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Subbies 2023!


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I find the statement "Subbies have cited him directly" interesting in the context that Subbies* does not have a stated citing commissioner as such; the manpower simply does not exist at amateur level to review every bit of footage for untoward incidents.

*A term that covers all manner of aspects, depending on the poster's understanding of the landscape, and typically glaring lack thereof...

There is a section in the Competition Rules dealing with citing powers in this regard:
28.1 Members of the Judiciary, members of the Union’s Board, the Executive Director, members of the Union’s staff, or match officials may at their discretion cite an affiliated club or club member on an alleged breach of the Laws of the Game, and/or Code of Conduct, and/or Competition Playing Rules.

I can't remember this being used, as it isn't usually required. It can give rise to claims of bias if not used wisely, particularly as almost everyone listed in that clause is a volunteer member of a Subbies Club.

If an incident is of a serious enough nature, Clubs should start the citing process themselves and not hide behind the Board, Judiciary, or Subbies Staff.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Hasn’t come up on the players list so it looks to be that Craig Brinnand must have waved his magic wand to get his player out of this one.

2 weeks for the St Pats red.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
A few forfeits inbound. Probably the biggest one so far being Savers 1st Grade not travelling to Harlequins.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
So far:

Div 3
Clark Cup 1st Grade - Savers forfeit to Harlequins
Nicholson Cup Colts - Old Iggies forfeit to Old Barker

Div 4
Grose Cup 2nd Grade - Mac Uni forfeit to Rockdale
Grose Cup 2nd Grade - Wakehurst forfeit to Renegades

Good thing First Div aren't on this weekend or there would probably be another 2 Colts games gone by the wayside.

Champagne Rugby

Frank Nicholson (4)
Div 3

No savers which is disappointing, dont know what went so wrong for them they could go from fielding 2 finals teams last year to scrapping for one week in week out. Hopefully they can put a team together at home against Barker in 2 weeks, cant see them fielding a side against Beecroft in the last round.

The 2 games being played should be great;

Beecroft v Knox Old Boys: Undefeated until 2 weeks ago and now having back to back losses, injuries and Europe trips appears to be hitting the boys in green hard, meanwhile Knox are on a mid-season tear having won 4 in a row and are moving in the right directions for final. Am going to tip Beecroft to turn it round in the their first home game for a while with a close win. In other grades expecting Beecroft to maintain top position in 2nd grade with a win and similarly expecting Knox Colts to maintain their top of the table position with a win.

BOBS v Iggies: If you take out Manly this is a bottom of the table clash of 5th v 6th. With the top 4 making finals in a 7 team comp which becomes a 6 team comp with manly out the door 5th and 6th are actually closer to making finals then they should be. Of the two teams only Barker who is also the home team has a sniff of making the finals and this should get them over the line. Same logic applies in 2nd grade in another 5th v 6th class with BOBS needing to win and hoping beecroft win by greater than 7.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Subbies needs a massive shake up but I don't have the answer as my team is blowing in the wind


That was a genuine shame. Took the boy out for a driving lesson and happened to be near the campus, so went for a drive around to the oval.

Unfortunately a lot of teams are running on fumes in terms of volunteers, and when they've had enough, the club is goneski.

I think there will be more to fall before 2024. An amazing RWC2023 performance could help stem the bleeding, but unless there is reform at multiple levels of the game, it will continue to decay.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Division 4:

Chatswood v Redfield - can't see anything but a ROBRs win. They've shifted up gear since beating us a couple of weeks back and will want third spot.

Rockdale v Mac Uni - beacons have forfeited 2s and at Redmond they'll be under the pump from an ever-improving side.

Irish v Merrylands - 1 v 2 on the plastic* (in both Grades!). I think Irish will hold out the Wolves as they did Rockdale last week.
*not something I'm looking forward to in Round 13.

Wakehurst v Renegades - after a close win against Raptors last week, and Wakehurst forfeiting 2s, the boys will be looking for a big game to sew up a top 6 spot.

Raptors v Saints - going to be interesting. Raptors had 25 players for 2 Grades against us last week but nearly turned us over. I think Saints are on the charge and could do this. They took Wakehurst apart at the set piece last week.

Let it sing

Frank Nicholson (4)
Div 2 prediction -

Lindfield v Briars - Briars should come out roaring but the class of Lindfield will show around the 40 min mark. Lindfield by 35+

Newport v UNSW - Newport are down on numbers but aim up and home ground advantage should aid their cause. UNSW will be too strong here though and win by 20

Hawkesbury Valley v Epping - Both sides have been hot and cold this year. Tipping Epping as they have more to play for and would love to squeeze into the top 4. Epping by 21


Herbert Moran (7)
So far:

Div 3
Clark Cup 1st Grade - Savers forfeit to Harlequins
Nicholson Cup Colts - Old Iggies forfeit to Old Barker

Div 4
Grose Cup 2nd Grade - Mac Uni forfeit to Rockdale
Grose Cup 2nd Grade - Wakehurst forfeit to Renegades

Good thing First Div aren't on this weekend or there would probably be another 2 Colts games gone by the wayside.

This is just what any club wants before the next two weeks are spent with a bye and a wet weather weekend.

Through the hands

Stan Wickham (3)
Just a thought regarding Savers. Heard about a month ago that the Manly Marlins were getting well over 100 blokes to their grade trainings. Do the math and that means 40 blokes aren’t starting in games each weekend. Eastern Suburbs field a 5th grade under Sydney Harbour 2nd grade, why would Marlins not come to some sort of agreement here with Savers? More footy for everyone and Savers could’ve somewhat avoided the poor season they’ve had.