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Wallabies vs England, Sydney, 3rd Test, 25 June @ 8:00pm

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Vay Wilson (31)
This one?

Or the youtube clip on the front page that seems to have been removed?

The one on the front page. The throw is obviously along the ground and not aimed at Haskell. The sideview is from a very good position to show that it's innocent, which is probably why the sideview shot has been removed.


Frank Row (1)
Let me start this by saying England deserved the win. They might not have played all the rugby but they played to win and executed far better than us. We've also been out-thought and out-coached in the last 7 days so players aside, I'll be interested to see how Cheika responds.

Shit its hard to work out whether we stay the course or make sweeping changes for what's a dead rubber in prep for TRC.

Of those who've had a run the last 2 weeks I feel like Kerevi, Izzy and DHP can hold their high, with par marks to Slipper, TPN. The rest have been scratchy at best, lock remains a real problem area. Foley, while average tonight, was good last week and great last year, he's our best 10 I reckon.

With nothing to lose next week and having not spent more than about 10mins thinking about this, starting to toy with the following for next Sat:

  1. Slipper
  2. TPN
  3. Kepu
  4. Carter
  5. Horwill
  6. McMahon
  7. Gill
  8. Houston
  9. Who bloody knows
  10. Foley
  11. Horne
  12. Lealiifano
  13. Kerevi
  14. DHP
  15. Folau
Haven't even considered bench but T Smith, Holmes, Hodge, Skelton (did I really just say that?), kidnapping George Smith into the team and kidnapping Deam Mumm out of the team are all possibilities.
And PS, I'm not a Hooper hater, the guy is immensely talented. I'd just like to see some alternative options because his style heavily influences our structures.

The torpedo

Peter Fenwicke (45)
Let me start this by saying England deserved the win. They might not have played all the rugby but they played to win and executed far better than us. We've also been out-thought and out-coached in the last 7 days so players aside, I'll be interested to see how Cheika responds.

Shit its hard to work out whether we stay the course or make sweeping changes for what's a dead rubber in prep for TRC.

Of those who've had a run the last 2 weeks I feel like Kerevi, Izzy and DHP can hold their high, with par marks to Slipper, TPN. The rest have been scratchy at best, lock remains a real problem area. Foley, while average tonight, was good last week and great last year, he's our best 10 I reckon.

With nothing to lose next week and having not spent more than about 10mins thinking about this, starting to toy with the following for next Sat:

  1. Slipper
  2. TPN
  3. Kepu
  4. Carter
  5. Horwill
  6. McMahon
  7. Gill
  8. Houston
  9. Who bloody knows Nick Frisby
  10. Foley
  11. Horne
  12. Lealiifano
  13. Kerevi
  14. DHP
  15. Folau
Haven't even considered bench but T Smith, Holmes, Hodge, Skelton (did I really just say that?), kidnapping George Smith into the team and kidnapping Deam Mumm out of the team are all possibilities.

And PS, I'm not a Hooper hater, the guy is immensely talented. I'd just like to see some alternative options because his style heavily influences our structures.


Steve Williams (59)
He's not even throwing it into his eyes - he's just digging it up and chucking it on the ground. Haskell doesn't even react to it. If Hooper was throwing sand into his eyes, he would have definitely reacted.

It seems a strange thing to be doing but, well, if there is no case to answer.

The clip on the front page has been removed, tho.


Vay Wilson (31)
But yeah, silly thing to do. I'm guessing he saw a pile of sand and couldn't help playing with it.


Mark Ella (57)
Will Chieka again shuffle the deck chairs on the Titanic?

Will he attempt to address the lack of an effective exit strategy or will he be blinded by the overwhelming statistical numbers that say the Wallabies should have won this game twice over.

This series is lost, and from what I saw of the Wales/ABs game the Wallabies with the current squad, tactics and skill set are not within cooee of winning the 4N.

I say throw out the baby and the bathwater and try something different. How about try playing a traditional type Australian game. You know a 12 at 12, wingers on the wing and a fullback who can kick.

Maybe something like this:-

1. Slipper
2. TPN
3. Kepu
4. Carter
5. Arnold
6. Mumm
7. Hooper
8. Gill (McCalman has zero impact and generally always has)
9 Phipps
10 Foley
11. Morahan
12. Horne
13. Folau
14. Kerevi or a winger who can run fast (but I don't think there are any uninjured ATM)
15. DHP

time to blood some youngsters as well on the bench as IMO Fardy and More are past their use by dates.
16. Ready
17. Sio
18. Holmes
19. Horwill
20. McMahon
21. Frisby
22. Lilo (simply because there isn't anybody else)
23. ???????????


Mark Ella (57)
Foley, while average tonight, was good last week and great last year, he's our best 10 I reckon.

Yes but look at the context of when Foley has been good.
1. When Beale is on the field. To a lesser extent Gits.
2. When he is not required to do any kicking.

Not sure Foley has the ability to play anything other then the Cheika-ball style he learned at the Tahs.

A flyhalf needs to at least be able to direct play with a kick if the situation needs it. Like tonight, in a wet game a chip kick or an accurate high ball was needed. He tried both (at the wrong times) and failed miserably at executing both.

And he has never executed a decent high ball or chip kick in his career so don't start with the "he was having an off-game" comments.

He is capable of kicking to space with average distance when he has time but that's as far as his kicking ability goes.

We need more and better kicking options


Mark Ella (57)
Will Chieka again shuffle the deck chairs on the Titanic?

Will he attempt to address the lack of an effective exit strategy or will he be blinded by the overwhelming statistical numbers that say the Wallabies should have won this game twice over.

This series is lost, and from what I saw of the Wales/ABs game the Wallabies with the current squad, tactics and skill set are not within cooee of winning the 4N.

I say throw out the baby and the bathwater and try something different. How about try playing a traditional type Australian game. You know a 12 at 12, wingers on the wing and a fullback who can kick.

Maybe something like this:-

1. Slipper
2. TPN
3. Kepu
4. Carter
5. Arnold
6. Mumm
7. Hooper
8. Gill (McCalman has zero impact and generally always has)
9 Phipps
10 Foley
11. Morahan
12. Horne
13. Folau
14. Kerevi or a winger who can run fast (but I don't think there are any uninjured ATM)
15. DHP

time to blood some youngsters as well on the bench as IMO Fardy and More are past their use by dates.
16. Ready
17. Sio
18. Holmes
19. Horwill
20. McMahon
21. Frisby
22. Lilo (simply because there isn't anybody else)
23. ???????????

A 12 at 12 and a winger on the wing.

Then you put Horne at 12 and Kerevi on the wing. Right.

And another 7 at 8. Shouldn't we play our 7 at 7 and our 8 at 8 too. Don't even get me started with Mumm at 6.


Mark Ella (57)
Mumm is a 6.

Horne is a good 12 and a non kicking winger at 11.

I agree about Kerevi on the other wing but just can't think of another running back who can kick and runs as well as Kerevi.

Gill has played 8 at Super level and done it well. I would think he is as good as McMahon. Who else is there. I do not rate McCalman great work rate that does very little. Timani - yeah right. Palu - one good game this year. If Holloway or Vaea had remained fit and healthy no worries but they are not.


Vay Wilson (31)
I'm not sure what's worse - the Wallabies performance or the hysteria that follows a loss......

I dunno about hysteria, but losing 2/2 games at home against the poms... Fans are bound to be upset. Losses like the first one we're more willing to accept as at least familiar: penalties from overwhelming English set-piece dominance deciding the match.

But getting beaten 2 tries to 1, and our only try from a maul, is a different kettle of fish.


Mark Ella (57)
Mumm is a 6.

Horne is a good 12 and a non kicking winger at 11.

I agree about Kerevi on the other wing but just can't think of another running back who can kick and runs as well as Kerevi.

Gill has played 8 at Super level and done it well. I would think he is as good as McMahon. Who else is there. I do not rate McCalman great work rate that does very little. Timani - yeah right. Palu - one good game this year. If Holloway or Vaea had remained fit and healthy no worries but they are not.

I'd rather McCalman at 6 then Mumm. I've watched bit of the game again and Fardy actually was good in the first half - think he just go too fatigued and started coughing up the ball in the second.

Horne is so one dimensional in attack, at 12 it is such a waste. Foley will struggle even more with him there.

12 has got to be another playmaker if we are persisting with Foley, or at least another player who can kick. Lilo is the only realistic option.

DHP also struggled under the high-ball so he's not going to do any better then Falou at the back, Falou was actually very good tonight.


Frank Row (1)
Yes but look at the context of when Foley has been good.
1. When Beale is on the field. To a lesser extent Gits.
2. When he is not required to do any kicking.

Not sure Foley has the ability to play anything other then the Cheika-ball style he learned at the Tahs.

A flyhalf needs to at least be able to direct play with a kick if the situation needs it. Like tonight, in a wet game a chip kick or an accurate high ball was needed. He tried both (at the wrong times) and failed miserably at executing both.

And he has never executed a decent high ball or chip kick in his career so don't start with the "he was having an off-game" comments.

He is capable of kicking to space with average distance when he has time but that's as far as his kicking ability goes.

We need more and better kicking options

Don't disagree. I think we're going to be playing Cheika ball though and I'm open to hearing other options!

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Tomane? or DHP


Back 5 in the pack was the issue today both in the scrum and in general play. Extremely arrogant to send Arnold, Carter and McMahon at an accomplished English pack at the same time when there were other more experienced players available.
I don't see Lealifano as a step up from Kerevi at all. To'omua is a proven test player at 10 and 12. I woullike to see Hodge and even Houston on the bench if its a possibility. We need to get ready for life without Pocock and Palu.

Holloway and Houston need to be looked at. McCalman is never going to set the world on fire but is adequate back up.


John Solomon (38)
I'd be telling quade if he signs a super contract this weekend he can have a shot at 10 next week.
And as I said before game 2 our back row balance was shite - I'd throw Gill and Leroy in the mix as well.
But I'll get accused of wearing red glasses again so I'll just shut up and watch us lose 3-0.
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