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Where to for Twiggy Rugby?

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Mate, I would guess that I have experienced a lot more of the real world than you have, with all due respect.

I’ve being fortunate to attend meetings and briefs from guest speakers who are widely consider to be industry leaders. And one of the common themes stressed IMO is that they aren’t arrogant enough to ignore the advice and opinion of those who are considered junior or less experienced to themseves.

With all due respect, I question anyone who needs to tell everyone about their life experience rather then displaying it.


Michael Lynagh (62)
and twiggy isn't?
Of course they all are with massive egos to boost and anyone who is not rolling out the red carpet for billionaires with egos would be not many as owning sports teams or sporting competitions does not make anywhere near industry returns other industries offer...one needs to realise billionaires with egos and seeking publicity is what any sport dreams of having interest in being involved in their sport.

So I don't understand that having the twiggys or jack ma’s of the world wanting to spend money on rugby for their own ego or publicity could possibly be a bad thing or indeed not what any other sporting code would be so jealous of not having.

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Phil Kearns (64)
you forget that there no chinese teams in Europe or NZ

Rich Chinese buy Swiss watches, British cars, Irish thoroughbreds, etc etc et bloody cetera.

Why on earth, if they wanted the best, would they be interested in a Chinese rugby team in Europe, when there are some pretty famous European ones?


Tim Horan (67)
Mate, I would guess that I have experienced a lot more of the real world than you have, with all due respect.

See the above post. I do fly Virgin Australia domestically, incidentally, the fact that Richard Branson is a publicity hound does not bother me a bit.


Haha, you had to perfect your condescension from somewhere, bloke. Unless Branson is offering to financially support rugby a lot, AND you don't have a smarmy response to it, my post stands. OK?


Vay Wilson (31)
Rich Chinese buy Swiss watches, British cars, Irish thoroughbreds, etc etc et bloody cetera.

Why on earth, if they wanted the best, would they be interested in a Chinese rugby team in Europe, when there are some pretty famous European ones?

</p maybe he wants a team based in China?


Alan Cameron (40)
Mate, I would guess that I have experienced a lot more of the real world than you have, with all due respect.



There are many real worlds. We all think our experiences are the worthwhile real experiences, when in fact the world is way to big for anybodies real world too be absolute at all times.


Alan Cameron (40)

In relation to the above post on the real world I suggest rule 5 is worth considering.

Anybody who has not seen this, it is well worth the six or so minutes and as I said rule 5 may apply or should apply on this site.

Its the shorten version of Tim Munchin's rules for life.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Of course they all are with massive egos to boost and ffs anyone who is not rolling out the red carpet for billionaires with egos would be farking stupid as owning sports teams or sporting competitions does not make anywhere near industry returns other industries offer.just grow up and realise billionaires with egos and seeking publicity is what any sport dreams of having interest in being involved in their sport.

So pls stop with the dumb shit that having the twiggys or jack ma’s of the world wanting to spend money on rugby for their own ego or publicity could possibly be a bad thing or indeed not what any other sporting code would be so jealous of not having.

Brainless shit on this needs to stop

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When I was asked to leave my lousy $1k in the “save the force” entity to pay legal fees because Twiggy’s grandstanding did not extend to that - a paltry few hundre $k - that was it for me: when the cameras were gone and there was no glory for him he couldn’t spring for that - beer money by his standards.
Had he done so I would have left my money in: but since I pay more tax than Fortescue I decided not to.
So don’t give me your emotion charged rubbish about this egomaniac. He will spend money where it best feeds his view of himself as a selfless philanthropist, Which he most certainly is not.
Not hugely different to the self obsessed ARU board - he just has more money.
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Michael Lynagh (62)
When I was asked to leave my lousy $1k in the “save the force” entity to pay legal fees because Twiggy’s grandstanding did not extend to that - a paltry few hundre $k - that was it for me: when the cameras were gone and there was no glory for him he couldn’t spring for that - beer money by his standards.
Had he done so I would have left my money in: but since I pay more tax than Fortescue I decided not to.
So don’t give me your emotion charged rubbish about this egomaniac. He will spend money where it best feeds his view of himself as a selfless philanthropist, Which he most certainly is not.
Not hugely different to the self obsessed ARU board - he just has more money.

Inside Shoulder I don't think we are far off - is just that we seem to be arguing different points - a lot of Billionaires who pump money into sport teams don't do it for the financial return as their are much better investments. My point still stands that yep if ego or self seeking publicity interest might well drive them in many cases but if that publicity or self interest they can get from rugby and hence prepared to pump massive money into that otherwise would not be available this can only be a good thing. I am not disputing their own self interest and ego's. Yes you have made the point about the money in Own the Force numerous times so glad you managed to get that money back. I am not sitting here saying Twiggy is a saint or whatever but moreso simply making it clear a billionaire for whatever reasons making a massive investment in rugby in the region can only be a good thing and no brainer. Ok you want to focus on Twiggy being a publicity seeking hound only seeking to push his own barrel....that is fine I am not arguing, debating whether that is true of not as I just don't care but do care that whatever the reasons we have a billionaire looking to pump a lot of money into rugby in the region (and work with ARU, World Rugby and Asia Rugby) which could help growth the game. Sorry I understand very well your position and views on Twiggy but that is not what I have been debating or discussing.
Ps I edited my post down to a more diplomatic position on my views on the subject to be more PG.....


Phil Kearns (64)
Who gives a bugger one way or another about people's motives, or what they think about politics, or anything else.

I will just say this. When I lived in Hong Kong I had the opportunity to rub shoulders with some genuinely wealthy people. From my observations, the rich are generally speaking not very happy people.

Perhaps being unhappy is a motivation to get rich? Perhaps being rich actually makes you unhappy?

(There are a lot of cases where ordinary people win lots of money in lotteries etc and instead of having the wonderful, happy, life they should have had, they end up making terrible decisions, losing all the old friends, making some terrible new ones, and losing the lot).

I doubt that any of us has the slightest idea as to what motivates somebody with a huge amount of money. Such people live in a different world, they do not think, or live, like any of us.


Bill Watson (15)
Righto now that all you experienced billionaires above have finished comparing dick sizes can get back to talking about the IPRC


Vay Wilson (31)
When I was asked to leave my lousy $1k in the “save the force” entity to pay legal fees because Twiggy’s grandstanding did not extend to that - a paltry few hundre $k - that was it for me: when the cameras were gone and there was no glory for him he couldn’t spring for that - beer money by his standards.
Had he done so I would have left my money in: but since I pay more tax than Fortescue I decided not to.
So don’t give me your emotion charged rubbish about this egomaniac. He will spend money where it best feeds his view of himself as a selfless philanthropist, Which he most certainly is not.
Not hugely different to the self obsessed ARU board - he just has more money.

only 20% of the donation was to help pay for legal fees,the other 80% was a tax deductable donation the the future force founation.This request was in a letter with a cheque for the refund of the $1000


Vay Wilson (31)
the point was you were only asked for $200 to help legal fees.Why do you think Twiggy should pay all the costs?-just because he can,no doubt


Phil Kearns (64)
Not at all surprised at the essence of that article.

One thing for sure, it is absolutely impossible for us to understand the motivations of somebody who has made himself or herself very rich.

People who have inherited wealth are a bit easier to understand, in my experience. But the ones who have done it themselves are a breed apart.


Bill Watson (15)
And a fair bit of calculated luck as well I would imagine. By the way wamberal as a side note have you had a wamby whopper? By a country mile the best hamburger ever invented.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Not at all surprised at the essence of that article.

One thing for sure, it is absolutely impossible for us to understand the motivations of somebody who has made himself or herself very rich.

People who have inherited wealth are a bit easier to understand, in my experience. But the ones who have done it themselves are a breed apart.

I have to still believe people are good until it hits me in the face otherwise....so for me with my simple view on life some rich billionaire dude who wants to spend money on the code I love must be good...

See it is easy for me when I don’t over think stuff...

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