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Southern Inland Rugby 2017

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Johnnie Wallace (23)
Heard some news recently about a change at Wagga City that could be Aggies gain. The change would be a great addition to the 2017 College roster and should provide a strong base for their 2017 program.

Pics or it didn't happen - players leaving a premiership runners-up looking to go one better? Surely not?

Whistle Happy

Jimmy Flynn (14)
Pics or it didn't happen - players leaving a premiership runners-up looking to go one better? Surely not?

Quite amazing if true - the word is that Aggies Womens' Team will have a pretty handy coach as well in 2017
City will be disappointed with this latest development


Desmond Connor (43)
Pics or it didn't happen - players leaving a premiership runners-up looking to go one better? Surely not?

Has played for the club, but not recently and wasn't a part of the Runners Up XV. Pics will surely follow in the local rag.

Quite amazing if true - the word is that Aggies Womens' Team will have a pretty handy coach as well in 2017
City will be disappointed with this latest development

Can confirm that a move has been on the cards for a while and the opportunity to join the 1st XV coaching ranks was a major attraction.

Not sure that the move also involves coaching the girls VII, unless it's a 2 for 1 deal? A pigeon pair maybe?


Ted Fahey (11)
so let me get this right in my head - the Brumbies D O who has played and coached City in the past 2 years is now moving to Aggies
What the Hell is going on at City then !!
They finally get a D O linked to their Club and lose him after 2 seasons ?
Something must have happened at City for SS to get his nose out of joint and walk out and join Aggies


Fred Wood (13)
I really enjoy how conjecture and presumption rule the roost on this forum. Once again, those with no knowledge or actual input are making guesses or possibly even just making it up !

Seth Stoltenberg (because that who we are talking about instead of using initials ) has taken an opportunity at another club. He goes with no hard feelings and certainly without any burning of bridges . The chance of being in the 1st XV coaching set up was something we (at this point) could not offer him and as a result, he took that chance offered to him. We wish him all the best with it. Its a great learning curve for him and if he has success then its worth the change for him. Why would City hold him back? Only the small minded and most parochial would attempt to do so in my eyes.

In the real world (as in outside the rarified and holier than thou atmosphere of this forum) , when someone takes an opportunity like that, its considered normal and healthy. After all would you knock back a job if it gave you better chances and development ? In SIRU it seems its straight away a sign of internal ructions, personal insult and unhappiness. When the last D.O left Reddies for Aggies it barely rated a mention.

The kid is doing a sensational job with the development role and did a great job while he was with City. Even though he's leaving our club, we wish him the best and certainly would welcome him back if he chooses to return.


Bob Loudon (25)
so let me get this right in my head - the Brumbies D O who has played and coached City in the past 2 years is now moving to Aggies
What the Hell is going on at City then !!
They finally get a D O linked to their Club and lose him after 2 seasons ?
Something must have happened at City for SS to get his nose out of joint and walk out and join Aggies

City signed the best halfback in the comp and have a very good 10 so if he wants to play 1st grade he needs to look elsewhere. Good luck to him...

Allan Maxwell

Frank Row (1)
I have followed SS for a long time watching him play footy etc.

City offered him a chance to play 10 in season 2017.

From what I have been told he has had enough of City and was looking for a challenge and a fresh start.

If given the all clear to play next season I have no doubt he will slot into the Aggies First Grade side where best suits. His best position is in the Centres but not many people would have seen him play there.

I know he has a great rugby brain and will no doubt help the Aggies team to a Grand Final birth next season. I want to wish him and Aggies all the best for next season as he is coming back after some rather serious concussion issues.


Ted Fahey (11)
I have followed SS for a long time watching him play footy etc.

City offered him a chance to play 10 in season 2017.

From what I have been told he has had enough of City and was looking for a challenge and a fresh start.

If given the all clear to play next season I have no doubt he will slot into the Aggies First Grade side where best suits. His best position is in the Centres but not many people would have seen him play there.

I know he has a great rugby brain and will no doubt help the Aggies team to a Grand Final birth next season. I want to wish him and Aggies all the best for next season as he is coming back after some rather serious concussion issues.

So City don't have an issue with Stoltenberg leaving (according to Bubba) and Ag College have welcomed him with open Arms

Sounds like a very amicable transfer and good luck to the player concerned

2 matches to look out for next year in the first round - Waratahs v City & City v Aggies

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Is there any consideration being given to some sort of set up for a colts comp in 2017. Maybe an Under 19s competition. There isn't anywhere for our younger players to go except to other sports.


Desmond Connor (43)
Is there any consideration being given to some sort of set up for a colts comp in 2017. Maybe an Under 19s competition. There isn't anywhere for our younger players to go except to other sports.

I would expect the zone to support any "Colts" style competition. It would likely need to stay at Under 18's for it to be effective though.

I think the Junior Clubs are also deciding whether to change the age grade of the Junior structure (happens every 3-4 years when new blood comes into the Junior Clubs) which may effect a "Colts" Competition as they were considering playing Under 17's on a Sunday. Not a good move in my view, but that's where the link between Senior and Junior clubs becomes critical.

I understand that there were a number of younger players (ie under 18's) playing at different clubs during the season. Griffith particularly had a young 2nd grade side and were able to push a number of teams around the park, their effort against Ag College late in the season was pretty impressive from where I stood. Maybe this is the way forward? ie attract younger players into the lower grades of the club and develop them from that platform?


Desmond Connor (43)
2 matches to look out for next year in the first round - Waratahs v City & City v Aggies

Agree, however would add City v Leeton to that mix also. It's good to see that there are a number of folks out there already keen to see the 2017 season underway!

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Re Colt style comp. I think if we could get 4 teams to form a competition in 2017 it could lead to an expansion in the future. The reason I suggested U19'S was that a lot of kids start Uni at that age. If Reddies, Aggies and Griffith could form teams then we'd only need to get another club involved.


Desmond Connor (43)
A good starting point Paul. I'm not sure what the outcome from the SIRU Juniors Age Group decision was, this may have on impact this though.


Ted Fahey (11)
Juniors Clubs are deciding at the moment whether to change from Odds numbered Age Groups to Evens numbered Age Groups (Re; SIRU Website ) If they go Evens it will mean the eldest Age Group playing each Sunday fortnight will be Under 16s

to play Under 19s you must be 18 on the 1st of January of that year and subsequently turn 19 during that year.
Reddies are hardly getting any new recruits to their Club and most of the Students these days take a Gap year before studying so most of them would be 19 already before they begin UNI

How would a 4 team Comp work anyways- lots of travel and the Players generally like to be with their Senior Grades each Saturday - at least my club does - once a kid is over 18 he wants to play Grade whether it is 3rds , 2nds or 1st Grade


Bob Loudon (25)
I see more merit in 3rd grade being played with U19 laws and used as a "semi" colts comp.

This worked pretty well in 2015 but was not so successful this year with Deni & Hay playing which scares off some younger ones and their parents and also meaning 3rd grade are not with the rest of the teams from their club.

Very difficult for SIRU to come up with somewhere else for them to play though...


Ted Fahey (11)
Agree but Deni & Hay can't play 1st or 2nd Grade & have to play McMullen Cup (3rd Grade)
3rd Grade don't play U/19 Laws it is Senior Rugby Laws but the scrums can only have a 1.5m push
We didn't have any problems with Hay & Deni this year at all

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
What I understand the situation to be is that SIRU Junior framework has no legal status. 2 years ago SIRU Juniors voted to move to an even age group ie 14s 16s etc but the decision was overruled by SIRU Seniors. I don't really think a lot of 17/syear old boys would be encouraged to to play rugby against 3rd grade s
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