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Shute Shield 2015

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the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
One positive (??) to come out of the ABC dropping coverage of the SS is we might get back to having a packed house at the GF again. That's assuming the NSWRU finds a way (and some motivation) to ensure everyone knows it's on.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
The Wicks draw isn't the easiest

I think you're right Macca.
The Wicks play Uni, Southern, Eastwood and Manly twice each (8 of 18 games against last years' semi-finalists :eek:) and of the 4 teams we only play once next year, Norths, Penrith and Gordon are the bottom 3 from last year :rolleyes:.

Sounds like a tough year ahead for what looks like being a very young team with a new coaching staff.

(The above assumes the draw posted by Dave is the final version.)

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I think you're right Macca.
The Wicks play Uni, Southern, Eastwood and Manly twice each (8 of 18 games against last years' semi-finalists :eek:) and of the 4 teams we only play once next year, Norths, Penrith and Gordon are the bottom 3 from last year :rolleyes:.

Sounds like a tough year ahead for what looks like being a very young team with a new coaching staff.

(The above assumes the draw posted by Dave is the final version.)

I believe it is,
I also heard that Manly v Randwick will be grade and colts at the same destination, so it will be a great "club day" for the respective clubs both days.
Great way to pull a crowd and get good gate - hope that it all comes together weather wise and all.


Alfred Walker (16)
I think you're right Macca.
The Wicks play Uni, Southern, Eastwood and Manly twice each (8 of 18 games against last years' semi-finalists :eek:) and of the 4 teams we only play once next year, Norths, Penrith and Gordon are the bottom 3 from last year :rolleyes:.

Sounds like a tough year ahead for what looks like being a very young team with a new coaching staff.

(The above assumes the draw posted by Dave is the final version.)
I had not noticed the details of the draw, I will take some time to look more closely. But you are right - that is a BRUTAL draw for the Wicks.


Ron Walden (29)
Coach, Gordon & Penrith had the same issue two years running... Playing the top 4 teams twice and the bottom ranked only once...

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Please tell
The detail was over my head but apparently these guys http://www.clubrugbytv.com.au are looking at selling a package to NSWRU or something like that - and nswru has interest from fox and at least one of the FTAs with potential regional coverage.
I heard mention of the model being based on SAFL where viewing figures doubled once the coverage left the ABC.
Suffice to say the clubs are not idle.
Will be interesting to see what they make of the new and improved ARU fees, which I presume are payable by shute clubs.
And then I had another beer and forgot everything else I was told.......

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
The detail was over my head but apparently these guys http://www.clubrugbytv.com.au are looking at selling a package to NSWRU or something like that - and nswru has interest from fox and at least one of the FTAs with potential regional coverage.

Watched ClubTV once because i was stuck at home with a family lunch, great initiative by the team getting it up and running. Allot of room for improvement which is great because we can build and support it together.
If I recall they have been going for 2 years now?
Great news IS thanks for sharing.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
All this talk about extra fees at the moment, and the financial burden that is placed on the junior clubs. Floated this idea and i believe it is in progress;
Where possible play 2 junior games as curtain raisers to first grade.
The away team looks to bring 2 of their local junior teams to play against 2 of the local junior teams.
A simple exercise like this brings allot of upside;
Junior Clubs and Shute Shield working together.
Young kids having a ball.
2 games = 40 kids at the game who may or may not have been there.
Ditto to the parents.
And if the FTA does get off the ground 2 - 3 minutes of kids highlights at the half time break - at that age seeing a mates faces on TV is awesome advertising if looking to increase player numbers.

Belly has already agreed to look at 2 junior games as the curtain raiser to the first game next year when Manly travel out to Parra - just need to put it together.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
No more discussion about this theme thank you.

I don't care if you are right or wrong - or half of each.

Don't care really - I am more concerned with the general health of our forums.

Thank you and a Merry Xmas to all.

greg dowden

we are all here because we love the game and so do I. the past is the past and look forward to 2015 with much enthusiasm. all the best to all clubs


heard that tony daly is the scrum coach at parramatta. is this a dangerous move for gerard fasavalu?
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