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World Rugby Chairman


Tim Horan (67)
I was interested to hear Gus Pichot talking about his crack at becoming chairman of World Rugby on Breakdown this week. I have never really made up my mind about Gus, he comes up with at times ,I have thought, with some over the top ideas, but he certainly sounds like he has some interesting thoughts and ideas re how the game should be run . He has some very firm beliefs on voting rights for 2nd tier nations, and on comp formats for Rugby Championship ie bringing in Fiji and Japan etc. Will be interesting to see how he goes in election.

The torpedo

Peter Fenwicke (45)
Pichot is a charlatan who would sell out to the equity firms (CVC) and put profits above all else.

Beaumont is an establishment hack who would rather keep everything the same over implementing the necessary changes to help out.

Fuck em both.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I was interested to hear Gus Pichot talking about his crack at becoming chairman of World Rugby on Breakdown this week. I have never really made up my mind about Gus, he comes up with at times ,I have thought, with some over the top ideas, but he certainly sounds like he has some interesting thoughts and ideas re how the game should be run . He has some very firm beliefs on voting rights for 2nd tier nations, and on comp formats for Rugby Championship ie bringing in Fiji and Japan etc. Will be interesting to see how he goes in election.

I very much want this.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
This is shaping up like Game of Thrones and there's literally a guy involved who has form for killing someone.

Hopefully we are backing the right person for the iron throne!


Darby Loudon (17)
You'd assume that the NH would vote against anything that might raid the 6N (or other comp) goldmine.
The SH votes for Pichot for the opposite reason
The rest..neutral

From wiki
'In total, Europe has 22 votes; Oceania 10 votes; South America 6 votes; Africa 5 votes; North America 4 votes and Asia 4 votes.'

Based on that Beaumont seems safe.


Tim Horan (67)
eh bit disheartening really
Not really , just called politicking I think, I don't think there anything over the top, and I not sure who I for. I kind of like the idea of a shake up, but not just for the sake of it.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
While I know where both Beaumont and Pichot are from, and something about there rugby careers, can anyone shed any light on their respective credentials as administrators?