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Sydney Subbies 2024


Sydney Middleton (9)
What decision making process, exactly?
Decisions about how many grades Epping will play and what grades they will compete in. Decisions about who is going to fill the void left by Epping and Hills not having Colts and how the draw will work if it involves multiple clubs. Decisions about how the competition will be restructured to ensure that clubs get as much game time as possible because all indications are that there will be gaps in the draw.

If you think that clubs and their members are not interested in knowing how these decisions were made and what effect they will have on their season, then you are sorely mistaken.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
I'd say clubs are going to tell their members what's going on before any announcements here. Expect that information to be 'leaked' on Friday.
I would love to leak some information - so if anyone wants to let me know anything so I can put it out there that would be great. I have been away for too long and out of the loop.

Decisions about how many grades Epping will play and what grades they will compete in. Decisions about who is going to fill the void left by Epping and Hills not having Colts and how the draw will work if it involves multiple clubs. Decisions about how the competition will be restructured to ensure that clubs get as much game time as possible because all indications are that there will be gaps in the draw.

If you think that clubs and their members are not interested in knowing how these decisions were made and what effect they will have on their season, then you are sorely mistaken.
Last year HH combined with Epping to fill that Colts spot - Given HH numbers - Wouldn't that make sense for it to happen again?

If Hills are without Colts and Mosman have two sides - Wouldnt Mosman 2nd Colts fill that slot as well?


Sydney Middleton (9)
Last year HH combined with Epping to fill that Colts spot - Given HH numbers - Wouldn't that make sense for it to happen again?

If Hills are without Colts and Mosman have two sides - Wouldnt Mosman 2nd Colts fill that slot as well?
Both seem like fair solutions. Unfortunately a revised draw hasn't been published. As it stands Briars colts are still playing Epping and UNSW colts still playing Hills.

No problems though, the clubs will sort it out and let everyone know.

Champagne Rugby

Frank Nicholson (4)
Do we know if Briars vs Epping is going ahead? Do we know if Hills are fielding a colts? Do we know if Beecroft have a 3rd grade?
Hills, Epping and Beecroft are all geographically in roughly the same area and it can't be a coincidence these are the teams in the division struggling for numbers, more likely a reflection on the drop in numbers in the area. A few years back many of the junior clubs in the area merged due to playing numbers.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Yes woodies - they have a billion colts as well.....
Once again - Players up at clubs like Eastwood enjoy wearing the shorts and singlet to the gym, rather than actually playing more than 20 minutes on a weekend.
Shute clubs need to be directed to make players available rather than leaving it in the hands of coaches who have their own agendas.

Hills, Epping and Beecroft are all geographically in roughly the same area and it can't be a coincidence these are the teams in the division struggling for numbers, more likely a reflection on the drop in numbers in the area. A few years back many of the junior clubs in the area merged due to playing numbers.
You might want to look into the school participation as well. One of my sons friends at Epping Boys has advised that there is no longer a 1st XV competition and that Epping has been invited to the Sports Schools competition for actual game time.

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
Once again - Players up at clubs like Eastwood enjoy wearing the shorts and singlet to the gym, rather than actually playing more than 20 minutes on a weekend.
Shute clubs need to be directed to make players available rather than leaving it in the hands of coaches who have their own agendas.

You might want to look into the school participation as well. One of my sons friends at Epping Boys has advised that there is no longer a 1st XV competition and that Epping has been invited to the Sports Schools competition for actual game time.
I have 0% confidence this would work. I think most of these guys won't play at all. A couple of years of Colts and maybe 1,2 years of 3rd, 4th grade and call it a day. Fewer and fewer people are playing past 25 years old.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Decisions about how many grades Epping will play and what grades they will compete in. Decisions about who is going to fill the void left by Epping and Hills not having Colts and how the draw will work if it involves multiple clubs. Decisions about how the competition will be restructured to ensure that clubs get as much game time as possible because all indications are that there will be gaps in the draw.

If you think that clubs and their members are not interested in knowing how these decisions were made and what effect they will have on their season, then you are sorely mistaken.

Absolutely they're interested in how the season will pan out. So are the Board and Subbies executive who - like I said - are making the decisions based on the information available at the time.

You imply that the other clubs should be consulted on what those outcomes should be. I'm curious as to how you think this would work in practice? Genuine question.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Absolutely they're interested in how the season will pan out. So are the Board and Subbies executive who - like I said - are making the decisions based on the information available at the time.

You imply that the other clubs should be consulted on what those outcomes should be. I'm curious as to how you think this would work in practice? Genuine question.
"Information available at the time" - I take it clubs haven't been honest and broke the news too late.

I imagine the pre-season division meetings would be a perfect opportunity for clubs to sit down with board members to discuss the season ahead and potential issues (I appreciate this requires clubs to be honest) in addition to the other usual stuff around competition administration. In instances like this where issues come up at the last minute and without any prior warning I also think that arranging a Zoom/Teams/Video call between board reps and the clubs is very manageable. That way all clubs have the chance to hear each others ideas and questions. Also means everyone gets the same information. In fairness this may have happened in some way but the rumours, lack of updates and continued questions suggests otherwise. A good way to stop rumours would be to tell everyone what is happening!


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I imagine the pre-season division meetings would be a perfect opportunity for clubs to sit down with board members to discuss the season ahead and potential issues (I appreciate this requires clubs to be honest) in addition to the other usual stuff around competition administration.

That's the first port of call - Divisional meetings were early March, for reference. So we're just over a month from that.

In instances like this where issues come up at the last minute and without any prior warning I also think that arranging a Zoom/Teams/Video call between board reps and the clubs is very manageable. That way all clubs have the chance to hear each others ideas and questions. Also means everyone gets the same information.

In my experience, if you get 8 Subbies clubs in a room and ask them one question, you'll get at least 4 different answers ;) probably more :)

Trying to find "good" solutions is down to perspective. Everyone is likely to want different things, which is no crime. EDIT: I'm not saying a consensus can't be reached, mind, just that you risk diluting the outcome.

In fairness this may have happened in some way but the rumours, lack of updates and continued questions suggests otherwise. A good way to stop rumours would be to tell everyone what is happening!

Over communication also has risks - if the situation is changing daily or weekly, some information may no longer be true after a public release of information. Does this create further mistrust? More rumours?

Tricky balance.
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Arch Winning (36)
Subbies have updated the DIV 2 draw.

Appears Epping will only be fielding only a 2nd and 3rd grades with Hunters Hill providing their colts.

Sadly Hills haven’t been able to find a colts replacement so that’s a big swing and a miss for the colts comps.

I’m assuming subbies will push back the start times for Epping games as having games finish at 3.15pm will be disastrous for home game beer sales. I’m sure they’ll take that into account??
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Sydney Middleton (9)
Subbies have updated the DIV 2 draw.

Appears Epping will only be fielding only a 2nd and 3rd grades with Hunters Hill providing their colts.

Sadly Hills haven’t been able to find a colts replacement so that’s a big swing and a miss for the colts comps.

I’m assuming subbies will push back the start times for Epping games as having games finish at 3.15pm will be disastrous for home game beer sales. I’m sure they’ll take that into account??
This is laughable and the issues will only compound once the season starts. I feel for Epping to an extent as they’re good blokes and always hang around for a beer afterwards but how long will this last. Playing 2nd & 3rd grade all year - where is the incentive? Seems a bit hollow. Surely Epping should be fronting in 1st Grade.

Hills colts have been on the edge for years. Disappointing and hope they can bounce back. All in all - too many blokes will be missing game time each weekend through no fault of their own. Could be a long year in Div 2.

It’s a good point about bar and canteen sales too. Less people, less interest and the bottom line will suffer.

Ozzie Bob

Charlie Fox (21)
Huge that HH and Mosman can have over 60 registered colts players. No wonder Norths SS have a tough time getting colts.

Epping have always been a good bunch of blokes even if they really enjoy beating BOB's (Who doesn't haha). I feel for them.

The area that Epping is in (geographically speaking) has changed a lot in terms of demographics. I only have to look up the road to Barker and the number of rugby teams that the school now has. Used to be 6 open teams now down to 2 or 3. The demographics of the school have changed also. Now BOBs cannot field a colts team

North Shore and what I like to term the Northern Rail line area of Sydney - (Ryde to Hornsby ) has changed forever and unless we can entice the South East Asian and Indian population to take up rugby then the numbers of rugby players will continue to drop.

Feel sorry for Epping and the subbies board.
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