forwards stop being effective, and the advantage for the backline is exhausted, then we go to the backs.

Also does anybody understand, why the fuck, we are lining up so poorly on defensive scrums? In the 2nd half we set a scrum, when the 7 forwards ended up tearing the 'Canes to shreds and I think Genia picked it up and ran. On that scrum, CFS was on the left marked up on a winger, Kerevi on his inside marked up, and then Frisby marking space. Then on the right side of the scrum, we had Taps on Nonu, Turner on a player, Kuridrani on a player and their winger open.

Why the fuck are they setting like this on defense? It makes absolutely zero sense for Frisby to be marking nobody whilst there is a winger free. They seem to repeatedly set up like this and we were just lucky it wasn't exploited for an easy try.


Tony Shaw (54)
Peter Wilkins? He's the defence coach and was part of the Reds coaching team when assisting with GPS Premiers.

Has been part of the set up since 2012 (did a little analysis work in 2011).

Another very bad choice at S15 level as Assistant Coach for defence, demonstrably so.

The Reds in 2015 have so far conceded an average of 26.1 points per game played. The Cheetahs are the only worse team on that stat with 30.0 but their points won average is 20.4 whereas the Reds' average for same is by far the worst in the S15 with an appalling 13.0. For any team playing 10 games so far this season our PD at -131 is by far the worst of all 15 teams.

(I vividly recall one of my 'favourite' Graham-isms whereby at the end of the 2014 season he said something that took the breath away: 'this season I guess we focussed on attack so much we sort of neglected focussing on defence.' As if defence was sorta kinda optional and it was understandable to perhaps 'forget about it' for a whole season. A well-run management above would likely have sacked a head coach for that sort of extraordinary admission re an entire season's outcome.)

By ANY standard, for a team that won the comp in 2011 and was in the finals for the following 2 years to have the type of stats we have above after 10 games is simply and conclusively totally unacceptable and deplorable.


Tony Shaw (54)
.....and another thing: some weeks back when R McCall Chairman of the QRU was excusing RG re a very poor season start and really bad losses v Tahs etc on the grounds of 'so many injured players', he went on say that RG would much more fairly be assessed when more core players came back and thus he'd be assessed upon the 'next 5 games' between the two byes.

OK: those 5 games: 1 win, 4 losses. 20% hit rate.


Tony Shaw (54)
One thing I noticed was that Genia's habit of stepping across field (and backwards) when passing the ball from the breakdown increased as the game wore on and the Reds backline penetration suffered as a result.

It was definitely one of the better performances by the Reds this season. They've improved a lot in the last few weeks.

An incidental point along the way: I have to say that for a player thrown into the deep end as a 10 ring-in for QC (Quade Cooper) and having barely ever played there at elite level, relative to that history Frisby gave a quite decent performance v the Canes and such was one reason the whole team performed just that bit better.


Tony Shaw (54)
I'm beginning to get the dreadful feeling that Graham will be back at Ballymore next year on some form of a new deal

Yes, as I've sadly had cause to say here and before, I think that horror-show scenario remains a distinct possibility. If so, the script from the QRU PR machine will run something like this:

"Reviewing the 2015 season in depth, the Reds coaching group had to grapple with a very demanding combination of a terrible injury toll early in the season combined with the always-difficult task of inducting a number of new players into the team as it's been evolving.

"The QRU recognises that the 2015 season has not achieved the high expectations of Reds' fans, however, the Reds coaching group faced many unique obstacles to success, obstacles unlikely to recur in such a way in future.

"Accordingly, the QRU has decided that the correct way forward for 2016 is to provide enhanced senior and highly experienced elite coaching support to Richard Graham, noting what an excellent role Richard has played in bringing on exceptional young Reds talent like Kerevi, Frisby and Korcyzk and also recruiting world-class new Reds players like O'Connor and Thompson.

"This week, at season close, we are announcing that Mr XYZ has joined the Reds as Director of Rugby and the High-Performance Unit and he will provide mentorship and enhanced technical guidance to Richard Graham as Head Coach. XYZ is delighted to be associated with one of Australia's leading rugby franchises and much looks forward to developing the entire Reds team and coaching capability and returning the team to the top of the S18 ladder in 2016".


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Peter Wilkins? He's the defence coach and was part of the Reds coaching team when assisting with GPS Premiers.

Has been part of the set up since 2012 (did a little analysis work in 2011).

No I spoke with a mate from GPS and his name is Shane Arnold.


Arch Winning (36)
Yes, as I've sadly had cause to say here and before, I think that horror-show scenario remains a distinct possibility. If so, the script from the QRU PR machine will run something like this:

"Reviewing the 2015 season in depth, the Reds coaching group had to grapple with a very demanding combination of a terrible injury toll early in the season combined with the always-difficult task of inducting a number of new players into the team as it's been evolving.
"This week, at season close, we are announcing that Mr XYZ has joined the Reds as Director of Rugby and the High-Performance Unit and he will provide mentorship and enhanced technical guidance to Richard Graham as Head Coach. XYZ is delighted to be associated with one of Australia's leading rugby franchises and much looks forward to developing the entire Reds team and coaching capability and returning the team to the top of the S18 ladder in 2016".

(cropped for space)

That is eerie RH - you should flag this post and pull it out when the announcement is made so you can compare the two statements.


Tony Shaw (54)
In case it hasn't been covered yet, Browning is confirmed gone for the season and Daley may be gone for good after his shoulder dislocation last week.


Alan Cameron (40)
Cat, they'll not rip him off word for word, just like any good University essay, they'll change a word here and there so they don't have to worry about having to referencing to much(referencing is painful after all).

But I am worried the horror show will go on as well (I even expect it). The QRU have a long history of bullshit excuses. Remember the Eddie Jones excuses? Many have been recycled for this current setup.


John Hipwell (52)
Damn, that is terrible for Daley if it eventuates. 4 doctors to fix a dislocated shoulder must be terrible stuff.


Alan Cameron (40)
I think the players would hide their faces too

We could run out with these on. Might be a good compromise, for Woody to stay the player will want to be anonymous. And like Rey, they could change their real names to stage names like Pickle Mysterio Jr



Ken Catchpole (46)
"Reviewing the 2015 season in depth, the Reds coaching group had to grapple with a very demanding combination of a terrible injury toll early in the season combined with the always-difficult task of inducting a number of new players into the team as it's been evolving.

That whole post is fantastic prose. Well done.
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