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Super Rugby AU - Semi Final - Reds v Reb


Herbert Moran (7)
Just some quick thoughts after the game.

- Rebels looked much more up for the game and Reds pretty off. I’m slightly confused how To'omua gets so much praise from the commentators and public. Early on the Rebels were making meters at ease, hot on attack, he kicks away the ball twice, then throws the intercept for the try. Really pivotal decisions that had a huge bearing on the game. They were rightly lamenting Kellaway and Deegan doing the same thing later on.

- All 4 2nd rows had huge games. They’d be my front runners for the Wallabies. If Philip isn’t starting that’d be a big injustice, he’s played like he did last night for most of the season.

- Both wings were great. Actually thought Koro was the better of the two but it’s splitting hairs at this stage. Both relatively weak under the highball and not great kickers, which is a concern.

- Orr is pretty impressive, probably dealt with Tupou better than most this season. Hope he continues on this trajectory. Uelese looked good around the park and more importantly consistent at lineout time. Injury is very unfortunate.

- Physicality in general was really good.

- Have to disagree with some people in regards to Wright. Aside from lineouts, he’s not having a huge impact on games. Tough one, because he seems to have a good attitude but just doesn’t have much impact. Hardwick and Wilkin outplayed him.

- Battle at 8 was pretty even for me. Neither really stamped their mark on the game. Will be interesting come Wallabies selections as there are 3 guys offering different roles, all capable of starting.


Andrew Slack (58)
Great game. Really enjoyed it. I admit I was a bit concerned the Rebels would drag the Reds into a dockyard brawl and Matty To'omua would kick them to the win - but very happy the Reds got the win.

Kudos to the Rebels. I appreciate the Rebs fans will be disappointed, but I thought both teams played some really good rugby. Rebels still lack some penetration, but I feel some credit needs to go to the Reds defence. When I heard we weren’t retaining the services of Peter Ryan I thought that would be a big blow to the Reds but gee Mick Todd has done a great job. But, back to the Rebels, it must have been incredibly tough spending 10 weeks away from family and friends. Australian rugby is indebted to them (and the Force).

Some sparking individual performances. Led by Koroibete & Daugunu. They were both immense - Daugunu my Man of the match. Add in Ramm & Wright and gee it’s good to see some genuine wingers coming through.

I also think all 4 of the locks were outstanding last night. Everything you want in locks - hard work in the tight, runs that bent the line, big defence, accuracy at the breakdown, good at the lineout and able to link in open play when the opportunity presented. At this point of time we still need one or both of Arnold & Skelton to give us that extra edge at test level but throw in Swain & Frost from the Brumbies and I reckon our future looks bloody rosy.

I thought Wilson was great - but Nasirani has a barn storming game. I actually enjoyed seeing Tupou get tested early, but he is peerless at the moment in terms of Aussie front rowers.

In terms of player performances I am also really enjoying watching Sorovi play well. He’s obviously worked hard while he’s had to cool his heals. Really adds some spark when taking over the 9 jersey at the end (and performed creditably in his stint on the wing).

The down side was the injury toll. Both Thorn and Rennie will be sweating on injury reports.

I really hope Petaia just has a head knock and will be clear for next week. He seemed also troubled by his shoulder. The poor bugger doesn’t deserve any more bad luck. I like Paisami, but Petaia is another level in attack and defence.

To'omua I though was very good - hopefully it’s just a niggle that comes good quickly. DHP might be the boring option at fullback for the Wallabies - but sometimes boring is good. He is a good player - safe, makes good choices and seems to always beat the first man. CFS is really important to the Reds at the moment as their is a sizeable gap back to the next best winger.

Uelese is the other really big one. I feel he was starting to really warm for the Wallabies 2 jersey. But it didn’t look good for him. If he is gone then Wallabies have a really issue with depth at 2, even if Latu is brought back.

Injuries aside, great night for Aussie rugby last night. Very much looking forward to the final next week.


Andrew Slack (58)
Have to disagree with some people in regards to Wright. Aside from lineouts, he’s not having a huge impact on games. Tough one, because he seems to have a good attitude but just doesn’t have much impact. Hardwick and Wilkin outplayed him.
Good post and I more or less agree with most of it - but disagree on Wright. Not so much last night - I don’t think he was as
Influential as he as been last night and I was impressed with both Wilkin and Hardwick - but week in week out Wright has been outstanding and very influential on the outcome of games.

His issue, from a Wallaby perspective is whether he plays the type of game that Rennie wants in the 6 jersey at Wallaby level. Wright is a workhorse with excellent detail in his game. He links well with the backline. But he’s not a barnstorming power runner/hitter so it all depends what Rennie is looking for.


Herbert Moran (7)
I’m a bit torn, it’s hard to point out flaws without coming across too critical, so take this with a grain of salt. I do think he is a good player but he just doesn’t quite make the cut physically for me. He is reliable in defence without being dominant.
I’d disagree with the link player too, I mean that concept in general as well. He’s hardly setting up people or carving up out wide or always turning up in support. If anyone could be called a link player I’d think it would be more in the vein of Samu or Tupou. This year I feel he has also dropped off massively over the ball, correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t he the top pilferer or there abouts last year?
Having said all that, clearly a good player and I wouldn’t be upset to see him at 7 or in the mix for the Wallabies.


Phil Kearns (64)
Kudos to both teams, and the officials. Mrs Wamberal and I really enjoyed the game. Started to worry a bit when the Reds lost two of their backline so early in the game. When Billy Meakes butchered what should have been a certain try, for me that was the turning point.

I thought Isi was immense, also Daugunu and Marika, of course. The Rebels have had to put up with a lot, they can hold their heads up.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
I’m a bit torn, it’s hard to point out flaws without coming across too critical, so take this with a grain of salt. I do think he is a good player but he just doesn’t quite make the cut physically for me. He is reliable in defence without being dominant. I’d disagree with the link player too, I mean that concept in general as well. He’s hardly setting up people or carving up out wide or always turning up in support. If anyone could be called a link player I’d think it would be more in the vein of Samu or Tupou. This year I feel he has also dropped off massively over the ball, correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t he the top pilferer or there abouts last year? Having said all that, clearly a good player and I wouldn’t be upset to see him at 7.

He's still 2nd for pilfers this year with 13, second only to McReight with 18. Think you might need to take another look at his defence too, he puts on the dominant tackles that setup McReight's pilfers and has made a few vital try saving tackles this year.

Nicholas Bishop explains it well here:


Andrew Slack (58)
I’m a bit torn, it’s hard to point out flaws without coming across too critical, so take this with a grain of salt. I do think he is a good player but he just doesn’t quite make the cut physically for me. He is reliable in defence without being dominant.
I’d disagree with the link player too, I mean that concept in general as well. He’s hardly setting up people or carving up out wide or always turning up in support. If anyone could be called a link player I’d think it would be more in the vein of Samu or Tupou. This year I feel he has also dropped off massively over the ball, correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t he the top pilferer or there abouts last year?
Having said all that, clearly a good player and I wouldn’t be upset to see him at 7 or in the mix for the Wallabies.
At the start of this season, I would have said he was a solid super rugby option, no more. I was very surprised he got picked in the Wallaby squad last year and even more surprised he got to debut. In the early rounds of the years Super rugby I re-watched a couple of games and specifically watched him. I have a new appreciation of his rugby IQ, his impact in defence and how hard he works to be in the right position to be effective.

Despite this, I could still see how Rennie would want a different style of player. A guy who hits harder and bends the line more in attack, but I could equally see how Rennie would see him as a perfect 6 option. In any case, he’s been superb for the Reds.


Michael Lynagh (62)
In sunday telegraph they left reporting on then reds-rebel clash to about the size of 3 postage stamps....shows the challenge we have to relift the profile of rugby in this country...


Michael Lynagh (62)
He's still 2nd for pilfers this year with 13, second only to McReight with 18. Think you might need to take another look at his defence too, he puts on the dominant tackles that setup McReight's pilfers and has made a few vital try saving tackles this year.

Nicholas Bishop explains it well here:

McReight almost making it impossible to leave him out of the 23...are we going to end up with pooper mark 2...


Herbert Moran (7)
He's still 2nd for pilfers this year with 13, second only to McReight with 18. Think you might need to take another look at his defence too, he puts on the dominant tackles that setup McReight's pilfers and has made a few vital try saving tackles this year.

Nicholas Bishop explains it well here:

I stand corrected on the pilfers. I will stand by what I said in regards to the defence though, dominant would be dominating the contact consistently. He is reliable in that he makes a lot and doesn’t miss many.

That article was for a very exceptional defensive performance and also didn’t give one example of Wright tackling either. Unless I missed something. From memory Wilson had what I’d consider a dominant defensive game there.

Also this might be the wrong place to discuss this, so sorry on that front.


Andrew Slack (58)
I don’t think we’re likely to see McReight & Hooper together. The biggest thing driving the continual selection of Hooper & Pocock IMO was that they were head and shoulders the best two backrowers we had. It was hard enough at times to find 1 other test level backrower, let alone a second that would have warranted leaving one of them out.

Now we have emerging backrowers banging the doors down. One of the reasons I am so bullish on Australian rugby prospects is that we seem to be finally moving past this era where we have continually had to compromise in player selection and try and shoe horn players out of position to try and get a working 15. We might be still a year or two away, particularly depending on who we can secure to add to the squad, but we are looking decidedly healthier than we have for probably 15 years.

Even at 10 I’d argue that JOC (James O'Connor) is at least as good an option as Foley & Cooper gave us for most of the last 5 yrs.


Phil Kearns (64)
In sunday telegraph they left reporting on then reds-rebel clash to about the size of 3 postage stamps..shows the challenge we have to relift the profile of rugby in this country.

Huge photo and article on the back page of the Sunday Mail, though (usually the domain of the Broncos!!).

I would not be too disheartened about the Terriblegraph's coverage: if the Tahs had been in the game, and particularly had they won, the game would have been given a bigger splash. Winners are grinners.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Huge photo and article on the back page of the Sunday Mail, though (usually the domain of the Broncos!!).

I would not be too disheartened about the Terriblegraph's coverage: if the Tahs had been in the game, and particularly had they won, the game would have been given a bigger splash. Winners are grinners.

Not entirely convinced would have got quite the splash still if Tahs...Sydney rugby support at pro level further diminished I feel compared to brisbane rugby support....but point taken....


Desmond Connor (43)
Nah I’m all for it, medical evidence now proves concussions are an enormous threat to players of contact sports, the current HIA protocols are absolutely correct. What we don't want is players refusing to go off and risking further brain injuries because they don’t want to let the team down.

We also don’t want put additional pressure on the independent medical practitioners on the sideline because they decide to remove a player for a HIA assessment, which then adversely impacts the team. They aren’t their to change the course of the games, simply their to protect the players health.

You've completely missed my point. I have no issue with him going off for a HIA, i think it's in incredibly important and am very proud of rugby stance on the matter. More of it.

What i don't like is a player whose already been sub off being allowed back on, with exceptions of of front rowers i don't think this should happen. Reds should have only been allowed to use free subs.

Cancelled Account

Desmond Connor (43)
You bloody beauty. Our forwards have been impressive all year with their strength and a never give up attitude. Liam Wright is a born leader and our future Wallabies captain. Tupou is a machine. We’ve got this last game.


Tony Shaw (54)
You've completely missed my point. I have no issue with him going off for a HIA, i think it's in incredibly important and am very proud of rugby stance on the matter. More of it.

What i don't like is a player whose already been sub off being allowed back on, with exceptions of of front rowers i don't think this should happen. Reds should have only been allowed to use free subs.

But that would mean if I team has already used all their subs and need someone to go off for HIA, they may be reluctant to do so. Why would you create a situation where a team could be disadvantaged on the field because their player is possibly being treated for a severe medical issue? You could possibly have teams carry a 24th man specifically to use in HIA situations if all other subs have been used.


Desmond Connor (43)
But that would mean if I team has already used all their subs and need someone to go off for HIA, they may be reluctant to do so. Why would you create a situation where a team could be disadvantaged on the field because their player is possibly being treated for a severe medical issue? You could possibly have teams carry a 24th man specifically to use in HIA situations if all other subs have been used.

It becomes another factor in making subs. Risk vs Reward. Same with any other sub scenario.

I feel having less subs in a game would make it more interesting.

Bobby Sands

- Have to disagree with some people in regards to Wright. Aside from lineouts, he’s not having a huge impact on games. Tough one, because he seems to have a good attitude but just doesn’t have much impact. Hardwick and Wilkin outplayed him.

Respect your opinion to a degree, but let's see if Rennie agrees with you.

Where did Wilkin or Hardwick outplay him last night?