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Rugby and the dismal failure of The Meat Machine

How badly has rugby wrecked your meat machine?

  • I can walk but it looks like something's stuck up my bumcrack when I do

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • I have brain damage but I'm doing my best, shut up you cold-hearted prick.

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Mornings are crippled nonsense time but I'm fine by about 6pm.

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • I'm like Brad Thorn, that being I'm made of concrete, that being I'm not a whinging sook like you

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Prefer not to say.

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • A but not C

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Go Blues

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Luke Braid-Whitelock for President

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Blues 4 Life

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
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Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
How badly has rugby fucked up your shit? Who has the most rugby injuries? To what extent is all of your shit falling apart? Lay out all the grisly details here. A doctor will be along shortly to assist your gimpy blind fat arse. I was so bored I made my wee graph for mine. Fucked from the knees down to complement gammy shoulder from crappy tackle attempt in 1987, snapped middle finger bone (fielding high ball on frozen morning, one of those old 80's balls that weighed about 3 kg) and two crakced ribs yeah backs injuires whatevcer ok

My Actual Legs


Greg Davis (50)
Buggered knees, although rugby probably just exacerbated the existing problems (osteochondritis dissecans for the MDs around here).

Busted my nose a few times.

Injured my neck in my last game and never had it checked out. Still dealing with cricks and stiffness.

Loose shoulder.

I walk like an old man, have had the knees operated on thrice and am realistically waiting as long as possible before I front up again.


John Thornett (49)
Severe ACL rupture when I was 15, and that was more or less that as far as competitive rugby was concerned. Stairs and steep declines generally aren't much fun.


Colin Windon (37)
My neck blows up a treat on occasion and the old back winces at the very thought of packing down a scrum. I definitely do not miss playing in my old age!


George Gregan (70)
Left shoulder will never quite be the same after years of propping, mostly at loosehead after reaching above my head for years.

Lower back copped it quite a bit but always stood up to propping, until I started to lift weights! Split disc doing military press for too many reps. I blame propping.

Left achilles just stopped at one point - was a twisted spinal sheath. Finally got that sorted out but an old rolled ankle there still gives me trouble.

But was fun.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Caved my head in on the corner of the dunny block playing touch footy in the playground, aged 9. It was like the Crimean War - blood everywhere. Scored a few days off school though!
Had a bit of Osgood-Schlatter's in mid-teens - did a lot of sprinting too so probably had a bit to do with it.
Got knocked out a couple of times towards the end of my schoolboy rugby time.
Few dorked thumbs, pulled hammies and scalp lacerations, but thankfully most things still work.


Peter Sullivan (51)
when playing seriously, AC joint, Sternoclavicular joint, Rib fractures, some sutures, broken nose, broken tooth complicated by an apical abcess (worst pain ever, needle up through the roof of my mouth), a concussion, a hammy or two. then when playing in the world masters a few years ago, ruptured biceps, achilles tendonitis and a hammy.
generally very stiff and sore on cold mornings but most of the time everything works. as a radiologist told me once, "you have the back and hips of a man who has played contact sport", still wish i could.


John Thornett (49)
Fair share of broken fingers and nose breaks from competing on the ground and occasionally tackling with my face like an idiot.

Two pretty memorable concussions, one where I lost my color vision for a few moments and nearly pissed myself.

Incident competing for a high ball that resulted in compression fractures in my lumbar spine on top of exaggerating a pair of herniations I was trying to play through until the end of that season sorta ended things for me. No cord damage, just a lot of chronic pain which has eased up over time.

A good stretch in the morning and at night + some regular prehab/rehab work has made things pretty manageable from a day-to-day perspective. Not sure if I'll ever be able to manage Oly lifts again though, much less get back on the pitch.

Other than that just assorted soft tissue stuff. Would do it all again in a heartbeat.


Greg Davis (50)
Fucken, swingpass wins the most broken award.

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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The only substantial rugby injury I had was a broken arm. I stopped playing at the end of high school because my back doesn't hack it.

Other sporting injuries I've had are a torn ACL playing touch football, a torn medial ligament from hyper-extending my knee playing cricket, torn knee meniscus playing cricket, broken nose playing indoor cricket, broken/dislocated fingers playing cricket.

The most expensive sporting injury I've ever had was getting my front four teeth both top and bottom pushed backwards by someone's shoulder collecting me in the face whilst playing cricket.

After initial work to secure everything in place with sort of makeshift braces (where the wire used was whipper-snipper wire the dental surgeon purchased from Bunnings!!!), I ended up having root canal therapy then a few years later one of the front teeth removed and then replaced with an implant. Ended up costing easily over 10k.


Dave Cowper (27)
Cartilage popped off my ribs from going up against a Joe Marler type of scrumming genius.
Cauliflower ears from just doing the stuff that none of the fairies know anything about.
Still got a titanium rod in my lower left leg from a broken tibia I got half way between the 22 and the try line on Rawson Park in my comeback match.
Hector the Cat needs to help me cross the road now as I cannot turn my neck to look for traffic.
Most other joints are just getting older, none of it too bad, have retired from any rugby but have taken up old man's hockey to keep the hand in on a team sport.


Dave Cowper (27)
The only substantial rugby injury I had was a broken arm. I stopped playing at the end of high school because my back doesn't hack it.

Other sporting injuries I've had are a torn ACL playing touch football, a torn medial ligament from hyper-extending my knee playing cricket, torn knee meniscus playing cricket, broken nose playing indoor cricket, broken/dislocated fingers playing cricket.

The most expensive sporting injury I've ever had was getting my front four teeth both top and bottom pushed backwards by someone's shoulder collecting me in the face whilst playing cricket.

After initial work to secure everything in place with sort of makeshift braces (where the wire used was whipper-snipper wire the dental surgeon purchased from Bunnings!!!), I ended up having root canal therapy then a few years later one of the front teeth removed and then replaced with an implant. Ended up costing easily over 10k.

You must be a vision. Lucky these forums aren't conducted using Skype !!


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Caved my head in on the corner of the dunny block playing touch footy in the playground, aged 9. It was like the Crimean War - blood everywhere. Scored a few days off school though!

I cut my head open when I was about that age in the back garden playing rugby with my friend. I dived to score a try and he tackled me at the same time causing my head to crash into the rocks at the edge of the garden bed.

Given how little superficial head wounds hurt I was pretty surprised by the amount of blood pissing everywhere.

I think my friend was more horrified than me. I think he thought it was terminal!


Bob McCowan (2)
Collyflower ear, and that as a fullback.

my old front-row teammates are still a tad jealous about this.


Trevor Allan (34)
Broken nose (so many times just blowing it hard could snap it).
Cauliflower ear (not bad because I used to cut it and drain it).
Multiple rolled ankles.
Ac Joint - both shoulders, 2 x
medial crucitate ligament strains (both knees)
Stitches and large scar on forehead.
Achilles tendonitis (took 4 years to walk pain free in mornings after I stopped playing).
Broken bone in foot.
Skier's thumb (UCL tear of the thumb).
multiple black eyes
Probably other stuff - I can't remember at the moment.
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