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Wallabies 2023


Stirling Mortlock (74)
It's 25k for the semis and another 150k for winning (total of 175k), but it's the whole squad who get it, not just the 23. Payout gets even larger if there are injury replacements throughout the tournament.
Wonder if the off-field staff get something too.


Bill Watson (15)
I think it's hard to blame the coaches for between match non-contact injuries like achilles, hamstrings, or calves. Unless they have them sprinting for hours on end or going psychotic in the weight room then running them hard.

Impossible to know without more inside knowledge of how they are training. In the past 12 months I think they've lost their starting 10, 12, 5, 3 in between games. I'm probably missing someone.


Tim Horan (67)
I think it's hard to blame the coaches for between match non-contact injuries like achilles, hamstrings, or calves. Unless they have them sprinting for hours on end or going psychotic in the weight room then running them hard.

Impossible to know without more inside knowledge of how they are training. In the past 12 months I think they've lost their starting 10, 12, 5, 3 in between games. I'm probably missing someone.

This doesn't smell right to me. There is no way these injury rates match the wider population nor I think a typical cohort of body builders. The injuries don't just do themselves.


Bill Watson (15)
I was holding on till now to say this, but it’s now clear sacking Rennie has been an unmitigated disaster. Hamish McLennan should be sacked
I've been saying that for weeks and I was called a negative Nancy no nothing on these forums.

The team played today like they didn't have any clue what they were doing as a team. The same way they have played in basically every game since Jones joined. Remember the 38% winning %. Well, they are now 1-7 under Jones, AKA 14%. Zero wins against Tier1 teams.

None of Jones' major decisions look like they have paid off. Most of the young guys were underwhelming today: Hooper, McReight, Gordon, Petaia.

Picking Arnold looks like a waste of an overseas selection. He's been a non-factor. The aerial/kicking tactics have come off horribly, kicking through the end zone 3-4 times and not doing well competing for box kicks. The attack has looked terrible and disjointed.

I think that game would have gone a whole lot better with Jeb Holloway, Ikitau, Quade, M.Hooper, Kellaway, any other lock, Fainga'a, even Tom Banks at #15.

Picking so few players with test experience in a RWC is plain stupid.

Even after the game Eddie says the stats show they were dominating Fiji. Maybe they show they were statistically doing well, but the team looked awful.

I wanted Oz to win, but I put money on Fiji based solely on Jones' obstinance.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
I was holding on till now to say this, but it’s now clear sacking Rennie has been an unmitigated disaster. Hamish McLennan should be sacked
I have said it before. Loud mouth obnoxious hamish didn’t like rennies quieter and calm demeanor and wanted to bring in Eddie to act more like him.
Eddie has done that but his game plan is a) hard to figure out for the players and the fans b) possibly non existsant
Eddie’s personality and reputation and short notice appointment saw little too support available or willing.
I’m broadly okay with moving on from Cooper but you need foley if you do that or someone with experience.
I don’t get ikitau not being there at all unless he’s just not recovered.

rennie decision a shocker then and a shocker now. Yes his record was as bad as all before him but but for foley/renault we beat the all blacks. Won a series against France and nearly beat France in Paris and Ireland in Dublin. Was trending up and we had a game plan…..

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
That said. This Fiji team is stacked and we are about on par with England and wales now.
The damage from a pool exit tho shouldn’t be overstated…..I would say McLennan needs to go personally and depending on what happens next Eddie should think about where he is at.
Not sure what you do after that tho…….
Guess he gets the excuse of he only had 12 months to be fair but if this is any World Cup from 2003-2019, you don’t make it out of the pool and you’re gone.
Hire shaun edwards or Farrell after this.


Bill Watson (15)
That said. This Fiji team is stacked and we are about on par with England and wales now.
The damage from a pool exit tho shouldn’t be overstated…..I would say McLennan needs to go personally and depending on what happens next Eddie should think about where he is at.
Not sure what you do after that tho…….
Guess he gets the excuse of he only had 12 months to be fair but if this is any World Cup from 2003-2019, you don’t make it out of the pool and you’re gone.
Hire shaun edwards or Farrell after this.
I'd buy that excuse from Eddie if his selections/tactics made a lick of sense.

And there's no excuse for RA. They've bottled it.


Arch Winning (36)
Hopefully Tate & Isaac for the halves next week & White shown the door - has to be Gorgon again as there's no one else so hopefully they can feed him some better ball....

Eddie's Eyebrows

Allen Oxlade (6)
Hopefully Tate & Isaac for the halves next week & White shown the door - has to be Gorgon again as there's no one else so hopefully they can feed him some better ball....
I must admit Donalson seemed more assured than Gordon today. Even if he had little impact. Wouldn't be surprised to see Donaldson take the 10 shirt off Gordon for Wales.