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Reds 2015

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Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Fair enough. I'd expect we'll see others Lucas, I mean looking elsewhere. It's their entitlement.


Steve Williams (59)
Holmes has always stated he's a one club man. He deserves the money, but I wonder if he'd be happy to go back to the farm once his playing days edit: at the Reds are over.
He's a loyal player and should still have a place with the Reds. Whether he stays or chases the cash OS - either would be fine.

The Reds need to bolster their prop stocks, though, so Holmes might not be starting as much. Retaining his experience would still be a good option.

Overall, I'd reckon the Reds could be looking to move around 6-8 players.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Wayne Bennett always believed that at least a 10% turnover in squad playing stocks per year is important or the team gets stale. Never been sure I agreed, but I would say that little turnover can result in little competition for spots which can cause compacency.

I am hoping that the Reds look all around for their replacements, as it sounds like too many will be leaving to rely on recruitment from within.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
10% is only 3.5 players in a current Super Rugby squad. That's bugger all. You'd struggle not to have that much change even if you tried to keep every single player.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Yeah, 10% seems small, pretty sure the actual percentage was higher. Can anyone recall the number?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The optimal level surely has to be higher than that.

10% turnover implies that the average player lasts 10 years in your organisation.

20% turnover would probably be more appropriate and likely.

The Reds lost 7 players this year from their 2013 squad (including one EPS) so that is bang on 20%.
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Jim Clark (26)
mate not a huge fan of Deans coming to the reds. i think JOC (James O'Connor) could definitely add value. a backline of genia, quade, taps, cfs, JOC (James O'Connor) & two wingers would be good!

add browning as our big ball running 8 into the mix and 2015 isnt looking too bad.

new coach necessary, especially after tonight


Allen Oxlade (6)
Does woody need more time? Has he shown that he is not up to scratch? Does he need his own recruiting dtive freshen stocks and enact his methods? IMO publicly he seems too content with mediocrity. He needs to be more ruthless and demand more perfection.

Train Without a Station

A couple more performances like this and he is going to find it difficult to justify his position and what he's bringing to the team.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Methinks the fans will have the knives out for Graham if things don't improve soon.

We'll see what the board does, though. Remember that Graham was Carmichael's appointment. We'll see if Carmichael will admit it was a mistake or not.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I would like to see the reds review some of their players with respect to injuries and their return on the investment.

There are some promising players in that list, but tbh, some of them (Toua and Turner definitely and CFS to a lesser extent), really do spend an unusually long time off the field.

We seem to keep letting guys leave who want to play, but keeping guys who just keep breaking down.


Greg Davis (50)
It's not so much that the Reds aren't winning, but it's the fact that we don't even turn up in a state to compete. Constantly we give teams huge head starts or get pasted like we did tonight.

As I was rightly corrected in the Reds vs Blues match thread, Dick is the defensive coach. So that's clearly failed right there. He's some how turned guys who haven't had any issues with defending in the past three years to probably the worst in the competition.

If he was the defensive coach alone and not the head coach, would there be any debate on whether to keep him around again?


Tony Shaw (54)
It's not so much that the Reds aren't winning, but it's the fact that we don't even turn up in a state to compete. Constantly we give teams huge head starts or get pasted like we did tonight.

As I was rightly corrected in the Reds vs Blues match thread, Dick is the defensive coach. So that's clearly failed right there. He's some how turned guys who haven't had any issues with defending in the past three years to probably the worst in the competition.

If he was the defensive coach alone and not the head coach, would there be any debate on whether to keep him around again?

Ash has referred to the key issue above, and I have on other occasions here:

Whilst the choosing of RG was a quite extraordinarily opaque and unexplained process, it was the clear handiwork of the QRU's most senior corporate players, namely Link, Jim Carmichael and Rod McCall.

For the latter two to now admit a humongous error of both tactical and strategic judgement is going to require the ultimate articulation of a journey from rampant hubris in early 2012 (when 'dynasties' and 'calls to greatness' were the public norm) to very public humility in mid-2014 (when bottom of the S15 table is the likely public norm).

That journey - brokered by human frailty and ego - typically takes some time to unfold.


Ted Thorn (20)
I believe Red’s problems have been complacency and the Reds College at expense of EPS. The other franchises have used their 5 EPS spots to promote talent whilst the Reds haven’t used two positions. The scrum is perceived as the weakest or equal worst in Australia and probably Super 15. Yet the only one I would punt is Daley. Anae needs more game time. I am concerned that the answer appears that importing six test fringe players to improve the Reds and not player development. Some of these would be coming to compete with ex -test or Wallaby fringe player, this may scare or indicate there is no place for the next level. I would rule out signing PAE, Jones, Mogg. I would look to sign Pettowa Paraka, Maile Nguamo, Tom Staniforth, Jack Payne, Tim Cree, Scott Gale, Tom Matthews, Jim Stewart, Andrew Robinson, Tom Banks and Jonah Placid. It is strange that half of these are locals. Why wait for them to leave and then get good enough to be deserving of a Reds jersey. The upcoming IRB WRC U20 and this years NRC will be vital.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
Safe (2015+)

Albert Anae - 2015

David McDuling - 2014 2015
Curtis Browning - 2015
JJ Taulagi - 2014 2015
If this is the case then I cant see any reason for these player not to start every game for the rest of the season. We need to plan for the future.

We need to have players with some experience and an idea of what they need to improve.

I would also give Frisby at least 40 minutes a game, we need to know if he will live up to his U20 Wallabies selection. Is he going to be a fullback or a halfback?


Billy Sheehan (19)
You mean we have to go through the quade will he won't he crap again..
I think we had the first shot fired across the bow on Thursday night on Rugby HQ. Georgina Robinson stated she has heard "whispers" that QC (Quade Cooper) was not happy with things at the reds. She did not elaborate on source or details. No doubt with the form of his manager of recent, we are looking at another drawn out tactical negotiation with all the elements of intrigue of an episode of benny hill.


Michael Lynagh (62)
If some of those key players are upset as rumours say and Graham is still coach next year, we may lose some for 2015.

Losing, say, three of of QC (Quade Cooper) / CFS / Taps / Shipperley / Harris would be bad, particularly if one is QC (Quade Cooper).

A weakened roster and Graham still coach?

I am a bit scared for 2015 right now.
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