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Waratahs 2014

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Jimmy Flynn (14)
I was lucky enough to be down at Thomond Park yesterday for the sevens. Young fella was turning 9 so thought we could take him down to share in a bit of Waratah glory since we couldn’t be there last week. Unfortunately, by the end of the day it became clear he was going to be the only Aussie to get his hands on the trophy.


Overall, NSW did not have too much difficulty scoring tries but shipped points far too easily – they did not work together the way experienced sevens teams do (which was not surprising) but their execution of individual skills also often let them down which was more of a surprise.

First game was against eventual finalists, the Vancouver Bears, and probably the best team of the day. The game ended three tries all with the Waratahs losing by missed kicks. The Waratahs started poorly but came back strongly in the second half - but you were left wondering what might have been, with missed one on one tackles costing them dearly.

Second game was against Westerm Province. Whether by accident or design they played the first half without a sweeper and it cost them three quick tries - two from kick chases and one from a simple missed tackle with no last line of defence. In the second half McKibben started playing as sweeper and again the Waratahs came back encouragingly but could not bridge the gap. You felt they would be hard to beat if only they could get the basics right.

Third game was against Stade who also had not won a game. NSW came out on fire and were full value for their 19 nil half time lead. Unfortunately the players seemed to think they had the game won and Stade came back and scored three tries after oranges for a 19 all draw. NSW finished third in the Pool on bonus points and you felt they could easily have done so much more. Day 2 proved that was the case, but unfortunately from the wrong end of the draw.

Unfortunately the numbers on the NSW team list did not match the numbers the players were wearing and you could not see the team list on the screen at the ground so I wasn’t always sure who was who amongst the younger guys. Of the ones that I did recognise or work out, Taqele had some good moments and I was particularly pleased to see him do well in an unfamiliar role – made me think that he may have what it takes to develop his game. Tala Gray scored a good solo try from a 5 metre lineout, but he seemed to lack both dynamism and power. On that showing I would be concerned if we were relying on him to replace Ciffy.

Josh Homes played hooker and looked like a real footballer – always seemed to have time, was strong, was good positionally and did the basics well. He always looks to me like he should have done much better in his career and will remain one of Australian rugby’s great enigmas. Maybe sevens would be a good game for him? McKibben was busy - probably lacked the top end pace for the role he was being asked to play but did well.

I was particular keen to see the much hyped Kellaway in action and so I watched him closely. He scored a couple of nicely taken tries - when he got the ball one on one defenders were struggling to lay a hand on him, but he looked to me like he needs development to make it as a senior player. He missed far too many one on one tackles, his option taking wasn't brilliant in the playmaker role (including having an unnecessary chip charged down to concede a try) and one poor left to right pass butchered an overlap. The kid has serious talent but had a bit of a day to forget. He has the things that you can’t teach – but he needs to keep working on those things that he can work on. On the strength of this I would be very concerned at him starting in Super rugby.

I did like the look of was Foketi and wouldn’t mind seeing the Tahs put a year or two of investment in him and see what he turned into. Horowitz was composed in the midfield but he looked like a fifteens player playing sevens. Cunningham looked like he has sevens potential. Jones, Brooks, and Dempsey (if I was looking at the right players) all had some good moments.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
FWIW the Tahs 7's lineup against the Saracens in the Shield Final was:
1. Kellaway - Sweep
4, Naiyaravoro - Prop
7. Dempsey - Prop
8. Foketi - Hooker
5. Adams - receiver
10. Horwitz - receiver/Goal Kicker
11. Holmes - Half

2. Grey
3. Jones
6. Cunningham (sub on for Foketi)
9. McKibbin
12. Brooks (sub on for Kellaway)


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I haven't watched the second day of games yet but I thought the Tahs lacked a bit of pace and missed far too many one on one tackles.

They improved from game to game though so hopefully they'll be much better next weekend.

I think they only arrived in the UK on Thursday so they maybe had one or two training runs prior to the tournament.

I'd be surprised if they had more than a single training session before they left Sydney give the Super Rugby final and celebrations in the aftermath.


Colin Windon (37)
Alex - you can let the little tacker know that I saw him on TV in the crowd. His jersey lit up a grey day like a beacon!


Jimmy Flynn (14)
I haven't watched the second day of games yet but I thought the Tahs lacked a bit of pace and missed far too many one on one tackles.

They improved from game to game though so hopefully they'll be much better next weekend.

I think they only arrived in the UK on Thursday so they maybe had one or two training runs prior to the tournament.

I'd be surprised if they had more than a single training session before they left Sydney give the Super Rugby final and celebrations in the aftermath.
Agreed - most of them had the body mass of fifteens players, not sevens players. You could see the difference with some of the lesser known teams from the US, Canada and even Russia who were sevens specialists - they were built differently and how much better both their pace and endurance was.

Some of the "heavier" teams were more effective in taking advantage of the power they had in the contact - particularly the South Africans and Munster, but the Tahs not so much so. Taqele did OK but I was expecting a lot more from Grey (more like the role McMahon played in the Cwth games). That Shield Final lineup posted by HJ looks like it had the makings of a more effective team. Amount of missed one on one tackles killed them the first day - with Kellaway the worst culprit by some distance.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I thought Kellaway's defence improved a lot in the Shield Final against Saracens.

He definitely needs to improve his tackling a lot to be ready for Super Rugby but I'm not too worried about it at this stage. I think a pre season with the Tahs will do him wonders. There can't be a lot of 18 year old wingers/fullbacks who are excellent defenders as soon as they start playing against adults.

I thought Horwitz was really impressive.


Chilla Wilson (44)
So the World Club Sevens is actually different to the World Club 7s which is this weekend at Twickers

Didn't realise that there is another one straight after, and just researched that NSW Waratahs are again represented there, presumely with the same personnel?
They'll have not much time to prepare afterwards for the first round of the NPC in the following week!


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Didn't realise that there is another one straight after, and just researched that NSW Waratahs are again represented there, presumely with the same personnel?
They'll have not much time to prepare afterwards for the first round of the NPC in the following week!
Last weekend was basically a warm up event for this weekend. I think it is mostly the same teams.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Done by Seattle, the Russians and monstored by the JAFA Blues in Pool play at Twickenham.

We will be in the Knife and Fork Division of the competition against the likes of Singapore Cricket Club and the Gentlemen of Mumbai.

If we are to compete in a Rugby 7s Competition, then select Rugby 7's players and take some time to convert them from a 15 aside mind set.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Waratahs Awards Night 2014

Michael Hooper won the Matthew Burke Cup, for the second year running beating Wycliff Palu, Tatafu Polota-Nau and Adam Ashley-Cooper.
Bernard Foley, Kurtkey Beale, Jacques Potgeiter, Kane Douglas, Nick Phipps and Dave Dennis (in order) rounded out the Top 10.

Wycliffe Palu = Best Forward. Adam Ashley Cooper = Best Back.

Dave Dennis was awarded the Waratah Medal as the player who best represents the values of the Team.

Bernard Foley won the members' choice player of the year award with a quarter of the 606 votes cast in the members' poll.
He beat Hooper by three votes, while Ashley-Cooper came in third, with Potgieter fourth and Beale in fifth.

Alofa Alofa won the Chris Whitaker Aspiring Waratah Award

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-union/union-news/year-to-savour-keeps-on-giving-for-waratahs-michael-hooper-with-matthew-burke-cup-20140826-108m6o.html


Mark Ella (57)
Congrats to Hooper and other winners - well deserved and well chosen

To me, it was interesting that Izzy performed so badly in the players award. Not even in the top 10.

He obviously isn't quite as valued by the players as he is by the media.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Congrats to Hooper and other winners - well deserved and well chosen

To me, it was interesting that Izzy performed so badly in the players award. Not even in the top 10.

He obviously isn't quite as valued by the players as he is by the media.

He wasn't one of the Tahs consistently best players this season. He scored a lot of tries early in the year but that dried up later on.

Notice that he also didn't appear in the top 5 of the member voted award so there's at least some consistency there.

They should rename the Waratah Medal the Dave Dennis medal. That guy epitomises everything there is about being a great clubman.
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