Rugby Australia needs a Frank Lowy to do what he did for Australian Football. Bring all the stakeholders together, TELL them what is going to happen, how it's going to happen and time frame it's going to happen ( we know this cause the Brit Lions and next WC ) and get rid of who ever does not want to do it. Basically a Dictatorship with professional people around him. Centralisation, Pyramid style.
One person is Mr Forrest of the mining profession. Has lots of monay, lots of govt influence and lots of time now that he is divorced ( may need a hobbie). He needs to get the right people ( business as well as ex players ), formulate a model for clubs, super rugby and Aus team etc and choose a coach. Coach should be from a recently, successful nation ie. Ireland, SA or NZ. Hopefully they can influence some young Aus coaches to take over like Guss did with Arnie etc.