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Rugby 7s general chat


John Thornett (49)
I see DT and Foxsports leading with the heading that Stannard provoked the guy who king hit him, despite witnesses saying no such thing happened.

I was king hit in a pub by a stranger. In court his lawyer claimed I was harressing one of his female friends and the defendant was ‘defending her honour’. Complete and utter bullshit. He was just a drunk violent idiot that wanted to hurt someone.

Interested to see how this pans out.

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David Codey (61)
^^^^^^^I've heard a version that's unflattering to Stannard, but that's irrelevant IMO.
Provocation does not excuse a coward punch.

If the guy hit him from behind, he's done.

Ps, hope you weren't badly hurt in your incident.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
^^^^yep, couldn't get their stories straight.
But they weren't pissed.....

Who were the mugs who gave Friend his new job?
Obviously have no internet.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Awesome, let’s hope he turns out to be a good player. Not sure what his rugby background is or league for the matter. Hopefully he has some core skills like tackling and passing. The thing the US had with Baker and Isles was that both had an exceptional background of contacts sports with American Football. Baker was signed to the NFL and Isles was a high school star.

Shame they have lost Porch to Connacht.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Awesome, let’s hope he turns out to be a good player. Not sure what his rugby background is or league for the matter. Hopefully he has some core skills like tackling and passing. The thing the US had with Baker and Isles was that both had an exceptional background of contacts sports with American Football. Baker was signed to the NFL and Isles was a high school star.

He apparently played league and union as a kid and trialled (unsuccessfully) with the Broncos and Cowboys before focusing on sprinting.


Michael Lynagh (62)
If he can deliver what Perry and Isles can deliver on the field he will attract a new huge fan base to Aussie Rugby 7's - watching Perry and Isles in 7's is just pure entertainment watching the quality of them burning players with their speed and turn of pace.

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David Codey (61)
Isles was a liability for years, a shameless showboater that was a net negative in most games he played in.

But I agree he’s been better this year.


David Codey (61)
I would take either- Isles has been fab this 7's season with Perry out.

First year where he's seemed comfortable with the general play. Baker actually had been playing for a couple of seasons before making the 7s squad. So, hopefully Williams is more Baker than Isles from the get go as Baker is more complete to the point where he was players of the series last year.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Bit of a shame that Eddie Osei-Nketia looks set to be lost back to NZ. Just turned 18, bit of a giant and speed to burn. Has been living in Oz for years but there's a bit of a Trans-Tasman tug of war happening now. Won the 100m at this year's Australian titles.

If Aussie 7s had managed to get both Williams & Eddie they'd be very tough to catch. Maybe Hoilesy or whoever got Trae to sign should phone Eddie asap.



Jim Lenehan (48)
Going to get my rant in early. Again, the 7s will only be shown on Kayo (well Saturday’s play).

Once again, ignoring those that pay twice the amount of Kayo subscribers. It’s ridiculous and a clear indication of what is wrong with some things in our game. Why can’t it be played on both platforms?