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RWC: NZL v ARG (Wembley Stadium) Pool C

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Stirling Mortlock (74)
You'd hope they didn't just go off grainy footage of his hand over the face. But they should make any evidence they used public.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Maybe the guy from CSI lifted the Argentine lock's fingerprint from Brodie Retallick's contact lens and that is how they got him? ;)


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Also an eye gouge is a very serious offence, he should've gotten more than 9 weeks if they believe he did it with intent.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I wasn't calling for bans, well maybe McCaw should've got one because that was intentional. Carter's was clearly reckless and the Argie player should've got punished during the game for recklessness over the face but to ban someone you need to be clear of their intentions and not just guess.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Random thought: NZ went into this seeded one in their Pool & beat the No. two seed by 10 points. I reckon there's at least two other Pool top seeds who'd love to be able to say the same after they've played the No. two seed in their Pool :) :) :)

Random though #2: there's a theory that the '03 & '07 campaigns failed at least in part due to there being no Plan B in terms of game-plan and/ or substitutions. I'd say the mass-subbing (by AB standards) indicates Shag & Co. have a Plan B & will use it if/ when required. Kinda scary that it pretty much requires shifting BSmith to wing & running Beaugan at 15 but it's 1/1 so far..................


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Random thought: NZ went into this seeded one in their Pool & beat the No. two seed by 10 points. I reckon there's at least two other Pool top seeds who'd love to be able to say the same after they've played the No. two seed in their Pool :) :) :)

Random though #2: there's a theory that the '03 & '07 campaigns failed at least in part due to there being no Plan B in terms of game-plan and/ or substitutions. I'd say the mass-subbing (by AB standards) indicates Shag & Co. have a Plan B & will use it if/ when required. Kinda scary that it pretty much requires shifting BSmith to wing & running Beaugan at 15 but it's 1/1 so far......
I just feel a little warm glow to see you using this appellation.
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