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Shute Shield 2013

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I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Even more so if Pulver's "3rd" tier sees them playing as a standalone club in that so called 3rd tier as well as in the SS.
If that happens there will be no SS in 30 years time.
There is a huge gap between the best and the worst already.
Having stand alone 3T teams paying in the SS will exacerbate this.

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
This will get the scribes fired up.

Tom Carter does a James Horwill on someones melon.[/quote

Was tempted Hugh but I didn't think much in it! As no fan of TC got to say he spoke graciously after the game when interviewed. On message like his illustrious captain both reciting Shute Shield ain't dead . Well the would say that wouldn't they.......

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I don't think there is any plan.
About anything.
Possibly he has decided that a US skiing holiday is more family friendly than Europe.
But that's just an idea and not a plan anyway.....
So no plans about anything.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Obviously you have young offspring Dave.

One of mine is attending a university, and I'm not all that confident he nor most of his mates at a wide variety of universities would interview all that well.
HJ only U6 but he ain't crossing the spit.
Nah truthfully what ever he wants to do.


Phil Kearns (64)
Well, it's a great day for rugby. Rugby league.

Not that the mungoes will know or care. But the depths to which the SS competition has sunk can only benefit them. It certainly does not benefit us (and by "us", I mean all of us).

We are a relatively tiny minority, and the sooner the rich, powerful, and influential realise that they are dancing in ever smaller circles, the better.

I won't hold my breath, though. Short-term gratification usually wins out over long term discipline and self-denial.


Sydney Uni is getting run almost like a professional rugby side, a couple of the other teams are at a semi-professional level and the rest are amateurs, the disparity between the clubs is alarming and seems to be growing.

Is it healthy for the competition? no, i definitely don't think so...

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Will the circle of life take care of this?

There was a time when the Wicks were all State or Test Players.

They even had a game against NZ at Coogee Oval in 83 (or 84).

Time heals everything. Now the wicks only have 1 Tah/Wob (Kepu), and access to 2 others (Beale and Mitchell).

Stone Cold

Frank Row (1)
Don't like seeing blowouts in grand finals because it detracts from the rest of the season but congrats to Uni. Great result and a fitting end to the 150 year anniversary.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Will the circle of life take care of this?

There was a time when the Wicks were all State or Test Players.

They even had a game against NZ at Coogee Oval in 83 (or 84).

Time heals everything. Now the wicks only have 1 Tah/Wob (Kepu), and access to 2 others (Beale and Mitchell).

I am concerned that it won't but i am more concerned that it doesn't seem to be seen as an issue.
It was well recognised at the time you speak of that the route to higher honours ran through Coogee.
They had Dwyer and Sayle plus they had big time administrators in Jake Howard and Ron Meagher. All influenced an amateur player's decision about where to play, some more directly and deliberately than others - to that extent it was wrong then and it would be wrong now.
The Wicks biggest winning margin was 41-3 v Gordon in 1980 - and they had 3 Ellas and a Walker that day all of whom grew up in the Randwick district.

Nos Tradamus

Frank Nicholson (4)
there's got to be some new rules put in place. when you have 3 Super Rugby players playing off the bench - how is this an "amateur" competition? when you have 6+ guys having either played in Wallabies matches, or been at selection camp - how is this "amateur" competition? On Friday on the way home I saw Marshal Milroy on the bus in his suit/tie after work. He has a full time job - what's Foley's job? oh yeah - full time rugby player. how is this "amateur" competition? but attracting the best players is easy when you can give free or heavily subsidized degrees from arguably the best school in the country. The allure of coming out of uni not being $30K in debt is extremely appealing. Other clubs are relying on player loyalty. but it starts in colts - try getting an 18 year old to be loyal to his/her local club when championships and free/subsidized education are on the table. i like to think of myself as a pretty loyal bloke - but even I'd wrestle with that one.


Bob Loudon (25)
Will the circle of life take care of this?

There was a time when the Wicks were all State or Test Players.

They even had a game against NZ at Coogee Oval in 83 (or 84).

Time heals everything. Now the wicks only have 1 Tah/Wob (Kepu), and access to 2 others (Beale and Mitchell).
1988 - remember year as there were many (myself included) who wanted the game to be played at the then new SFS so they could attend.


Phil Kearns (64)
Will the circle of life take care of this?

There was a time when the Wicks were all State or Test Players.

They even had a game against NZ at Coogee Oval in 83 (or 84).

Time heals everything. Now the wicks only have 1 Tah/Wob (Kepu), and access to 2 others (Beale and Mitchell).

The cycle of life will not take care of inherently unfair situations, which is what we are confronted with here. Randwick was successful, for sure, they also produced lots of juniors, some of which presumably went on to play for other clubs, as well as for the Wicks. Incidentally, the game was pretty much amateur back then. Do you believe that the cycle of life is unaffected by the availability of money, or is everything just a matter of time and tide in your theory?

There will be downs (and some minor ups) for the genuine district clubs. But can you really predict a down for the Golden Boys Corporation, with all their built-in advantages, some of which come from my frigging tax, directly, or indirectly.

Which club is on the way up, Hugh, according to your theory (or wishful thinking)?

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
The cycle of life will not take care of inherently unfair situations, which is what we are confronted with here. Randwick was successful, for sure, they also produced lots of juniors, some of which presumably went on to play for other clubs, as well as for the Wicks. Incidentally, the game was pretty much amateur back then. Do you believe that the cycle of life is unaffected by the availability of money, or is everything just a matter of time and tide in your theory?

There will be downs (and some minor ups) for the genuine district clubs. But can you really predict a down for the Golden Boys Corporation, with all their built-in advantages, some of which come from my frigging tax, directly, or indirectly.

Which club is on the way up, Hugh, according to your theory (or wishful thinking)?
Eastwood, manly.
Gordon have a UTS tie in but I can't see that working the same way as for the Buildcorp Boys.
Wicks have a NSW uni tie in too but I think that is only a sponsorship at the moment: why do my taxes pay to sponsor tte Wicks while I'm on that.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
So we now are watching the Wobblies, whilst the NRL & AFL get to put on their show. There seems to be a common chant at the moment - top tier rugby needs to be played now - it is simply the structure that is being debated.

Two key points (of many many many mind you)
1. A club needs to be financial. - Uni yes.
2. A club needs to have grass roots. Uni no.
I am not against what Uni has achieved in any way, but they are different pure and simple. Let them keep offering their scholarships as it is a benefit that rugby has as a whole, and that is good for the code - but do not include them in the 3rd tier and this will distribute out their players.

Shute players being made to play in other states in the 3rd tier - I don't agree with it;
They say they are trying to improve their comp and exposure - but they are stopping their players coming through. Why not extend their marquee player entitlement and we / they take advantage of players offshore to grow there / our rugby.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Eastwood, manly.
Gordon have a UTS tie in but I can't see that working the same way as for the Buildcorp Boys.
Wicks have a NSW uni tie in too but I think that is only a sponsorship at the moment: why do my taxes pay to sponsor tte Wicks while I'm on that.

Are you happy for your taxes to fund Brumbies (Uni of Canberra), or Gordon (UTS)?

While we are on about "misuse of government funds, how about Souths Mungos (New clubrooms), Numerous other mungo clubs "top ups", Soccer world cup bribes ($45m+), Swimming Australia funding to support muppeteers as "entitled" as our own 4 Muppeteers, and so on.

I am fairly sure that most of the "scholarships" at Sydney Uni do not involve misuse of public funds, anymore than any other sport at Sydney Uni (or any other Uni for that matter) is misusing public funds.

Someone will set me straight if this is wrong, but Syd Uni Sports Foundation is a separate self funding entity, that is associated with Sydney University and coordinates sporting and recreational activities within the University. SU Rugby Club operates independently of SUSF, but many of the SU Rugby players are on "scholarships" or "bursaries" managed by the SUSF.

There is a listing of the SUSF scholarship holders on a couple of boards at the entrance to the Swimming pool/squash courts/Basketball complex in Darlington. Plenty of rugby players are listed, but there are also a stack of swimmers, rowers, sailors and other athletes on those boards.
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