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Wallabies 2024


Alan Cameron (40)
It was 2021 when he first came back. You know the game I mean. Let’s not split hairs. The bloke lifted our game as soon as he returned and then after a major injury last year, like Kerevi, put in the hard yards to be available for this world cup.
It may be that he was not the one we needed but we did need another experienced 10. Cooper, Foley, Lolesio…….take your pick.
Thats the point and Jones failure to take at least one of them instead of Donaldson was a travesty.
Oh I would have had Lolesio there. Id also have the Lonergan brothers both there

But outside of the Covid series 2 years ago against teams that couldn’t train for 6 months, Quade hasn’t shown enough to get this upset about

What annoys me is guys like Foley and Fisher coming out talking it up when they hardly set the world alight when they were there

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Oh I would have had Lolesio there. Id also have the Lonergan brothers both there

But outside of the Covid series 2 years ago against teams that couldn’t train for 6 months, Quade hasn’t shown enough to get this upset about

What annoys me is guys like Foley and Fisher coming out talking it up when they hardly set the world alight when they were there
Eddie tore up the script and threw it away…………….and we all know the end result.
He needs to go

We have the Lions coming in two years and we need to try and mount some kind of resistance. Whoever the coach is they need to get their ducks in a row soon.


Alan Cameron (40)
Eddie tore up the script and threw it away…………….and we all know the end result.
He needs to go

We have the Lions coming in two years and we need to try and mount some kind of resistance. Whoever the coach is they need to get their ducks in a row soon.
C’mon man, this is bigger than a coaching issue. Sack Eddie if you want, but pretending Larkham can turn this team around is fanciful


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
My biggest issue with it was he's been one of, if not the most, consistent performers for the Wallabies over the past couple of years. Players don't get many opportunities to play in World Cups, and EJ (Eddie Jones) (Eddie Jones) took that away for him without ever providing justification.
Nothing was taken away from him. No one owns a Wallaby jersey.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
No. Plenty of good rugby people with a fuck-load more knowledge and experience than any of us in not just rugby but RWCs have made the same comments. Drew Mitchell and SBW off the top of my head.

Because they know that RWCs are not just about what happens on the field. It takes leadership and experience as well as talent, skill and performance.

Hooper and Quade have been on the big stages and have felt the weight of expectations and everything that comes with being in that environment. You could see and almost feel the gaping lack of any of that in the 2nd half of yesterday's game.
Out of interest, what are Mitchell's and SBW's coaching records like?

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
C’mon man, this is bigger than a coaching issue. Sack Eddie if you want, but pretending Larkham can turn this team around is fanciful
Yes it is much bigger but the coach is a problem and he is not the person to take us forward.
It’s all about him. It needs to be about the game and the players.


Herbert Moran (7)
Let's not forget he was involved in 3 of those years.
His interview in the roar led with a complaint about the past and how's he's been saying so for the three years he's been in charge, followed by listing three things to fix rugby that he hasn't done and hasn't started in those same three years he's been in charge.

This is not his and Phil Waugh's moment, I'm afraid. They are not equipped for this.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Another big mistake by Eddie. He picked the weak Arnold twin. The reason was that Rory wasn't playing cause his Japanese team desappeared and didn't come back to Super Rugby Australia. But he had plenty gametime to gave him a run. 5 games before the RWC and a short-preseason. Enough to be better than Richie

Rebel man

Jim Lenehan (48)
Another big mistake by Eddie. He picked the weak Arnold twin. The reason was that Rory wasn't playing cause his Japanese team desappeared and didn't come back to Super Rugby Australia. But he had plenty gametime to gave him a run. 5 games before the RWC and a short-preseason. Enough to be better than Richie
Rory was always overrated for mine

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
My view is this
1) Hamish oversaw the exit of rennie and hiring of jones. This is early into Jones tenure but appears a mistake. Hamish was lured in by jones' personality and sold a bill of goods possibly. He got too emotional in his pursuit of jones once England sacked him. He should've let Rennie see through this world cup and then sought a different coach (USA is a complete disaster and i kind of doubt jones would've gone there to be honest) so maybe Jones would've been available still. He also could've told Jones - if we bring you in now, we are setting you up for failure and we need you to fire out of the gates and brought him in as high performance for a year. Maybe he could've looked at Deans, Andy Friend, Mckellar etc if jones wasn't available
2) Hamish is saying this result was 20 years in the making - ok but why was drastic change at wallabies level needed this year? the faults in the game are the systems from grass roots funding, to the gap between club and super, to super conditioning and cost issues in the redundant game administration between SRP (Super Rugby Pacific) and RA. What does a wholesale change at wallabies level for 9 months do to fix any of this? no one thought we were going to win this world cup, but rennies team would've made it out of the pool and maybe a semi. This is an objectively bad result for the game that would have very serious effects if not rectified within 12-18 months.
3) Jones made a bet and it went wrong. I'm not sure he needs to be fired unless a review says "culture is fucked, systems are fucked etc etc" if the reveiw just says "this was probably the wrong team selected" i have a hard time moving him on. If he did interview for the Japan job - kind of depends to me. if someone calls me with a job, i'm taking a call to find out whats on offer $$ wise and to also get in their good books for later if i do want to move. timing is bad though and the leak is bad, but intent counts for a lot.
4) Hamish & Marinos - this one has bothered me for a while. Hamish strikes me as someone who wanted a yes man (he's chairman so seems too involved in the day to day). Marinos was in my mind rightly skeptical of poaching Joseph for that amount. Who is arguing that is money well spent right now? that's $5M that could've gone to the 5 super clubs or to grass roots to keep young players in the game. This to me looks like a moronic decision. Andy was also skeptical about Jones - see above. this looks like a bad decision at least short term. I think we lost a good, non old boy administrator there.
5) Hamish is a moron and should resign based off the above.
6) IF eddie goes, who replaces him?
I would say Andy Friend, Mckellar, Robbie Deans, Ronan O'Gara are the best bets. Could we get Shaun Edwads? question if anyone without serious australia experience would want to come down now. my guess is ronan and shaun would be a no so you're left with andy, mckellar or robbie. anyone else?
7) Need better grassroots funding and engagement, need centralized system especially with strength and conditioning. we are consistently in bad shape. FIX THIS. Engage Larkham & Giteau and others to run key position sessions (working with fly halves and inside centres). Recruit in good props so we have more depth with key position camps for top props and hookers (established and developing).
8) I hate to say it but i think we have one too many super rugby teams. Going to 3 doesnt provide enough opportunities, but 5 is spreading things too thin. i'm personally of the view that Brumbies and Rebels should merge. where you base the team out of probably doesnt matter to me. split the games between Melbourne and Canberra and double super rugby pacific games to home and away games. that would get 5 games in Melbourne and 6 games in Canberra. not much different to now.
9) We need more games. Why is Super Rugby just 14 weeks? make it a home and away season. cut one super team and expand the squads so rotation can come into play. you want a second tier? just run it through the super Clubs. Each team has a developing roster that plays a home and a way season against the aussie teams to keep costs down. that's 6-8 games of additional rugby. with a longer super season, there is less need for a whole new comp as players will get development team games plus more super games as there will be bigger squads and more rotation.


Tim Horan (67)
@Sir Arthur Higgins well thought out mate. Not saying everyone will agree with everything, but think most will agree with bery large part . I personally from here think the nails head has been pretty well hit!

I have to really wonder about what had happened to the likes of Kerevi and Koribite in the Wallaby backline , they look absolutely lost to me (a few others too, but they are 2 experienced players who usually good). I genuinely don't think too many players are sure of what their job/position is meant to be.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
MK was a ghost this world cup. i can't begin to fathom why. he has a crazy work rate off the ball but i wasn't seeing that which makes me think that's what he was told to do? bizarre
Kerevi has looked off the pace since he returned to be fair but i dont think we saw any improvement.

i will say Suli looks bloody good at times.


John Eales (66)
My view is this
1) Hamish oversaw the exit of rennie and hiring of jones. This is early into Jones tenure but appears a mistake. Hamish was lured in by jones' personality and sold a bill of goods possibly. He got too emotional in his pursuit of jones once England sacked him. He should've let Rennie see through this world cup and then sought a different coach (USA is a complete disaster and i kind of doubt jones would've gone there to be honest) so maybe Jones would've been available still. He also could've told Jones - if we bring you in now, we are setting you up for failure and we need you to fire out of the gates and brought him in as high performance for a year. Maybe he could've looked at Deans, Andy Friend, Mckellar etc if jones wasn't available
2) Hamish is saying this result was 20 years in the making - ok but why was drastic change at wallabies level needed this year? the faults in the game are the systems from grass roots funding, to the gap between club and super, to super conditioning and cost issues in the redundant game administration between SRP (Super Rugby Pacific) (Super Rugby Pacific) and Rugby Australia. What does a wholesale change at wallabies level for 9 months do to fix any of this? no one thought we were going to win this world cup, but rennies team would've made it out of the pool and maybe a semi. This is an objectively bad result for the game that would have very serious effects if not rectified within 12-18 months.
3) Jones made a bet and it went wrong. I'm not sure he needs to be fired unless a review says "culture is fucked, systems are fucked etc etc" if the reveiw just says "this was probably the wrong team selected" i have a hard time moving him on. If he did interview for the Japan job - kind of depends to me. if someone calls me with a job, i'm taking a call to find out whats on offer $$ wise and to also get in their good books for later if i do want to move. timing is bad though and the leak is bad, but intent counts for a lot.
4) Hamish & Marinos - this one has bothered me for a while. Hamish strikes me as someone who wanted a yes man (he's chairman so seems too involved in the day to day). Marinos was in my mind rightly skeptical of poaching Joseph for that amount. Who is arguing that is money well spent right now? that's $5M that could've gone to the 5 super clubs or to grass roots to keep young players in the game. This to me looks like a moronic decision. Andy was also skeptical about Jones - see above. this looks like a bad decision at least short term. I think we lost a good, non old boy administrator there.
5) Hamish is a moron and should resign based off the above.
6) IF eddie goes, who replaces him?
I would say Andy Friend, Mckellar, Robbie Deans, Ronan O'Gara are the best bets. Could we get Shaun Edwads? question if anyone without serious australia experience would want to come down now. my guess is ronan and shaun would be a no so you're left with andy, mckellar or robbie. anyone else?
7) Need better grassroots funding and engagement, need centralized system especially with strength and conditioning. we are consistently in bad shape. FIX THIS. Engage Larkham & Giteau and others to run key position sessions (working with fly halves and inside centres). Recruit in good props so we have more depth with key position camps for top props and hookers (established and developing).
8) I hate to say it but i think we have one too many super rugby teams. Going to 3 doesnt provide enough opportunities, but 5 is spreading things too thin. i'm personally of the view that Brumbies and Rebels should merge. where you base the team out of probably doesnt matter to me. split the games between Melbourne and Canberra and double super rugby pacific games to home and away games. that would get 5 games in Melbourne and 6 games in Canberra. not much different to now.
9) We need more games. Why is Super Rugby just 14 weeks? make it a home and away season. cut one super team and expand the squads so rotation can come into play. you want a second tier? just run it through the super Clubs. Each team has a developing roster that plays a home and a way season against the aussie teams to keep costs down. that's 6-8 games of additional rugby. with a longer super season, there is less need for a whole new comp as players will get development team games plus more super games as there will be bigger squads and more rotation.
This is certainly not in disagreement to many of the things you say, but I have woken up today with a different view of how to 'fix things' than what I spun yesterday. I have come to the realisation that it's a complex issue with many moving parts at both the administrative and performance levels and that nothing I think or do is going to change anything. So I have decided to refrain from making any further comment on the issue, there is no point in wasting time and brain capacity on it. I sincereley hope the right people to enact positive change get involved and get things happening. I still care and I'd certainly be interested in being a part of a movement to 'fix things', but I'm in no position to be the driver of that.


Peter Johnson (47)
Might as well start this off. Time to start afresh and move on from all the old heads. I don't think the Giteau law has done anything for us.

I'd like to see a 35 man squad like this come next July: (You can bag it out, but it's not like this current team has worked)

Props - AAA, Tupou, Nonggorr, Bell, Gibbon, Robertson

Hookers - BPA, Faessler, Lonergan

Second Row - Rodda, Canham, Frost, Salakai-Loto

Backrow - Gleeson, Wilson, Valetini, T. Hooper, Leota, McReight

Halfbacks - McDermott, Lonergan, IFL

Flyhalves - Gordon, Donaldson, Lynagh

Centres - Foketi, Ikitau, Paisami, Flook

Outside Backs - Jorgensen, Peitsch, Petaia, Nawaqanitawase, Kellaway, Wright

I think Skelton will still be in the picture for 2025, whilst the Canhams of the world keep building. We've just seen the results of moving on from the old heads entirely and being out muscled. I'll stick with your 35, and leave foreigners out also

Hookers - BPA, Faessler, Uelese
Props - AAA, Tupou, Bell - Pone, Hodgman & Eloff (think he is eligible next year?)
*I don't rate nonggoor or Gibbon and Robertson is studying medicine in the UK
Locks - Rodda, Frost, LSL (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto), Canham
Backrow - Gleeson, Valetini, Hooper, Leota, Mcreight, Holloway/Swinton
Halfbacks - Mcdermott, Lonergan, IFL
Flyhalves - Gordon, Donaldson, JOC (James O'Connor)!!
Centres - Foketi, Paisami, Ikitau, Perese, Petaia
Outside - Jorgenson, Markymark, Kellaway, Wright, Vunivalu


John Solomon (38)
I think Skelton will still be in the picture for 2025, whilst the Canhams of the world keep building. We've just seen the results of moving on from the old heads entirely and being out muscled. I'll stick with your 35, and leave foreigners out also

Hookers - BPA, Faessler, Uelese
Props - AAA, Tupou, Bell - Pone, Hodgman & Eloff (think he is eligible next year?)
*I don't rate nonggoor or Gibbon and Robertson is studying medicine in the UK
Locks - Rodda, Frost, LSL (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto) (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto), Canham
Backrow - Gleeson, Valetini, Hooper, Leota, Mcreight, Holloway/Swinton
Halfbacks - Mcdermott, Lonergan, IFL
Flyhalves - Gordon, Donaldson, JOC (James O'Connor) (James O'Connor)!!
Centres - Foketi, Paisami, Ikitau, Perese, Petaia
Outside - Jorgenson, Markymark, Kellaway, Wright, Vunivalu
Yeah I’d have Suli there actually but not Uelese