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RWC 2015 Final - Australia v New Zealand, Twickenham, Sunday 1 November, 3:00 AEDT

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Billy Sheehan (19)
Surely the result of this game will depend on whether the Kiwis are allowed to play offside as they normally do in defence, or whether they will be required to stand behind the last mans feet in the ruck as most other teams do.

I blame the black uniforms, they don't stand out to the eye as much. Make them play in white!

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Its more likely that this game will be won by aussie posters poisoning the mind of the impressionable Nige in the lead up to the game.
We have made a good start but there is much to do and not much time to do it.


Greg Davis (50)
Some choice examples:

"James Pandaram if you were facing me on the rugby paddock and you made remarks like this into my face mate you better run away hard as all you stupid reporters do nothing positive to the Australian teams in any team sport. The ABs will play to the rules and do make mistakes also but do not remark on it to anyone after any game but look for positives ways to fix all mistakes. even if they lose. And that's how team sports is played mate not in a office making stupid remarks like you do here and other texts you have made in the past. So all I am saying may the best team win next weeks final of the RWC okay ?"

"mate. What is this article? Richie mccaw is amazing and forever will be known as one of the greatest rugby players of all time.
NZ will win the world cup #gotheABS"

"Aussies are constantly slamming us for our amazing play in sports BACK OFF OR WE'LL KICK YOUR @$$ .... We've done it before.
Kiwis all the way"



Nathan Sharpe (72)
Surely the result of this game will depend on whether the Kiwis are allowed to play offside as they normally do in defence, or whether they will be required to stand behind the last mans feet in the ruck as most other teams do.

Funny. They're saying the same thing about us...


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Some choice examples:

"James Pandaram if you were facing me on the rugby paddock and you made remarks like this into my face mate you better run away hard as all you stupid reporters do nothing positive to the Australian teams in any team sport. The ABs will play to the rules and do make mistakes also but do not remark on it to anyone after any game but look for positives ways to fix all mistakes. even if they lose. And that's how team sports is played mate not in a office making stupid remarks like you do here and other texts you have made in the past. So all I am saying may the best team win next weeks final of the RWC okay ?"

"mate. What is this article? Richie mccaw is amazing and forever will be known as one of the greatest rugby players of all time.
NZ will win the world cup #gotheABS"

"Aussies are constantly slamming us for our amazing play in sports BACK OFF OR WE'LL KICK YOUR @$$ .. We've done it before.
Kiwis all the way"

Its more amusing that they only read the bits they wanted to see, and missed the compliments paid to McCaw and his team.

And its becoming a problem - if any article contains anything approaching a light hearted joke about the ABs, a portion of Kiwi fans go utterly feral about it.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Its more amusing that they only read the bits they wanted to see, and missed the compliments paid to McCaw and his team.

And its becoming a problem - if any article contains anything approaching a light hearted joke about the ABs, a portion of Kiwi fans go utterly feral about it.

And that there is the funniest thing about it... just how seriously the kiwis take themselves... Im telln anyone who'll listen make the most of their insecurities this week... :D


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
View attachment 7156
So 83% of NZ herald readers think the ABs will win.
And they reckon we are arrogant: I doubt that a similar poll in an ozzie newspaper, no matter the sport, would come up with 83% of us thinking we were going to win.
When your team has a 76% all time win record it's not arrogance to expect them to win. Hell, I expect them to win.


Chris McKivat (8)
Some choice examples:

"James Pandaram if you were facing me on the rugby paddock and you made remarks like this into my face mate you better run away hard as all you stupid reporters do nothing positive to the Australian teams in any team sport. The ABs will play to the rules and do make mistakes also but do not remark on it to anyone after any game but look for positives ways to fix all mistakes. even if they lose. And that's how team sports is played mate not in a office making stupid remarks like you do here and other texts you have made in the past. So all I am saying may the best team win next weeks final of the RWC okay ?"

"mate. What is this article? Richie mccaw is amazing and forever will be known as one of the greatest rugby players of all time.
NZ will win the world cup #gotheABS"

"Aussies are constantly slamming us for our amazing play in sports BACK OFF OR WE'LL KICK YOUR @$$ .. We've done it before.
Kiwis all the way"

Reading through Kiwi defensive comments is a favorite past time of mine, Fox Sports Australia FB page has given me a lot of happy reading this week.


John Hipwell (52)
Its more amusing that they only read the bits they wanted to see, and missed the compliments paid to McCaw and his team.

And its becoming a problem - if any article contains anything approaching a light hearted joke about the ABs, a portion of Kiwi fans go utterly feral about it.

The thing is, it's not really light-hearted. It's posed that way but it's not honest. Many Wallaby fans - including some here - do think McCaw is a grub and a cheat.

I think it's actually why we prefer SA to AUS. SA - as a gross generalisation - understand and respect rugby and it's characters, no matter where they come from, more than AUS. I don't think you really see these kind of stories etc come out of SA and I don't really recall SA posters here bitching about McCaw the way AUS ones do. I don't know if you see pictures like this posted in the NZ Herald. Not ones from my recent memory anyway.

You don't see stories like this come out from NZ about AUS players either. Most of the NZ public appreciate the players like Pocock and Fardy and rather than make up shit about them, we bitch that they are really good.

In saying that, the bulk of the posters here are really good but there are a couple that just either a dickheads or just want to stir the pot.

Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 12.06.28 PM.png


Greg Davis (50)
Context is important and the Daily Telegraph and Courier Mail aren't sparkling examples of unbiased commentary.

Ritchie is a cheat, but he certainly isn't a grub.

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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I don't know if you see pictures like this posted in the NZ Herald. Not ones from my recent memory anyway.

You don't see stories like this come out from NZ about AUS players either. Most of the NZ public appreciate the players like Pocock and Fardy and rather than make up shit about them, we bitch that they are really good.

Looks like there is a serious gap in the NZ media landscape for Rupert Murdoch to get his grubby paws into.

The reality is that most of this sort of report comes from the newspapers in Australia that Australian rugby fans loathe.


Tim Horan (67)
When your team has a 76% all time win record it's not arrogance to expect them to win. Hell, I expect them to win.

Exactly. I think the Wallabies can win but I think the All Blacks will win. Kind of have to recognise this as I agree with the overwhelming favouritism they deserve here.

Don't think it makes me un-Australian.

I find the concept that there may be Kiwis, who don't think that the All Blacks will win, just a little strange.


Chris McKivat (8)
The thing is, it's not really light-hearted. It's posed that way but it's not honest. Many Wallaby fans - including some here - do think McCaw is a grub and a cheat.

I think it's actually why we prefer SA to AUS. SA - as a gross generalisation - understand and respect rugby and it's characters, no matter where they come from, more than AUS. I don't think you really see these kind of stories etc come out of SA and I don't really recall SA posters here bitching about McCaw the way AUS ones do. I don't know if you see pictures like this posted in the NZ Herald. Not ones from my recent memory anyway.

You don't see stories like this come out from NZ about AUS players either. Most of the NZ public appreciate the players like Pocock and Fardy and rather than make up shit about them, we bitch that they are really good.

In saying that, the bulk of the posters here are really good but there are a couple that just either a dickheads or just want to stir the pot.

View attachment 7157



John Hipwell (52)
Exactly. I think the Wallabies can win but I think the All Blacks will win. Kind of have to recognise this as I agree with the overwhelming favouritism they deserve here.

Don't think it makes me un-Australian.

I find the concept that there may be Kiwis, who don't think that the All Blacks will win, just a little strange.

I think the ABs will win but any real AB fans are just as nervous about the final as we were about the semi.

We have been down this road too many times to think that anything less than a hard-fought slog should be expected with Australia as much chance to win it as us.

On paper and on history and even on form, I'd say the ABs have it BUT the same thing could possibly have been said in 1995, 1999, 2003 & 2007. Means SFA on the day.


Alan Cameron (40)
The Daily Telegraph and the like are tabloid rubbish. Generally they don't give a shit about rugby and are highly mungo focused, however they've seen a chance to court controversy and have gleefully jumped right in.

The Red Baron

Chilla Wilson (44)
I understand your point Bullrush, but you are letting yourself get wound up by:

A) the Murdoch press (judging by that picture); and,
B) Other assorted dickheads.

Oh, and let's not forget the treatment that was meted out to Quade Cooper by some Kiwis over the last few years. There are hardly angels on both sides.
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