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Wallabies 2019 Thread

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Bobby Sands

Scotty J. will be used to assess the assistants I reckon - to see who is a chance of staying on, or who would be beneficial to be redistributed to states after 2019.

Johnson will be looking for a new team most likely, and I'm thinking that guys like Wisemantel and Taylor will be at the top of the list.

Matt Taylor would be ideal.

Get him back into Australia.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Time to drop or relax the Giteau law to allow OS players to be available for Wallaby selection. It is failing to keep prominent current players in Super rugby and is really limiting Cheika and co in selection. Now with only 4 Super Rugby sides, which has pushed even more players offshore due to lack of available contracts, it is not surprising that the Wallabies slide has steepened(more) as the selection pool is now even thinner. In addition we have more young union players defecting to league as opportunity in union in Oz is more limited than previously.
So now we have 20% less players for the Wallaby peeps to select from and lots of defections.
Make OS players eligible or drop the requirement to 10 tests. That will more likely encourage young up and comers to play a few seasons in Oz before heading OS and making room for more young players to come into Super Rugby, or whatever provincial comp we have next. We need to grow the selection pool and take advantage of the superior coaching regimes in Europe and NZ.
Just as TPN and To'omua were selected from Europe this year and seamlessly slid into the Wallaby setup during the international windows, so will others.
It has got to happen and preferably soon.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Be the end of Rugby. I know i sound a bit melodramatic, but once the eligibility rules drop, Super Rugby is gone. Super Rugby is gone, no future players will play rugby. No young guys will come through to replace the aging guys based in Europe.

Short term gain, for sure, but long term? Wallabies stop being a thing anyone gives a shit about.


Arch Winning (36)
Time to drop or relax the Giteau law to allow OS players to be available for Wallaby selection. It is failing to keep prominent current players in Super rugby.

It’s not doing a bad job, yes there’s a heap of super standard players overseas but not anything more than any other rugby playing nation has abroad and what there’s be 2-5 players absolute max who would be considered for a wallabies match day 23 (depending on personal selections)? I’d still consider that a win overall

Like Derpus said, short term gain for what could be very long term pain

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
I don’t think so. The Soup is dead already. Rugby in Oz is already dying.
This could actually reinvigorate it.

It’s a very narrow path to the Wallabies as it stands, 20% narrower than a year ago.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Be the end of Rugby. I know i sound a bit melodramatic, but once the eligibility rules drop, Super Rugby is gone. Super Rugby is gone, no future players will play rugby. No young guys will come through to replace the aging guys based in Europe.

Short term gain, for sure, but long term? Wallabies stop being a thing anyone gives a shit about.

I agree.

Personally i think we only open the floodgates once the money in Europe reaches ridiculous levels, that even dwarfs the NRL. That way the best 'rugby' talent (given either code) will be swayed up north and we would have the pickings to ourselves. Otherwise we will lose even more youngsters to League, as their earning potential isn't that much different to whats on offer in Europe but get to stay at home, more players that are duel qualified and there would be no visible athletes for children to aspire to (unless they are capable of getting up at 2am in the morning).


Arch Winning (36)
I don’t think so. The Soup is dead already. Rugby in Oz is already dying.
This could actually reinvigorate it.

It’s a very narrow path to the Wallabies as it stands, 20% narrower than a year ago.

How do you see it being reinvigorated if, super rugby becomes incredibly sub par, compared to what it is now, or even ceases to exist. And all of Australia’s top players move to comps in unfriendly viewing times, interest will go down massively

Only possible positive could be more of a focus on a domestic based competition but that would be a horrible standard as the money wouldn’t be ther to attract top line talent


Arch Winning (36)
Why has that not happened with soccer? It continues to grow and thrive in Australia.

But that’s in spite of the A-league not because of it

Soccer has a big enough fan base to be self-sustaining irrespective of a decent domestic competition for generations there wasn’t even a pro comp in Australia, the A-league could close up shop tomorrow and soccer would still thrive in this country at a grass roost level. The situations surrounding the two sports in the majority of aspects are so different it is crazy to draw comparisons and go “they did that why can’t we”, you may as well start comparing union to the basketball and gridiron In America and super rugby to NFL and NBA if you’re gonna go down that path

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
The same people who have let the code slide in Australia have devised these guidelines to protect it. They do not work, pure and simple.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Why has that not happened with soccer? It continues to grow and thrive in Australia.
Does it? A -league is unwatchable tripe on par with the English 3rd or 4th division. It also fails to produce many (if any) talented players and the Socceroos suck dicks, struggled to even qualify for the World Cup.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Does it? A -league is unwatchable tripe on par with the English 3rd or 4th division. It also fails to produce many (if any) talented players and the Socceroos suck dicks, struggled to even qualify for the World Cup.
Yet the code continues to grow in Australia.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
And I would bet that the Socceroos draw a much larger Australian TV audience than the Wallabies when they play despite their low ranking. People are excited about soccer despite the quality of our league and the modest results of our national side.
In Australia the health of rugby appears to hinge purely on the results of the national side. That just just shows how unhealthy it is.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Hurling continues to grow in Ireland, why don’t we follow what they’re doing? In many ways they’re a lot more similar to our position in rugby than soccer is
Maybe we should. What we should not do is to continue what we have been doing.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
And I would bet that the Socceroos draw a much larger Australian TV audience than the Wallabies when they play despite their low ranking. People are excited about soccer despite the quality of our league and the modest results of our national side.
In Australia the health of rugby appears to hinge purely on the results of the national side. That just just shows how unhealthy it is.
I dont think anyone will disagree with this. Our shit is real fucked up. Reaaal fucked up.

It could easily all go under if SA pull out of Super Rugby and it goes belly up with or without us changing our eligibility rules. But we may as well wait for our execution in a few years rather than topping ourselves now.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Soccer grows for several reasons, the first being because so many parents these days (mothers in particular) don't want their sons playing contact sports in primary school, so the kids first contact with football is soccer. The second reason is the worldwide popularity of soccer compared with all other football codes. Given these days 50% of the Australian population was either born overseas or their parents were, and such a huge proportion of these being Asian or European, soccer is always going to be their first choice. As this section of our population continues to grow, so will soccer to our detriment, unless we can make a compelling case for our game, which we seem incapable of.
Those of PI heritage are rugby inclined, but we lose them to league due to the propensity of rugby administration at all levels (yes, including the much admired Shute Shield) to act as if the more blue collar suburbs don't exist.
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