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Wallaby Coach Conga Line


Mark Ella (57)


Surely NZRU aren't seriously contemplating anyone outside of Jamie Joseph with Tony Brown along for the ride?

If he can convert Japans play into the AB's they could very well be the best AB team ever


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Surely NZRU aren't seriously contemplating anyone outside of Jamie Joseph with Tony Brown along for the ride?

If he can convert Japans play into the AB's they could very well be the best AB team ever

They'll have to if Japan lock Joseph in.


Jim Lenehan (48)
I very much doubt NZ will appoint Rennie. But if they do, I wonder whether Ian Foster is worth trying to poach? I doubt he'll want to stay on if he's not given a head coaching role.

John S

Chilla Wilson (44)
I very much doubt NZ will appoint Rennie. But if they do, I wonder whether Ian Foster is worth trying to poach? I doubt he'll want to stay on if he's not given a head coaching role.

I think some of our NZ brethren may be a little off Foster after last weeks loss....... (rather childish/irrational though)

John S

Chilla Wilson (44)
It could actually be a learning experience leading to much better coaching that could not have been achieved any other way.

Oh, I agree, I was speaking with a Kiwi mate, and he opined that Foster shouldn't get the job after last week (and he says he has other mates thinking that too). Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with it, just passing on what I've heard.

I wonder if Cheika learnt anything after the 2015 loss?
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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
New Zealand have done really well in the past with getting head coach quality assistants to buy-in and work for the person they effectively lost out on the main job to.

Part of asking Rennie to apply will be part of that. He's unlikely to win the head coaching role but if he was willing to work as an assistant I am sure they would jump at the chance.

The risk might be that if Ian Foster doesn't get the head coaching role that it becomes harder to convince Joseph or Rennie to work under whoever is the successful head coach because they'd see it as being less of a path to the head coaching role in the future.


Mark Ella (57)
New Zealand have done really well in the past with getting head coach quality assistants to buy-in and work for the person they effectively lost out on the main job to.

Part of asking Rennie to apply will be part of that. He's unlikely to win the head coaching role but if he was willing to work as an assistant I am sure they would jump at the chance.

The risk might be that if Ian Foster doesn't get the head coaching role that it becomes harder to convince Joseph or Rennie to work under whoever is the successful head coach because they'd see it as being less of a path to the head coaching role in the future.

Interesting, I wonder if Rennie was offered both roles: Assistant AB's coach or Head Wallabies coach - which one would he go for?


Tim Horan (67)
From what I’ve seen, the vast majority of Kiwi fans didn’t want Foster long before then....

You are right Slim, but many are a bit shortsighted, their argument generally is he didn't do much with Chiefs, but if we look at almost any coach worth their salt they have had not always flash teams, neither Hansen or Henry were all that flash with Wales, look at everybody's favourite at the moment Eddie Jones, anybody remember a team he coached called the Reds?


Tim Horan (67)
I think Rugby Australia need to take the bull by the horns here. Announce the coach before Christmas, even if NZ haven't announced theirs. We want someone who wants to be Wallaby coach, not the guy that missed out on NZ.

I agree wholeheartedly with that Jets, I always thought ARU's biggest mistake in taking on Deans (He was a good coach), was that he want job until he missed AB's job!


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
I think Rugby Australia need to take the bull by the horns here. Announce the coach before Christmas, even if NZ haven't announced theirs. We want someone who wants to be Wallaby coach, not the guy that missed out on NZ.

I agree with that in theory, but in practice it's not that easy.

Let's assume that RA have run every coach through some sort of assessment matrix, and the top three available coaches are Rennie, Joseph and Cotter (also assume for a second that Eddie has been tried and has said no).

All three would likely toss their hat in the All Black ring as well.

So we're faced with a choice - appoint a lesser coach who 'wants the job', or appoint a better coach who missed the AB job.

It's a fraught decision and I see both sides of it. In the professional era I'd be inclined to go with the latter, and hope said Kiwi reject approaches the team in a professional manner, with a chip on his shoulder wanting to prove himself to the team who spurned him!


John Solomon (38)
Seems like Foster is campaigning hard for the AB job, with news he's organised a "dream team" of assistants - no names though. Paul Cully has been pushing the line that Rennie wouldn't want the AB job, given he burned some bridges there. If that's the case, Rennie would be wise to stay clear, even if one bad game against England has changed the views of the AB administration.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
I agree with that in theory, but in practice it's not that easy.

Let's assume that RA have run every coach through some sort of assessment matrix, and the top three available coaches are Rennie, Joseph and Cotter (also assume for a second that Eddie has been tried and has said no).

All three would likely toss their hat in the All Black ring as well.

So we're faced with a choice - appoint a lesser coach who 'wants the job', or appoint a better coach who missed the AB job.

It's a fraught decision and I see both sides of it. In the professional era I'd be inclined to go with the latter, and hope said Kiwi reject approaches the team in a professional manner, with a chip on his shoulder wanting to prove himself to the team who spurned him!
My concern would be how the dressing room would take that. If someone said they didn't want the Wallaby job because they were waiting for the NZ job I'd say thanks but no thanks. The players would want someone who wants to be here, not because it's their second choice.