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Reds 2016

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Ken Catchpole (46)
Im not sure if we are going to win the next Super Rugby season but at least we will be competitive in a WWE tournament:



John Thornett (49)
Not excited about Nabuli.

We need real pace in the backs (and have for a while), not something he really has at any especially significant level. He's not slow but he's nowhere near the Rod Davies/Digby Ioane type "flyer" we have been sorely missing for so long.

Seems to have a reputation for being a very poor defender but I haven't seen enough of him to make a judgement on that myself - not encouraging, though.


Tim Horan (67)
In carefully filtered and 'fair-use-only' selected comments from Wayne Smith writing in tomorrow's The Australian, some interesting input from Smith is below.


Thanks RH. Your URL got me past the pay wall. Very interesting.

Smith has come across as something of a QRU/Reds management lackey for some time. Very interesting that he is choosing this position. Either he genuinely supports the Reds and is as irritated as we are, so stuff maintaining his contacts. OR he is using the same contacts and someone with knowledge is fighting the fight we want fought. (Or both, which seems likely to me.)

If the latter, GO THAT MAN!

If they are looking for righteous indignation from the fans, listen up Reds! I am WAY BEYOND righteous indignation.

At this point, even if RG, in some kind of "Bradley victory", is technically the better - no, "least worse" - candidate, it is still relationship (players) and political (fans) suicide.

Seriously time to suck it up and decide on an alternative.


Mark Ella (57)
On a different topic, the QRU/Reds have been planning for some time a crack at the world record for the worlds biggest scrum. The attempt was planned to occur at Ballymore on the weekend of 19/20 September at the Brisbane City home game.

Looks like Fox Sports are going to try and get in first pre Bledisloe with an attempt of their own. Nice work Fox Sports. Really struggling for an original idea I see. o_O

Every Reds fan to engage against the Reds admin and RG. We may still be able to drive them out yet.


Bill Watson (15)
The only way to engage the Reds admin and remove RG is to send an email to the Reds requesting the cancellation of your membership and the confirmation that you are not renewing with a short note as to why you made this decision.

If enough people do that, then by the end of year the Reds may have received enough of these notices and cancellations that they panic and sack RG. Then we can all renew our memberships early next year.

Yes I know one does not "cancel" ones membership - but it sounds better in an email.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
No problem if JOC (James O'Connor) goes back to Toulon, I'm sure we'll find a new fullback.

Word has it the QRU has sent the newly formed High Performance Unit to the same Fijian Hotel Nabuli was working at to check the rest of the staff to see if anyone else has similar potential.

Apprarently Freddie Fittler also rated the Cocktail Barman and one of the Kitchen Hands highly.
It actually would be a good idea to send scouts to Sigatoka every year.

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk


Tony Shaw (54)
Thanks RH. Your URL got me past the pay wall. Very interesting.

Smith has come across as something of a QRU/Reds management lackey for some time. Very interesting that he is choosing this position. Either he genuinely supports the Reds and is as irritated as we are, so stuff maintaining his contacts. OR he is using the same contacts and someone with knowledge is fighting the fight we want fought. (Or both, which seems likely to me.)

If the latter, GO THAT MAN!


dru, no doubt, Smith has for a long time been like a PR extension of Ballmore's latest 'messaging' strategies. Accordingly, he could properly be accused of wild inconsistencies in approach - just one example during the Link era at the Reds was his regular and quite heavy critiquing of Deans and the ARU wrt to Deans, but when dealing with an even worse coach who's been just as inexplicably indulged, our own RG, his assessment has been far more mooted, unjustifiably so. Thus, the underlying pattern is clear.

It's a great pity because he's actually an intelligent and astute sports journalist when he is and can be objective and untainted by biassing 'feeder' relationships.

However, people who know Smith tell me - and this confirms your point - that even the Ballymore-tethered Smith has become aghast at RG's poor coaching, man management and attitude and further at the QRU's extraordinarily obscure and disingenuous HC 'search and selection' process that everyone suspects is none of properly pro-active (in terms of truthfully searching out the best candidates), genuine in intent (in terms of really finding the best Reds HC), open (in terms of truthfully explaining what's really going on in the process) or thorough (in terms of using rigorous selection criteria, full track record assessment, and so on).

Ballymore has relied on Smith and the sad, hapless Jim Tucker to largely trumpet the type of loyalty they want, but I think Smith may have reached his limit and so at long last we start to see mild rebukes and ironic references to QRU goings on.

Finally, it's also the case that there are now strongly varying opinions within the senior QRU hierarchy re the whole RG retention matter. After hearing with passion from almost all 2015 Reds players that RG is a dud, it's believed that the QRU CEO has finally (!) recognised that HC change is essential, but that the notoriously staunch QLD rugby old-boy network within the QRU - personified by the QRU Chairman - has, incredibly, continued to buy RG's excuses and believe he 'deserves' another chance 'free of 2015's horrendous injuries and with a younger. more supportive squad'. These differences have further muddied an already ramshackle and amateur-era-like Reds HC 'selection' process.

We should know soon enough if the QRU is sincere in its marketing of the view that it 'solely serves its stakeholders' or, as is more typical of unreformed Aus rugby elites, what this really means is that it defines itself as the most important stakeholder of all.
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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Has anyone seen an advertisement for the Head Coach Role at Reds? ... ... ... ... ... anywhere ... .. ... .. Linked in, Seek.com, sporple.com, Rugby news, any web site - employment or rugby related?

Are candidates being considered by invitation only?

Apart from the names being banded around on here, has any of those names actually and genuinely applied for the gig? Is there any actual process underway to select a new HC or is this just some obfuscation to reappoint RG?


Greg Davis (50)
Has anyone seen an advertisement for the Head Coach Role at Reds? . . . . . anywhere . .. . .. Linked in, Seek.com, sporple.com, Rugby news, any web site - employment or rugby related?

I can't imagine there would be a job advert, last month they only called for EOI's.


As such a committee will be formed and the QRU will call for any final expressions of interest in the roles of Head Coach and Attack and Defence Coach with a view to finalising those appointments early next month.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
I believe we will have our HC confirmed this week.

I don't believe interviews with other candidates were conducted.


John Hipwell (52)
I believe we will have our HC confirmed this week.

I don't believe interviews with other candidates were conducted.

I am hearing* it will be Sunday morning after we win the Bledisloe. The board hope the announcement will be lost in the hype around two concurrent wins over the old foe for the first time in living memory that most people won't even realise until February that RG is still around.

*no, i am not.


Alan Cameron (40)
I guess they think we will pony up no matter what they do.

Last year they had a player ring my father a few times asking why he didn't renew. He said he found the commute from Bribie difficult.

I wonder if they'll have the players ring this year asking why people aren't renewing? Might help if we ask to be put through to the supervisor and tell RG directly why we not renewing.


Dave Cowper (27)
Are we excited about any fringe prospects from the QLD NRC to fill a spot or 2?

Third choice hooker is a worry. They have signed A. Mafi (20yrs old) for 3 seasons and it looks as though it will push older brother M. Mafi out of the Reds to France with Pro D2 side Dax. That will definately add to the Reds woes, depth will be a big worry especially if Fainga'a goes down


Chris McKivat (8)
Reds are still a bit short on 'big men'in our depth, with our younger players like korcyzke, paraka, browning etc not exactly being physically the most dominant in their positions.

Really glad we got Tui to get developed as a lock behind simmons douglas and neville, hope he gets some solid game time.

Few guys I'm interested to see in the NRC is (purely for the fact I think we are investing a lot in young players, but still short on 'go forward' potential.

- 2013 Aus un20 prop Fotuaika @ 186cm & 135kg
- Lock Richie Arnold @ 208cm & 127kg
- Ex ITM un20 6/8 Sikuea @ 196cm & 120kg.
- Brothers prems no.8 Criff Tupou @ 186cm & 119kg.
- Paramatta Eels & Aus un20 centre Churchie boy Henry Taefu @ 100kg
- Ex Brumby OC/Wing Stephan Van Der Walt @ 192cm & 98kg
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