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Reds 2015

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John Hipwell (52)
Taking this list from the first post of the 2014 thread (thanks Troy). Amended with the best info I can find. Let me know if it needs updating or if someone can verify those guys that I could not find anything concrete on.

Safe (2015+)
Ben Daley - 2013 2016
Will Genia - 2015
Liam Gill - 2013 2015
James Hanson - 2013 2015
James Horwill - 2013 Forever - legend.
Rob Simmons - 2013 2015
Aidan Toua - 2015
Beau Robinson - 2013 2015
Albert Anae - 2015
James Slipper - 2013 2015
David McDuling - 2014 2015
Curtis Browning - 2015
JJ Taulagi - 2014 2015

This year
Quade Cooper - 2014
Rod Davies - 2014
Ant Fainga'a - 2013 2014
Saia Fainga'a - 2013 2014
Michael Harris - *2013 2014
Jake Schatz - 2014
Dom Shipperley - 2014
Chris Feauai-Sautia - 2014
Ben Tapuai - 2014
Jono Owen - 2014
Lachie Turner - 2014

Nick Frisby
Greg Holmes
Ben Lucas
Eddie Quirk - 2014?
Ed ODonoghue - 2014?


Jim Clark (26)
Was just wondering about this today, nice one.

Quite a few re-signing's in the news over the Padt few weeks for other teams, I'm guessing/hoping we'll hear more when they return from NZ

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John Thornett (49)
James Horwill - 2013 Forever - legend.


Toua has so far to come to justify any other extensions on his contract that I just don't see it happening. He's dangerous with ball in hand..when it stays there, but that's really all he has going for him. He's so visibly deficient in vital areas of what makes a good 15 that it really hamstrings us to have him there.

We need to really start going to Mogg (when is his contract up?) unless some other gun 15 hits the market.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Heard a few of the squad will be off to France next year. Time for a bit a of a reshuffle in my view.
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John Thornett (49)
Heard a few of the squad will be off to France next year. Time for a bit a of a reshuffle in my view.

So possibly the likes of Holmes, Faingga Twins, Davies, Lucas?

I think it's time as well. As good as these players have been for us through the years, for some it might be time to search for other opportunities.

Would be hard to see Holemsie go though, great Reds player. Hopefully he stays around and helps blood Parraka and Kite.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Holmes has always stated he's a one club man. He deserves the money, but I wonder if he'd be happy to go back to the farm once his playing days edit: at the Reds are over.

Aussie D

Bob Davidson (42)
How long does Richard Graham have on his contract? Will that have any impact on players staying or going?


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
They aren't the only ones. A couple of other players are looking at all offers.


John Hipwell (52)
As long as those that go are replaced with at least a couple of players with equal or more experience things should be fine.

In order of importance to keep:

As for the Faingaas, Schipperley, Davies & Schatz; they seem to have hit a wall as far as development goes and some have gone backwards on what they offered a 2-3 years ago.

Positions to go for:
Fullback - Mogg, JOC (James O'Connor) would add a considerble amount on what has been on show so far (he had to be brought up eventually)
Backrow - hopefully Browning will be good to start from next year. Look at Luke Jones as well.
Prop - PAE

How about we get onto the Rebels and organise to trade Harris and the Faingaas for Jones and PAE?
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