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Where to for Super Rugby?

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Tony Shaw (54)

Clyne and the rest of the big wigs have a collective IQ below triple figures


Clyne and the rest of the big wigs think the average punter has an IQ in the single digits

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Plus what about the strong inference in Clyne's statement today that the Rebels and Force had sort of pre-agreed with the ARU that they would accept a fast cull - days after it was announced in principle on April 10 - but reneged after that assurance 'when they decided to take legal action'.

So in essence it's not the ARU that has caused this debacle but those pesky, capricious franchises changing their minds at the last minute!

A new narrative altogether!

Here (my emphasis) below and from rugby.com.au tonight entitled 'ARU Keeps Door Open for Five Teams':

With the initial timeline just days long, Clyne said the legal battles that ensued from that April 10 announcement, while potentially foreseeable, were a sudden change of heart by the clubs in question.
“Could we have anticipated they would've commenced legal action? Well, perhaps yes,”
“We have talked for many years at the ARU about the challenge of the financial game,” he said.
“My suspicion is that they felt that we've talked that but we would never actually go down that path.
“Obviously there was indication before our announcement on the 10th of April that, ‘Yes, look (if) we do make that decision, (we will) go quickly.
“I think when it became a reality, then obviously their view changed.
“They're entitled to change that view but obviously that puts a lot of delay in the process.”
I find the above literally and figuratively incredible.

The ARU has no shame - what I have long said here - the core culture of the whole institutional framework of Australian rugby is one where:

- no one (or body) is ever responsible for anything that has occurred, no one (or body) is ever accountable for anything that has occurred.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
This from the SMH:
"The best we can do in terms of certainty is to say to players, 'no matter what the outcome you'll have the certainty of having your contract honoured'.
So this may push RUPA to the sidelines?

blues recovery

Billy Sheehan (19)
So just when you think the lies , incompetence, arrogance and supercillousness can't get any worse the xxxxwit Clyne excels himself .
How dare those ungrateful bastards in Perth and Melbourne not just fold up their tents and go quietly into oblivion . Don't they know that we are all knowing , all powerful and beyond any form of question .
Has they ever been a bigger dickhead in a senior administrative position in Australian sport . Surely he has to be turfed out at the EGM for this sport to have any level of creditability into the future .
What a knob


Ken Catchpole (46)
Look I completely agree about this whole process being poorly handled, however I do have to give Clyne his dues. I didn't know what the bloke looked like until the ship was sinking. He has been open at the pressers and interviews even though he knew he would get smashed. All the while Bill has been in hiding. It seems the ARU realised the public no longer trust Pulver so Clyne is taking one for the team.

As Brett said in the podcast Pulver has done some great things (reduced spending, womens 7 professional program, self funded NRC) but maybe in all the cuts he didn't have a decent media adviser. He lived in the bubble too much.

Change is needed to unify the sport.


Tim Horan (67)
One wonders (or at least, I do) whether this might be a meek attempt to prevent a vote of no-confidence. If such a motion is moved by RUPA, it'd be much more significant than one coming from either of of the aggrieved franchises.

I don't care where it comes from. Interested in who does and does
Not support it.

Cpt Crow Eater

Chris McKivat (8)
I think the NRC is better for the Australian players than having a finals series with the winners from the various comps around Australia. Many of those games would be lopsided at the moment because there is a clear gap in talent between Shute Shield/Premier Rugby winners and winning teams in Perth and Melbourne. The gap would be even further to Hunter/Illawarra/Country etc. and then SA, Tasmania.

I think the NRC does more there.

Completely agree that the NRC is better than a Club Championship.

To be fair though, how do we know such a gap between Shute Shield and Pindan and Dewar shield teams exists when they have never played together?

If the funding was there, I would love to watch a comp like this (as an addition, not replacement to the NRC) and I think it would be a great opportunity for players from non traditional states to get noticed.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Don't take this as a SS whinge, it's about the CEO's perspective about what's important.

He tells the clubs he will never reinstate the ARU funding of $300k pa, because they will piss it up against the wall.
$28 fucking million goes to bailing out Super franchises over 4 years,With fuck all oversight to prevent it repeating again and again and again.

Don't let the door hit you on the arse on your way out big fella......


Alan Cameron (40)
Don't take this as a SS whinge, it's about the CEO's perspective about what's important.

He tells the clubs he will never reinstate the ARU funding of $300k pa, because they will piss it up against the wall.
$28 fucking million goes to bailing out Super franchises over 4 years,With fuck all oversight to prevent it repeating again and again and again.

Don't let the door hit you on the arse on your way out big fella..

Astute post


Ken Catchpole (46)
Don't take this as a SS whinge, it's about the CEO's perspective about what's important.

He tells the clubs he will never reinstate the ARU funding of $300k pa, because they will piss it up against the wall.
$28 fucking million goes to bailing out Super franchises over 4 years,With fuck all oversight to prevent it repeating again and again and again.

Don't let the door hit you on the arse on your way out big fella..

I am sick of hearing that quote. It is a lazy attack. You and I both know that many of the clubs were paying players in amateur competitions (SS and Prem Rugby). How does that support the growth of the game?


Alan Cameron (40)
You and I both know that many of the clubs were paying players in amateur competitions (SS and Prem Rugby). How does that support the growth of the game?

Your kidding right, are you seriously questioning why clubs pay talented juniors.

Consider just consider they may jump ship in other words go to another code. The AFL will pay any half decent player over 50k just to get them away from their code.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Yes. If only NZ had said to South Africa that they couldn't have two conferences so they can get two home finals.

No idea why NZ allowed that and now complain that all five of their teams can't make the finals even though they agreed on the format where they knew that was the situation.

I wonder about that. Could it be if it's because NZ don't want to have a foreign team in their conference playing home and away matches? Maybe the 2×Africa groups is the compromise in order to get the Jags and Wolves in, without expanding the NZ group beyond the "home 5?" Could this also be the reason why the 3×6 idea isn't being brought in next year? So that NZ's group stays at 5 without a foreign team, as it is now?

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I am sick of hearing that quote. It is a lazy attack. You and I both know that many of the clubs were paying players in amateur competitions (SS and Prem Rugby). How does that support the growth of the game?
You miss the point.
He penny pinches over that money.
He penny pinches by putting a levy on kids participation.
All at the same time truckloads of money is being destroyed by weak management and zero forward planning.
Oh and no penny pinching there!


Mark Ella (57)
I am sick of hearing that quote. It is a lazy attack. You and I both know that many of the clubs were paying players in amateur competitions (SS and Prem Rugby). How does that support the growth of the game?

Its accurate.

I have never made any secret of the fact that with no base it is my belief that the NRC is doomed. That view has not changed by anything I have seen in terms of the games themselves or the numbers supporting the competition.

All it is doing is burning capital in terms of actual money, but also in terms of opportunity to actually build something that could be a growth base from now and into the medium term. The NRC at its very best is a long term prospect, a long term that I and others have argued since long before this crisis brought so much into the open, that Australian Rugby just did not have.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Your kidding right, are you seriously questioning why clubs pay talented juniors.

Consider just consider they may jump ship in other words go to another code. The AFL will pay any half decent player over 50k just to get them away from their code.

If it was going to talented juniors then great but it wasn't. It was going to getting names to a club. Names who leave when the money dries up.

I support clubs getting funding don't get me wrong but that comment from Pulver got so many riled up because it was true. Make clubs put forward a business case then provide project based funding for facilities or development officers. Have KPIs for continuation of funding. Clubs who want to be active in growing the game are then supported.
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