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Where to for Twiggy Rugby?

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Michael Lynagh (62)
I can tell a very similar story about Newcastle wanting to enter a team in the NCR before it got off the ground. The folks at Newcastle pulled out as the demand for money, who played, where they played, the coach etc was all done in Sydney HQ

Pity the ARU Board and Chairman are not elected by the Rugby public - as they would be gone quicksmart - as only things supporting their direction/decisions is their own self interests in self preservation. Might rebrand from ARU to RA but just cosmetic as a leopard does not change its spots. Time for Clyne and rest of RA board to go...please do it quickly before you completely destroy our games future....


Ken Catchpole (46)
Lots of stuff going on here.
Restricting Wallabies eligibility to Force players, while not what I'd do, is a far from unreasonable, and fundamentally consistent (Japanese & Kiwi based players aren't eligible either) requirement on the comp.
See I don't look at it that way. If (and that is a fairly big if at this point in time since the comp won't even start until 2019 and few big name players will commit to it until it looks the goods) any players who would be eligible for the Wallabies chose to play for the Force, presumably there would be no top-up money (Why would RA pay money toward a competition they clearly have little interest in?). So if players move from the Rebels, Tahs, Reds or Brumbies, the top-up money saved could go to drawing another player back from overseas. Or perhaps the money the Force have at their disposal would be enough to bring back a player from overseas (at no cost to RA) and into the Wallaby fold. Is the minor risk of a few Wallaby eligible players leaving the other four sides really worth risking zero rugby presence in Western Australia? I think RA are just acting like dickheads (no surprise really) because those people from WA stood up to them against their actions this year and made them look like fools. They are acting out of their own wounded pride rather than the interests of the sport in the country.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
I think also one of the conditions put up by RA is they want The IPRC to put out extra funds for other academies that are based in the eastern states as well. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the Force punted to cover some of these costs.

You think this or you know it?

No point getting all emotional about something that may not be reality.


Michael Lynagh (62)
I could understand RA negotiating to get best result for oz rugby and hence trying to get money for eastern state programs. This is all part of the negotiations so I am going to try and not get up in arms at this point. It may be they know their first proposal was never going to see light of day but seeking a compromise where get some other points agreed. Twiggys team is only doing the same where leaking ra demands to feed into the anti RA angst to help support their own negotiations. This is not untypical in negotiations of this nature and will still remain positive they will come to right compromises for twiggy ball to get up and running with RA blessing.

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I don’t see why Twiggy should have to release money for eastern state programs? The very fact he is willing to provide professional rugby opportunities for Australian players should be enough of a commitment

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Tim Horan (67)
It would seem, that the offer Twiggy put down trying to save the Force is considered the opening gambit by the ARU. Add in legal cost thence start negotiation.

There are, I think, real issues at the ARU failing to understand that their role is fundamentally one of stakeholder management. A completely different skill set to commercial boards.

And in this case the ARU have successfully sunk a commercial, or at least professional, outfit. And now seek to hold an amateur organisation to account. That amateur organisation also being a key stakeholder. The ARU should be assisting their aspirations to professional rugby, where this is possible.

Clyne really does need to be moved on. Vindictive narcissism is how this reads. It is not the job description.


Stan Wickham (3)
I really wonder if there's anyone that supports the RA at this point. Either you're a non-rugby supporter who hasn't heard of them or a rugby supporter that doesn't like them.

I'm getting closer to the stage of supporting a complete rebel competition as many others here are doing. I think the more that comes out from the RA and their attempts to shut down WARU and Twiggyball, the more existing rugby fans would gladly jump ship to a new competition.

Question is, will the existing clubs? That would really start the collapse of the RA.

If the FFA can shake off their "efnix" game image then rugby can adjust their image to. The admin just have to want to.


Alan Cameron (40)
The ARU is only part or should I say reflection of a inefficient, bloated, self serving, in-would looking, ego driven, rugby in Australia.

The ARU still enjoys the support of the OLD, NSW, ACT & VIC unions who feed off what the ARU give them and support their super teams.

Even if we had the palace revolt and dragged Clyde off to the harbour bridge and hurled him off. The replacement still needs the support of the state unions.

If I was TF I would start a new Australian based national domestic competition and invite up to 14 existing teams to take part.

Would be very hard for the ARU to knock back a competition with teams like Eastwood. Further me thinks the ACT & Vics may jump ship. If that happened the ARU and OLD & NSW unions would be F.......ed...


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
And let's not forget the Force weren't the best run sporting team going around either.


Phil Kearns (64)
And let's not forget the Force weren't the best run sporting team going around either.

Or that Twiggy conspicuously failed to put anything into the pot back when it would have made a difference to their chances of survival.

This is the issue that just seems to be totally ignored by everybody. Where was Twiggy when he was really needed?


Or that Twiggy conspicuously failed to put anything into the pot back when it would have made a difference to their chances of survival.

This is the issue that just seems to be totally ignored by everybody. Where was Twiggy when he was really needed?

You never let the facts get in the way of a good story Wamberal:




George Smith (75)
Staff member
Out of interest, how does a jersey sponsor for one or a couple of players work (as opposed to the whole team)? Does that money go to the Organisation, or to the player? I've always meant to ask.


It’s a financial exchange between the organisation and the sponsor, for some players it may also serve as a gateway for additional third party sponsorship though


George Smith (75)
Staff member
It’s a financial exchange between the organisation and the sponsor, for some players it may also serve as a gateway for additional third party sponsorship though

Cheers. Good entree for a smaller sponsor, although a bit of a gamble - do they still pay full freight if the player is out half the season?
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