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Super Rugby Rnd 3: Rebels vs Waratahs


Greg Davis (50)
Man I don't know why you're all stressing. It's not like the Rebels have shown any level of composure to shift the ball wider than 12. Occasionally we'll string a few phases together inside the 22m line and inevitably knock it on because a tits-for-hands prop pulls the trigger too early on a drive to the tryline.

Up the Guts

Steve Williams (59)
Penny basically said Foketi is not providing the communication needed at 13 and they are falling apart in the connection from inside to outside backs. Newsome is apparently a good communicator and as such has been put there to fix it. I hope it results in big structural gains because something needs to change.
I’ve played inside wingers like that. It’s a pretty simple playbook: continuously screech at the defenders inside you, proceed to get burnt on the outside, blame inside defenders for miss, avoid extras at training next week.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I’ve played inside wingers like that. It’s a pretty simple playbook: continuously screech at the defenders inside you, proceed to get burnt on the outside, blame inside defenders for miss, avoid extras at training next week.

I used to play for the B team in my school at wing and the reason for a winger yelling is because the forwards lost the battle handsomely (happened every week as we would play the A team at least once a week in training).

Much easier as a winger to read play as opposed to the 9 or 10 who are back-tracking.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Did not see that side.

Tepai already dropped.

Mr can't tackle Newsome in the defensive role of 13.

Hunt kept but Foketi to the bench?

I can see why foketi dropped but Newsome as replacement interesting given how shite been on the wing. Marky Mark (Nawaqanitawase) to bench also makes sense. Angus bell starting surprised me - good young player with lot of potential - good in open play but whether he can anchor scrum at this point against experienced props not sure or maybe not watched close enough to be convinced


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Everything here makes sense to me (as it would, it's virtually my team from page 1) except Newsome. I don't want to be too hard on the guy, at times last year he played pretty good rugby, but his two games this year have been diabolical. Still, I'm not at training, and I'm not the one giving these guys their roles before they run out, so I'll assume Penney has a good reason for this. Also not sure why Moeroa missed a bench spot, but I haven't seen enough of him to dispute that.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Everything here makes sense to me (as it would, it's virtually my team from page 1) except Newsome. I don't want to be too hard on the guy, at times last year he played pretty good rugby, but his two games this year have been diabolical. Still, I'm not at training, and I'm not the one giving these guys their roles before they run out, so I'll assume Penney has a good reason for this. Also not sure why Moeroa missed a bench spot, but I haven't seen enough of him to dispute that.

Yep agree - penny seems to have seen something at training about Newsome we have not and given training more time on the paddock then playing super rugby games prepared to see what Newsome offers at 13 and whether Penny’s perserverence based on what he has seen on the training paddock justified


Darby Loudon (17)
Some great comments/analysis on this thread.

As it stands, I'm going to choose to be positive. Penny is trying out some combinations. This will all be proven (in time) to have been prescient. Good stuff.


(Plan B: The Rebels are even more shite - aim to win cripple fight)



Colin Windon (37)
Is there any Waratahs supporter out there who doesn't think it is totally off-the-planet?

Look I kind of get it- I don't doubt that Newsome is probably the more skilled and vocal out of the two (in comparison to Foketi). Penney might see it as an opportunity to involve the outside backs more and assist Harrison. In saying that though, I still don't believe Newsome is talented or robust enough to ever be a good Super rugby player- he has definitely overachieved so far.


Geoff Shaw (53)
Game day, seasons starts now for the Rebels. First home game against the rivals north of the border. We will forget about the first two rounds and start our season tonight with a win.

Melbourne weather not doing it's normal thing, hot and humid today. Storms tonight.


Alan Cameron (40)
Is there any Waratahs supporter out there who doesn't think it is totally off-the-planet?

no, but I'm not involved in training, and neither (I don't think) is anyone else on here. What we see in games is the tip of the iceberg in terms of what goes on. Something's obviously happened in training, the coach sees something and is backing his gut/his player to execute. I guess this is how we measure a coaches quality?


Ken Catchpole (46)
Emerging Waratahs named Tepai Moeroa at 12. I like this. Rather than get 10 mins off the bench in the big game get a full 80mins.


Alex Ross (28)
Emerging Waratahs named Tepai Moeroa at 12. I like this. Rather than get 10 mins off the bench in the big game get a full 80mins.
Who’s selecting the Rebels A? If it’s Wessels given his form from the trials, they might as well save the airfare and post some jerseys to the Harlequins 3rd Grade team.


Greg Davis (50)
Fair chance the weather is going to shit the bed tonight. Not quite at the level of NSW during the week, but it's looking pretty humid and thundery out there.

Should make the cripple fight slightly more interesting.


Tony Shaw (54)
Staff member
Fair chance the weather is going to shit the bed tonight. Not quite at the level of NSW during the week, but it's looking pretty humid and thundery out there.

Should make the cripple fight slightly more interesting.

I'm really worried the rain will make my hair frizz. My eldest is bringing my hoodie and I'm meeting him at the ground.
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Peter Sullivan (51)
i've just driven through the deluge on my way back from the west coast, no hoodie is going to help Oz


Nathan Sharpe (72)
The only tight 5 weaker than the Rebels in this comp are the Tahs. Rebels still have a better roster, in my opinion, than the Tahs and should beat them. However, what the Rebels should do and what they actually do have never matched.