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RWC Final - New Zealand v South Africa 29/10/23, 0800 NZDT

Who wins & after how long?

  • New Zealand

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • South Africa

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • 80 minutes

    Votes: 18 50.0%
  • Extra Time (2 x 10 minutes)

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Sudden Death Extra Time (max. 10 minutes)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Penalty Kick Shootout (max. five kickers per team)

    Votes: 2 5.6%

  • Total voters


Alan Cameron (40)
5. Kolisi did not hit Ardie's shoulder and slide up. He hit him high and his head collected Ardie's chin. It was just as dangerous as Sam Cane's deserved red.
Ignoring all the other one-eyed nonsense in the post, this is the worst. It’s demonstrably untrue and totally disingenuous to claim

It’s just the classic “I’m not blaming the ref, but…”

I don’t hate NZ, just wish AB’s fans accepted the result without the “but”

John S

Chilla Wilson (44)
Ignoring all the other one-eyed nonsense in the post, this is the worst. It’s demonstrably untrue and totally disingenuous to claim

It’s just the classic “I’m not blaming the ref, but…”

I don’t hate NZ, just wish AB’s fans accepted the result without the “but”
You sound remarkably like Bullrush and Dan do when the Wallabies lose with some marginal calls

The Red Baron

Chilla Wilson (44)
2. Ardie's call wasn't marginal, particularly when you see the replay. It's a great play by Savea and the penalty should have gone the other way.

It could have gone either way. Barnes thought that Savea didn't provide enough of a clear release before playing for the ball, and he got penalised accordingly. I too thought the penalty should have gone the other way, but I can see why he was penalised. It was really marginal.


John Hipwell (52)
It could have gone either way. Barnes thought that Savea didn't provide enough of a clear release before playing for the ball, and he got penalised accordingly. I too thought the penalty should have gone the other way, but I can see why he was penalised. It was really marginal.
I can handle human error calls. In real time I agree that it was marginal but not really on the replay.

I struggle with the TMO jumping in and over-riding some calls and not others.


Tim Horan (67)
@Derpus I agree so strongly that should be rule of law. I have no problem and never have with TMO for foul play, I be honest I wouldn't personally use them for grounding, that's just me. I have no probs with Refs making mistakes, never have, and have long argued on here that the ref doesn't win or lose game for any team. and @John S is correct,I will say same for Wallaby tests as well as AB tests.
If anyone wants to see good use of refs/TMOs you should watch NPC rugby, the games I went to in the Naki this year (about 4-5) I recall the TMO getting referred to once, and never saw him in refs ear. The TMO here was just down in front of us on sideline, so was interesting to see. Did I think refs got every call right? From where I sat one or two looked a bit different, and the ones I noticed against the Naki (my team) in games we lost did not cost us game, the fact (like in WC final) was the other team simple played better.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
"New Zealand’s Sam Cane will appear before an independent Judicial Committee on Monday 6 November via zoom following receiving a red card during the Rugby World Cup 2023 final for an offence contrary to Law 9.13 (dangerous tackling) following review.

"The independent Judicial Committee that will hear the matter will be chaired by Adam Casselden SC (Australia), joined by former international player Becky Essex (England) and former international referee Donal Courtney (Ireland)"

- WR (World Rugby) media release.


John Hipwell (52)
"New Zealand’s Sam Cane will appear before an independent Judicial Committee on Monday 6 November via zoom following receiving a red card during the Rugby World Cup 2023 final for an offence contrary to Law 9.13 (dangerous tackling) following review.

"The independent Judicial Committee that will hear the matter will be chaired by Adam Casselden SC (Australia), joined by former international player Becky Essex (England) and former international referee Donal Courtney (Ireland)"

- WR (World Rugby) (World Rugby) media release.
Is it only red cards that go to a judiciary?

Sword of Justice

Trevor Allan (34)
Is it only red cards that go to a judiciary?
I believe the citing commissioner can identify red card worthy incidents and refer them but don't quote me on that. Yellow cards aren't judiciary level offences so in this case the yellow card given to Kolisi obviously won't get there but I'm surprised Frizell's wasn't upgraded frankly.