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Wallaby 31 players for 2015 RWC

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Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
I don't think this is true. Kuridrani came into the 13 position because AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) needed to move to the wing when JOC (James O'Connor) was no longer a proposition. If there was only space for one of them in the side currently, I think it would be AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper).

AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) is consistently one of the Wallabies better players. I see no reason why he can't still be doing that in two years. He is remarkably robust. Think Conrad Smith or Jean de Villiers still being amongst their respective country's best.
I've always been a fan of AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at 13 but over the last few games I can see the real value he brings on the wing. I actually think it suits him better. He has taken over Digby's roving commission.
He'll be in the squad and starting 15 in my view.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I know your a Brumbies fan but can we be serious around this forum. Mogg's Tackling makes Quade cooper look like Brian Lima. Never again

Never again? :rolleyes:

Unfortunately we saw the worst of him in the few tests he played, but if he gets back to playing regularly like he did at the start of the year, and ironed out some flaws, he would be a serious starting option........

It'll be tougher for him though with the amount of back 3 depth we have..........


David Codey (61)
I know your a Brumbies fan but can we be serious around this forum. Mogg's Tackling makes Quade cooper look like Brian Lima. Never again

Really he had a bung shoulder but he brings alot to the table and in 2 years could iron out those issues with some serious speed and massive boot..

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Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Sio had a fair bit of opportunity this year and wasn't up to it. He needs to show he deserves another crack in 2014 based on excellent Super 15 form, but this year he's shown to be a distant third in the test arena to Slipper and Robinson.

I thought it was harsh on Sio to not take him on the EOYT because he was really no worse (or no better) than any of our props during the RC.........


Chris McKivat (8)
Never again? :rolleyes:

Unfortunately we saw the worst of him in the few tests he played, but if he gets back to playing regularly like he did at the start of the year, and ironed out some flaws, he would be a serious starting option....

It'll be tougher for him though with the amount of back 3 depth we have....


Jim Lenehan (48)
I think it’s a bit difficult to pick a 23, having regard to form and injuries but right now I’d say the following players should be in the frame for a WC squad
LH Props - Robinson, Slipper. Sio – You can lock these three in. All three bring something to the table. Sio could potentially pass Ben and James by 2015
TH Props - Kepu, Palmer, Alexander/Ryan. – Not a position we are blessed with a lot of talent right now. But with less than 2 years until the WC, I think its too late to develop guys outside of this group (who all have test experience). I think Kepu is quite a pretty strong scrummager and when he pulls his finger out he is able to have more of an impact around the field than the adam jones’s of the world. I think he is our best allround if he can play to his potential. I like the fact that he’ll be playing under Link and CHeika over the next two years. I’d throw palmer in there provided he’s in the country. It’s a bit early to tell with Ryan but I really hope he surpasses Alexander, who is no more than an experienced back up from my point of view.
Locks - Simmons, Horwill, Douglas, Pyle/Skelton /Timani – I actually think Simmons is coming into his own as a player atm and he is likely to be our standard lock come world cup time. Horwill will be there too. Douglas should be persevered with. He’s big and has a decent work rate. I suspect the fourth lock wil probably be Timani, but Skelton and Pyle could both get a chance to impress before then.
Backrow - Pocock, Hooper, Higgers, Palu, Mowen, Fardy, McMeniman – If this lot was all fit we will field a strong backrow throughout the world cup.
Halves - Genia, White, Phipps – Link has coached Burgess before so he might choose him over Phipps.
5/8 – Cooper, Lilo
12 – To'omua, Lilo
13 – Kuridrani / AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)
Wing – JOC (James O'Connor), Speight, Tomane, Cummins
Fullback – Folau, Beale
If I picked the starting 23 tomorrow it would look like this.
11.JOC (James O'Connor)

23.AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)

The fact that I’m unable to fit Beale, MMM, Mowen or Fardy in that side tells me that we’ve got a fair bit of talent on offer. Id consider moving Fardy or Mowen in to 6 (with Higgers at 8) if palu is not fit.


Desmond Connor (43)
Let's agree to disagree. If he's healthy I think he'll be in the squad. I can't see Schatz or any other number 8 besides Higginbotham being ahead of him by that point in time.

I've pulled up some physical dimensions of Read who is currently seen as the best No8 in the world, and Palu/Higgers. Very interesting:

PALU Height 194cm Weight 116kg
HIGGINSBOTHAM Height 195cm Weight 110kg
READ Height 193cm Weight 108kg

So Higgers has the ideal size for a No 8, when compared to Read; now he needs to keep improving in the mental role of a No 8. I thought he was really starting to play well for the Rebels before his injury, and I believe he will out shine Palu for all round performance by the time the RWC is with us.
Interesting that Read is the smallest of the three - he certainly looks bigger on the field, must be the gear he's wearing (all black).
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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Most selection here seem to rely on current form. While the present touring team will make up the bulk of the RWC squad, 2015 is still a fair way off (two Super comps, a mid year inbound tour and a RC). Rather than try to name the 31 or 32 players likely to make up the squad, I think it is probably more productive to look at those with the potential to force their way into the squad if there are injuries to or loss of form by current players.

Without trying to predict who might miss out through injury of form loss, the following have the potential imo to come into the squad should there be a vacancy.

Forwards : Sio, Toby Smith, Palmer, Siliva, Leafa, Manu, Skelton, Pyle, Carter, Neville, Kimlin, Jones, Aelua.

Backs : Stirzaker, Godwin, Speight, Crawford, Betham, Mogg.

This assumes that Pocock, Higgers and Palu who are currently not in the squad will rejoin automatically as they prove their form and fitness. I won't include either Beale or O'Connor until I see them prove they are worthy of restitution.


Peter Johnson (47)
Can't see Mogg getting another run at fullback with Folau, Beale, O'Connor and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) all somewhat gunning for the position. Never say never though!


Andrew Slack (58)
I agree. I would guess there have probably been Wallaby debutants every year and I suspect the next two years would be no exception. There won't be wholesale changes, but there is plenty of room for 2 - 4 guys to put their hand up over the next two years. I would guess it is more than likely that there will be some of the current playing group who miss out.

As well as the group Brumby Runner listed above I would figure the likes of Anae, Hanson & Browning (although I base that only on what I have heard about his potential - dangerous I know) all have a chance. From what I saw I liked the look of Cottrel for the Force (although I note he seemed to be down the pecking order by the end of the season). I also think Tapuai & Rob Horne have shown they have the ability if they can improve on previous form to bring themselves back into consideration. I thought Alcock was outstanding as well, but the quality of the field in front of him makes it pretty tough.


Andrew Slack (58)
Can't see Mogg getting another run at fullback with Folau, Beale, O'Connor and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) all somewhat gunning for the position. Never say never though!

Based on current form, sure, but Mogg is a player on the rise. A couple of years under Larkham won't do him any harm, that's for sure.


Peter Johnson (47)
I wonder if we will see any more development from guys like Horne, Tapuai and Shipperley. I thought Shipperley was super unlucky to be looked over for Cooper Vuna last june against Wales. Since then he's been easily surpassed by Crawford, Tomane, Betham, Speight etc.


Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
Those of us with long memories remember Rob Egerton's rise in 1991, started the season at 15 for the students and ended up playing on the left wing for the Wallabies in the final of the RWC at Twickenham.

There're blokes in our Super squads who'll surprise us when given the opportunity.


Tony Shaw (54)
Let's agree to disagree. If he's healthy I think he'll be in the squad. I can't see Schatz or any other number 8 besides Higginbotham being ahead of him by that point in time.

Palu's skills are as a tight forward, the sort of guy you want bulldozing forward when the ground's a bog and the rain is pouring down.

The next WC is in England


Geoff Shaw (53)
I wonder if we will see any more development from guys like Horne, Tapuai and Shipperley. I thought Shipperley was super unlucky to be looked over for Cooper Vuna last june against Wales. Since then he's been easily surpassed by Crawford, Tomane, Betham, Speight etc.

Add Tom English to that list, only 9 games but has 5 trys playing on the wing.


David Codey (61)
Add Tom English to that list, only 9 games but has 5 trys playing on the wing.

I haven't seen to much of him other then he knows how to find the try line, how's his skill compared to the embarressment of wingers we have. When you would say front lines are Cummins and ACC with followed by Tomane obviously you would think when avaliable Speight would get one wing. Does English fall into to the Betham Crawford CFS group after that ? or just below.

If we had to rate our wingers at the moment (including everyone who might be avaliable) who would they be.

ATM I would go
Cummins - Runs on the board recently very good
Speight - Amazing
AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) - Better OC but great winger
Diggers - He could be back 2015
JOC (James O'Connor) - Enough said.. but only picked if desperate
Tomane - Big Strong Quick
CFS ?? - His on tour.. :)
Bethan - Played great in his cap - tits for hands
Crawford - Didn't rate him at the Brumbies but seems to be good at the tahs going more on board comments
English ? ? Ships, Rock Rod..

Izzy, Beale, Mogg only seen as Fullbacks.

Mr Wobbly

Alan Cameron (40)
It might be a bit of bias here but I'm hoping that Luke Jones has a breakout season next year playing at 6 and forces his way into the Wallabies by the EOYT.


David Codey (61)
It might be a bit of bias here but I'm hoping that Luke Jones has a breakout season next year playing at 6 and forces his way into the Wallabies by the EOYT.

Heard good things about him, We are starting to build some depth at 6 ... Higgers Fardy Mowen.. Then next from what I heard Jones is there or abouts we get Noodles Kilmen back cos every team needs an angry ranga.
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