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RWC Pool C - Australia v Wales - 5AM 25 Sep AEST


Alan Cameron (40)
No it’s good Pones there, injured, again
As opposed to HJH (Harry Johnson-Holmes) and his wonderful track record of health

our tight head stocks below Tupou and AAA are dire

I’d be getting Dan Palmer on a cheeseburger diet and throwing him out there


Bob Davidson (42)
As opposed to HJH (Harry Johnson-Holmes) (Harry Johnson-Holmes) and his wonderful track record of health

our tight head stocks below Tupou and AAA are dire

I’d be getting Dan Palmer on a cheeseburger diet and throwing him out there
HJH (Harry Johnson-Holmes) and Talaki have at least played 3 games over there, compared to Pones how many?


Bob Davidson (42)
Would you be doing anything different if these guys were in the squad?

I'd still be starting Slipper at THP as our second best prop.
I can see that being the best option. It just seems all props are injury prone, Bell didn’t play much Super Rugby this year due to injury. So I’d be managing Bells workload so we don’t lose him along with Tupou. I understand depth is an issue, but other than Tupou, we should have the best fit options available and not risk one of our better players in Bell.


Bob Davidson (42)
It’s last chance saloon now, no point resting players
It was more about getting Bell, who played virtually no Super Rugby this year through a seemingly innocuous incident, through this tournament. We can agree he is important to our campaign, right? We had two vital games to get to the quarterfinals, we lost the first one, so yeah, all hands on deck for Wales.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
It was more about getting Bell, who played virtually no Super Rugby this year through a seemingly innocuous incident, through this tournament.

I am assuming they are very happy with where he is at physically and by virtue of what his injury was and how it was repaired, he's not at risk of re-injurying it.

Now that he's ramped back up, he should be able to play big minutes because he hasn't played a lot of minutes this year and is very fresh.


Bob Davidson (42)
I am assuming they are very happy with where he is at physically and by virtue of what his injury was and how it was repaired, he's not at risk of re-injurying it.

Now that he's ramped back up, he should be able to play big minutes because he hasn't played a lot of minutes this year and is very fresh.
My comments were more related to the overall tournament. Which probably doesn’t belong on a match thread. Thankfully he made it through the Fijian game, so yeah, play him for 80 if necessary to get the win and hopefully move to the quarters


Bob Loudon (25)
My comments were more related to the overall tournament. Which probably doesn’t belong on a match thread. Thankfully he made it through the Fijian game, so yeah, play him for 80 if necessary to get the win and hopefully move to the quarters
If anything you play him against Wales, manage his minutes if you need to play him vs portugal then we have 2 weeks before finals.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
The best part of Qwerty's rant is the introductory sentence...
Don't think you really got the gist of the message.

It's about replacing Tupou/Skelton/McReight correctly or at least understanding we cannot win with the team picked (I called it....)

We have the talent, we're not as bad as people are saying at all. Just need some tweaks (although won't happen with current Eddie).


Simon Poidevin (60)
I'm actually only watching the full game now. How the hell was nick white penalised for a hightackle for trying to slap the ball out of a Fijian player ? Didn't even touch him high. TMO gets involved for something that shouldn't even be a penalty but the ref didn't want to grow up and tell the TMO to bugger off. TMO didn't want to get involved later in the game when Marika was smacked in a lazy no arms tackle when on attack.

I'm sure there was an element to Fiji getting hard done by last week against Wales which had them more than getting the rub against the wallabies because of it.

Nick white clearly pushed off the ball by Fijian hands and they said it's shoulder to shoulder lol. That shouldn't have been a try at the start of the second half. White was pushed downwards and away off the ball.

Petia gets smacked in the head after a warning to Fiji about high tackles and the ref calls it away without even looking at it. He didn't want to have to card a Fijian player and be the villain.

Marika gets shouldered to the jaw in a no arms tackle when the wallabies finally look dangerous and they just pretend it didn't happen. Its at least a no arms tackle and wallabies get a 5m line out with 6 min to go.

Wallabies were woeful, multiple terrible kicks that lead to nothing, hardly played any rugby. A few stupid penalties as well. Fiji played to the whistle and played a game that we don't usualy see from them. They deserved the win obviously. I'm not buying into Fiji should or could have won by more. They had a massive home ref advantage and got every single 50/50 call.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
While Shiggins is notorious for his frequent rants against referees, others on here have also raised most of the issues he listed above.
However, without appearing to go the whole hog with him and claiming the officiating was affected by what happened in the previous game, what idiot would appoint a Welsh ref to a game involving both of the main opponents of the Welsh team when the result could be seen to support the progression of that Welsh team? Very bad optics in my opinion.


Simon Poidevin (60)
While Shiggins is notorious for his frequent rants against referees, others on here have also raised most of the issues he listed above.
However, without appearing to go the whole hog with him and claiming the officiating was affected by what happened in the previous game, what idiot would appoint a Welsh ref to a game involving both of the main opponents of the Welsh team when the result could be seen to support the progression of that Welsh team? Very bad optics in my opinion.
Natroious S.H.I.G