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Wallabies 2023


Ward Prentice (10)
This has probably already been discussed but who replaces Ikitau? My personal preference is Kellaway but I also want him at 15 if he's fit. Perese would add some serious punch but his defence especially against the All Blacks outside backs concerns me. Hodge I suppose could do a job but it'll be grim if he's our best option. Has Foketi every played 13?

Also please can we drop Tom Wright? Kellaway or even Petaia to 15.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
That's a real loss and a great shame for Len. Probably been one of my favorite Wallabies in terms of consistency. The positive is better now than a couple of weeks later, but even so, he'll be really pushing for a return in that opening RWC game against Georgia.

The possible replacements for Len already in the squad out of those not flagged as rehab are people like Perese and Hodge. Kellaway & Petaia's inclusions depend on where those two really are in terms of fitness etc. I think as we've seen with returning players (like Kerevi last night) they're not always back to where you remember them right away. How much time to prepare with the squad those two have had I'm not sure. I know Kellaway was a least back at training, though I'm unsure of his load.

Other possibility is you inject a player like Foketi and keep Kerevi at 13.

I'm not sure I understanding people suggesting playing all these players playing out of their usual positions? All this player here or there when they've played little time in those positions recently and no time at international level and are mean't to come up against quality international opposition in those positions. Where's the logic?
I believe Eddie intends to name a new, revised squad for the Bledisloe games. If he has any idea at all about the game (and I am fast losing confidence in that), then Flook has to come in and imo be the replacement for Len Ikitau. I'm with you all the way about the nonsense of moving players around into spots they don't usually play. Samu Kerevi just might regain some fitness and earn the No 12 spot, but a 13 he is not. Mark N (Nawaqanitawase) was the pick of the wingers this week so people want to move him to 13 or 15. Just let him stay where he is best suited. Similarly, Carter Gordon is a 10. He made a reasonable fist of 12 last week, but Foketi must come in if fit and if Kerevi hasn't improved his fitness. Personally, I don't think Marika is up to standard either atm and would rather see someone like Pietsch get a run - better defender, also hugely proficient at kick chasing and a very strong runner/finisher.

This would be my backline, with change only where warranted :

White, Cooper, Pietsch, Foketi, Flook, Nawaqanitawase, Wright. Bench would be, McDermott, Gordon, Kellaway (if fit)/Petaia (if fit)/Perese(?)/Hodge(?).

No 9 is difficult. White/McDermott have been the favoured duo, and both are fit. But Lonergan would be very handy as a goal kicker and Fines-Lelaiwasa put in probably the stellar No 9 performance of the year for Aus A.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I think people need to relax, I still think it's too early to evaluate Eddie/the team. They now get 2 weeks at home to prepare, players are coming back and been in the environment for a bit now. The next 2 performances will tell us our chances at the RWC. I don't care too much about the last 2 results, we were up against settled coaches and teams.
Qwerty, the Wallabies do have a couple of weeks to prepare, and they do have players coming in and others getting more familiar with processes and systems etc, but the ABs are a settled side and coaching setup too. I reckon we will be lucky to restrict them below 50 points in each game, and I am willing to attribute that to Eddie and his League heavy ideas and Assistants.


Dave Cowper (27)
This would be my backline, with change only where warranted :

White, Cooper, Pietsch, Foketi, Flook, Nawaqanitawase, Wright. Bench would be, McDermott, Gordon, Kellaway (if fit)/Petaia (if fit)/Perese(?)/Hodge(?).

I cant see how you can make that many changes now besides through injury

I think the starting backline going forward will be:
Perese/Flook/Kellaway/O'Connor (hope not)
Marky Mark (Nawaqanitawase)

I dont understand why R.Lonergan didnt get the bench spot vs the argies if Eddie thinks he will use him. Surely thats the game to make your debut. That seemed really dumb to me.

Edit: That being said, I wont be at all surprised to see Donaldson at 15, despite his form this year.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I cant see how you can make that many changes now besides through injury

I think the starting backline going forward will be:
Perese/Flook/Kellaway/O'Connor (hope not)
Marky Mark (Nawaqanitawase) (Nawaqanitawase)

I dont understand why R.Lonergan didnt get the bench spot vs the argies if Eddie thinks he will use him. Surely thats the game to make your debut. That seemed really dumb to me.

Edit: That being said, I wont be at all surprised to see Donaldson at 15, despite his form this year.
As dumb as Faessler not getting a run against the Argies.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
mhmm amen brother, glad someone has the courage to point out that free loader. Surely Marika can't make the RWC squad, consistently underperforms, Muirhead perhaps to replace him? Toole?
Ha ha. Here comes the first bit of bile. I'm disappointed Dct. You usually don't stoop that low.


Peter Johnson (47)
This has probably already been discussed but who replaces Ikitau? My personal preference is Kellaway but I also want him at 15 if he's fit. Perese would add some serious punch but his defence especially against the All Blacks outside backs concerns me. Hodge I suppose could do a job but it'll be grim if he's our best option. Has Foketi every played 13?

Also please can we drop Tom Wright? Kellaway or even Petaia to 15.
Eddie has mentioned Petaia going back to 13, but not sure how in the picture he is atm injury wise. I'd suggest it'd be Perese with Hodge on the bench.


Dave Cowper (27)
Unsure if Laurie's advice is the correct one considering the Wallabies were just as poor as they currently are when Laurie was giving an opportunity to address it.

Firing Rennie (and hence Fisher) was stupid and indicative of RA being stuck thinking Aus are a top 4 team having an off day. His % was average but it was all against T1 teams and he got some really good results.

It's clear that Rennie/Fisher should still be the Wallabies coaches. Sure Dave's win-record looks average but a lot of his loses were within 3 points (5 out of 18 losses being 1/2 point game and 1 out of 18 being a 3 point game), they even had a 2-2 record with France with the 2 losses being a 2 point and 1 point game. Considering how many injuries they've had this cycle and the impact Covid has had in the SH I'd say they did really well.

They bent the rules to grant Eddie access to more overseas players and so far he's doing even worse.

Eddie is seemingly indecisive about what to do with the players he has, his approach lacks certainty, he's defaulted to trying to play very basic territory rugby and filling the gaps with the biggest forwards he can. That backline under Dave was dangerous, under Eddie it's lost. Serious early 2022 Foster style.

Thus far it looks far worse, with the only part that's better being players that weren't available previously. Discipline, offense, defense, it all looks worse. Rennie's team had moments of coherent and inspired play. But this iteration of the Wallabies looks completely disjointed. I didn't understand the coaching change then and still don't.

The most worrying part is that they look eerily similar to how poor England looked during the back half of Jones' tenure there.

I don't see a single thing better about this wallabies team under Eddie. There's more personnel and a stronger team but have very poor attack. Poor defence (not helped by losing Ikitau who organizes the backline). Terrible discipline - which every world beating team has in spades. I feel like this team has gone backwards massively. The only thing I see more of is big hits and physicality which is needed but hasn’t been effectual.

There were a lot of strong individual performances by the Wallabies players, which is unsurprising because it's a lot stronger team sheet compared to Rennie's last year. But they currently lack coherence in their gameplan, strategy & team cohesion is understandably in disarray after Rugby Australia put a sword through Dave Rennie's ambitions for 2023.

Eddie Jones has really done a number on the Wallabies. With 2xNZ and France to come, he will go into the World Cup with a 0% win record with 0/5.
Last edited:


Alfred Walker (16)
Foketi has played 13 before
Would be a safer option then perese
And most likely 3rd centre taken to rwc so should get first shot
Petaia - would like him in there as well

as for Korobeti is and will be one of the first picked each week
We have plenty of good ball running outside backs individually, just need them to fire together

Toole and muirhead are not eye answer! Toole has pace and that’s about it, lacks the ability to go searching for the ball, can’t break tackles and can’t defend!
the back 5 will be Korobete, kellaway, petaia, Marky n, Wright as a winger and if they take a 6th maybe hodge who covers 10 and centre as well

Wallaby Man

Nev Cottrell (35)
Where is this Koroibete chat coming from? He was by some measure the best wallabies player on the field 2 weeks ago. It’s simply bizarre. It’s like the ABs calling for Savea to be dropped after a quiet game on the weekend or Ireland dropping Sexton because he misses some kicks for goal.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
I'd feel safer with Foketi at 13 as I have not seen a lot of the others. Watched Flook do some good things in Aus A but against the AB's whoever it is, it's going to be a big call and a big task.

Doritos Day

Johnnie Wallace (23)
If he has any idea at all about the game (and I am fast losing confidence in that), then Flook has to come in and imo be the replacement for Len Ikitau.
This is just crazy. There is no world where a player "has to" make their test debut against NZ in one of the harder positions on the field.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Where is this Koroibete chat coming from? He was by some measure the best wallabies player on the field 2 weeks ago. It’s simply bizarre. It’s like the ABs calling for Savea to be dropped after a quiet game on the weekend or Ireland dropping Sexton because he misses some kicks for goal.
Koro will be in the Bledisloe sides and a certainty for RWC. I just pointed out that he didn;t have a good game, certainly not the MOTM Level that he is being rated as on the POTW thread because of some failings in defence. The trouble with some here is that they read into a bit of criticism a desire to see the player dropped. Overreaction and some "tribalism" gone mad. Pity we can't see these players as Wallabies and forget their Super Rugby allegiances.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Qwerty, the Wallabies do have a couple of weeks to prepare, and they do have players coming in and others getting more familiar with processes and systems etc, but the ABs are a settled side and coaching setup too. I reckon we will be lucky to restrict them below 50 points in each game, and I am willing to attribute that to Eddie and his League heavy ideas and Assistants.
Yes and if that’s the case, that’s when you start being critical.


John Thornett (49)
Koro will be in the Bledisloe sides and a certainty for RWC. I just pointed out that he didn;t have a good game, certainly not the MOTM Level that he is being rated as on the POTW thread because of some failings in defence. The trouble with some here is that they read into a bit of criticism a desire to see the player dropped. Overreaction and some "tribalism" gone mad. Pity we can't see these players as Wallabies and forget their Super Rugby allegiances.
Is the inference here that you think Wright had a better game than Koro?


Jim Lenehan (48)
Firing Rennie (and hence Fisher) was stupid and indicative of Rugby Australia being stuck thinking Aus are a top 4 team having an off day. His % was average but it was all against T1 teams and he got some really good results.

It's clear that Rennie/Fisher should still be the Wallabies coaches. Sure Dave's win-record looks average but a lot of his loses were within 3 points (5 out of 18 losses being 1/2 point game and 1 out of 18 being a 3 point game), they even had a 2-2 record with France with the 2 losses being a 2 point and 1 point game. Considering how many injuries they've had this cycle and the impact Covid has had in the SH I'd say they did really well.

They bent the rules to grant Eddie access to more overseas players and so far he's doing even worse.

Eddie is seemingly indecisive about what to do with the players he has, his approach lacks certainty, he's defaulted to trying to play very basic territory rugby and filling the gaps with the biggest forwards he can. That backline under Dave was dangerous, under Eddie it's lost. Serious early 2022 Foster style.

Thus far it looks far worse, with the only part that's better being players that weren't available previously. Discipline, offense, defense, it all looks worse. Rennie's team had moments of coherent and inspired play. But this iteration of the Wallabies looks completely disjointed. I didn't understand the coaching change then and still don't.

The most worrying part is that they look eerily similar to how poor England looked during the back half of Jones' tenure there.

I don't see a single thing better about this wallabies team under Eddie. There's more personnel and a stronger team but have very poor attack. Poor defence (not helped by losing Ikitau who organizes the backline). Terrible discipline - which every world beating team has in spades. I feel like this team has gone backwards massively. The only thing I see more of is big hits and physicality which is needed but hasn’t been effectual.

There were a lot of strong individual performances by the Wallabies players, which is unsurprising because it's a lot stronger team sheet compared to Rennie's last year. But they currently lack coherence in their gameplan, strategy & team cohesion is understandably in disarray after Rugby Australia put a sword through Dave Rennie's ambitions for 2023.

Eddie Jones has really done a number on the Wallabies. With 2xNZ and France to come, he will go into the World Cup with a 0% win record with 0/5.

Have a snickers bro


Jim Lenehan (48)
I believe Eddie intends to name a new, revised squad for the Bledisloe games. If he has any idea at all about the game (and I am fast losing confidence in that), then Flook has to come in and imo be the replacement for Len Ikitau. I'm with you all the way about the nonsense of moving players around into spots they don't usually play. Samu Kerevi just might regain some fitness and earn the No 12 spot, but a 13 he is not. Mark N (Nawaqanitawase) (Nawaqanitawase) was the pick of the wingers this week so people want to move him to 13 or 15. Just let him stay where he is best suited. Similarly, Carter Gordon is a 10. He made a reasonable fist of 12 last week, but Foketi must come in if fit and if Kerevi hasn't improved his fitness. Personally, I don't think Marika is up to standard either atm and would rather see someone like Pietsch get a run - better defender, also hugely proficient at kick chasing and a very strong runner/finisher.

This would be my backline, with change only where warranted :

White, Cooper, Pietsch, Foketi, Flook, Nawaqanitawase, Wright. Bench would be, McDermott, Gordon, Kellaway (if fit)/Petaia (if fit)/Perese(?)/Hodge(?).

No 9 is difficult. White/McDermott have been the favoured duo, and both are fit. But Lonergan would be very handy as a goal kicker and Fines-Lelaiwasa put in probably the stellar No 9 performance of the year for Aus A.

I always assumed that the Australia A games was a chance to see if there are some players he may bring in for a closer look. I feel like Flook has a really big future, but I do wonder at the timeline for him. Similarly Fines-Lelaiwasa had some real positive attributes, but I'm not sure that he's a clear cut above McDermott or Lonergan. The other player is Wilson who also looked good, but no better than during the season. I also though Swinton was looking good until his brain explosion of a penalty. Such a waste.

It's an interesting proposition in terms of how much you change up the core of this squad when you have so few games left, which is why like you even though I wasn't happy with his performance at all I'd be tempted to give Wright another run also. I'd actually be leaning more to keeping as much of the combinations and core the same even including Marika, but it will be interesting how much Eddie brings out the axe and who he see's as possible options. My concern is really around the increasing lack of time we have for many new combinations to embed themselves.