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Worst Commentator Pole Action

Worst Commentator?

  • Total voters


Jimmy Flynn (14)
When I first started watching the Soup, I was flabbergasted at how little of substance Kearns had to say about anything at all, but particularly about scrums. He never, ever, had anything analytical to say, at all. Ever. All he went on about was how wonderful scrums are, the highlight of the game, and other juvenile nonsense like that. He has improved slightly over the years, but still says virtually nothing of substance.

This is a former world cup winning hooker and Australian captain. I suppose all we can say is, the game has changed a lot since he played (and it has, particularly in the tight), and he really does know nothing about today's scrums. But the appalling thing is, to me, he shows absolutely no sign of wanting to learn more, and share with us, his patient viewers.

At least the Martin/Kearns schoolboy hollering has been removed.

Kearns had a shocker on Saturday night with the Waratahs v Force, his bias towards the Waratahs is appalling it's only in the last 15mins he starts make comments like they are running out of time. We are lucky enough to have 5 teams in the comp I wish he could have some background on the the non waratahs players, after all a big chunk of them come from NSW anyway.

Saturdays game really highlighted how much better Kafe is compared to Kearns.


Mark Loane (55)
The horrifying thing about Kearns and Martin is that Foxsports just don't seem to give a fuck. The fans distaste for them is clearly evident yet they just keep them there. Whoever is in charge of appointing commentators for rugby at Foxsports is asleep at the wheel and should be sacked for incompetence.


Tony Shaw (54)
The horrifying thing about Kearns and Martin is that Foxsports just don't seem to give a fuck. The fans distaste for them is clearly evident yet they just keep them there. Whoever is in charge of appointing commentators for rugby at Foxsports is asleep at the wheel and should be sacked for incompetence.

That said I clearly remember Kearns doing some commentary with the NZ Fox team several years ago for a non-Tahs match. It was some sort of cross-cultural exchange experience. Kearns was bright, composed, erudite and thoroughly enjoyable, so much so that I recall it now, several years later.

The man has it in him to be a very good commentator if he would just lose his bias and his goofy non-humour. You cannot say that about Martin, Cannon and Horan. They will never be better than their current awfulness.

The Incredible Plan

Herbert Moran (7)
One of the sideline commentators in SA in the last few weeks is genuinely poor: don't know the name but usually irrelevant and often inaudible. You can almost hear the main commentators grinding their teeth when he's on air - which is mercifully brief.

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Phil Kearns (64)
The horrifying thing about Kearns and Martin is that Foxsports just don't seem to give a fuck. The fans distaste for them is clearly evident yet they just keep them there. Whoever is in charge of appointing commentators for rugby at Foxsports is asleep at the wheel and should be sacked for incompetence.

The sad truth is that Greg Clarke is, apparently, their idea of a top commentator. When measured against a mediocrity like Clarke, Kearns and Martin are not so bad. Everything's relative. "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King".

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
goddamn this Greg martin tool was driving me insane today, how hard could it be to just get Rod Kafer, Tom Lawton, Scott Stevenson, maybe Jeff Wilson & Matthew Cooper & Mehrtens and maybe Gregan and just get them to do ALL the fuckin games, stuff this 4 man crew carry on, 2's enough, piss off the rest of you, Ian Smith and TJ with your insufferable cantab bias, Skinstadt with your tiny clumsy mental brain, you're all bloody fired GET OUT


Mark Ella (57)
Ian Smith is in the same league as Marto. I enjoy Marshall and Ian Jones tough. Do away with Jeff Wilson and Gregan for those two DP.


Tim Horan (67)
Actually used to not like Kearnsie and Marto together, but when they on without the other neither is too bad. Don't actually dislike any commentator too much, I know some show a bit of bias, but generally I not sure that the end of world, and I think a lot of so called bias is actually from us viewers who if the man on the mike is not blowing smoke up the arse of players we like, we figure he must be against us and biased to opposition!!


Mark Ella (57)
Instead of having a worst commentator poll, why not look for the positive and drive a change by promoting the aspects we would admire in a commentator?

Currently I find Marshal the best for his knowledge and readiness to acknowledge good play.

The gold standard all should aspire to IMO is Bill McLaren, it was always his love of the game that shone through regardless of who was playing.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
maybe the Aussies seem to love Mrshall because its such a shock to them to hear someone so unbiased haha
Seems he drives NZers batty though, perhaps because he blows so much smoke up the other teams arse when the kiwi side - with the exception of one NZ franchise which shall go unnamed forever and ever a-fucking-men - is obvioulsy murdering the bastads. Plus the overexcited shouting over stuff so he misses half of it then makes up a law interpretation of what he just missed

will say on T.Johnstone's behalf though, he might be horrid cantab cheerleader but he does appear to know the lawbook back to front. Shouldve been a ref


The horrifying thing about Kearns and Martin is that Foxsports just don't seem to give a fuck. The fans distaste for them is clearly evident yet they just keep them there. Whoever is in charge of appointing commentators for rugby at Foxsports is asleep at the wheel and should be sacked for incompetence.

Well, FoxSports did get rid of Jeremy Paul, and for that I am willing to give them a shitload of leeway before they get rid of Marto.


The sad truth is that Greg Clarke is, apparently, their idea of a top commentator.

Clarkie was brilliant when he was at the top of his game. Not quite in the rarified atmosphere of Bray, but close.

Sadly, like the dinosaur, their time is up.

The dinosaurs got spanked by a meteor strike; Clarkie and Bray have hit nuclear ground zero on cliches and repetition. It's like they have run out of ways to describe a game and are on constant recycle of adjectives. Hardly surprising, but irritating.

But mark my words, we will all wish those guys were still with us in 5 years when Georgina R and Sean Maloney are the voices of Oz rugby.


Trevor Allan (34)
I think the difference is Kearns doesn't take himself very seriously, most of his bias is obvious and playful - you can tell he doesn't really mean it. With Marto I don't think he's ever joking.

At first I thought that was right, however after watching a few Tahs games over the last couple of years and seeing a few 50/50s go against the Tahs listening to Kearns basically whinge about the referee for the next 5 minutes is hell. However if the 50/50s go for the Tahs then it's "just the rub of the green". I used to think it was just Marto who was an idiot, but Kearns is becoming a contender for worst commentator.

Although after watching this video I think it's tough to split Marto and Stuart Barnes.


Mark Ella (57)
@ Boyo - do you think that public opinion can change behaviour?
Do you think that the opinion of the heavily invested fans, which the posters of a forum such as this represent, can have positive impacts on the game?

I certainly think the answer to both questions is yes. To some degree forums such as this are providing the new "journalism".

I get panned for being critical of a team's play, based on genuine critique being the best method of improvement, and now the opposite for not wanting to see the high standards of the GAGR forum dragged down by a shallow bagging of commentators. If it is a bit of fun, it is very low to continue a bashing of individuals. My point is any critique should be aimed at a view of improvement not just to cut people down.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Clarkie was brilliant when he was at the top of his game. Not quite in the rarified atmosphere of Bray, but close.

Have never understood the worship heaped on Bray over the years. IMO right from the get go he has tried to be so level handed in his comments that he comes across as nothing more than a referees' spin doctor.

Of the current Fox people, Kearns has to be the worst. Puts on such a smug, holier than thou face while deriding anything that isn't Waratahs related. And his one eyed comments during matches is even worse than Marto's rantings which seem to be passion for the Reds driven. The difference is that Marto doesn't mind putting the boot into his Reds when he thinks it's needed, but Kearns is all smarmy and defensive about his Tahs even when it's not warranted.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Kiwi commentators in general. They have gotten worse over the years. God forbid anyone beats a new Zealand team