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Quade Cooper

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John Thornett (49)
I think all you have to do is watch his highlights through the last 12 months and you'll realise that he is a once in a decade type player. His skills are freakish, take the Reds vs Blues semi-final, no other play could do the stuff he did in that match.

He isn't a complete player yet, but he is still only 23 (?), and if he stays in union he could become one of the most entertaining players the world has ever seen.


Dave Cowper (27)
Sorry, calling the mods. This is just flagrant abuse of a fine player. Do you know this to be true Blue? What evidence do you have to attack a player in this condescending, holier-than-thou, condemning manner?

I have actually met and had quite lengthy chats with QC (Quade Cooper) on two occasions (have you?). As Link has publicly said numerous times, with sincerity: QC (Quade Cooper) thinks intensely about the game, he talks intelligently about what he does and how he does it and and what he wants to achieve. He is not at all egotistical or vain in person. In fact, in person, he's humble, warm and utterly self-effacing. He's openly admitted to his mistakes and, I'm quite convinced, is working hard to grow as he person in a fishbowl environment with, no doubt, advice from every quarter on every aspect of how he should live, and play. He's superb with the many school kids he visits and inspires and they leave just loving their meetings with him (he comes back to my son's school often to see and encourage the rugby boys there, and where he attended a few years back).

Critique him objectively as a player - he's only played a major role in revitalising rugby throughout Australia and contributed to two major championship wins as TOCC has stated - but do not attack him in this manner unless you can back it up with hard facts and decent evidence, and balanced with an objective assessment of his personal qualities.

I read Blue's post and took it as a reference to the onfield niggle with McCaw. It is certainly a questionable tactic to take into a game. It has divided opinions on this website. It seemed to me that Blue feels that it is a tactic that seems immature. From what you say RH it does seem like he is a decent bloke off the field and seems like he isn't doing a Todd Carney.


Syd Malcolm (24)
I think all you have to do is watch his highlights through the last 12 months and you'll realise that he is a once in a decade type player. His skills are freakish, take the Reds vs Blues semi-final, no other play could do the stuff he did in that match.

He isn't a complete player yet, but he is still only 23 (?), and if he stays in union he could become one of the most entertaining players the world has ever seen.

Yeah i will back this. He is only 23. It's going to be interesting to see how crafty he get's ball in hand when he loses pace.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Yeah i will back this. He is only 23. It's going to be interesting to see how crafty he get's ball in hand when he loses pace.

... and on the same note, Kurtley Beale is only 22. I think these guys can be excused for pushing one pass too many when they make a break and turning the ball over unnecessarily. They're young and don't always make the best choices but they are phenomenal talents and will only get better.


Tony Shaw (54)
Is this post for real? Are you actually telling on him for saying that? On a forum where there's an Ali Williams Hate Thread?

FFS, of course I'm not literally 'telling on him', that's my emotive comment (for which I make zero apology partly as the mods here have rightly said that personal abuse of individual players is bannable, in principle). And Ali Williams fans can take care of him, or so I would hope, but I don't like the use of internet anonymity anywhere to run attacks on players as persons vs how they play.

My angst re Copper is that, for whatever set of reasons, he attracts a level of very personal attack from a group of commentators here. I detest this when it's offered with no real direct knowledge of the person, or viable evidence in support. Cooper has no means of self-defense here. This all comes despite Cooper's huge achievements for rugby in this country of a type that anyone who loves the game and seeks its revival here would readily concede and applaud. Few have achieved so much for the game in so short a time. The Reds almost certainly would not have won this year without him, and, as a number of us have said, in terms of what he actually is and does, he's a decent bloke learning life's lessons at a young age under a massive spotlight. He's made mistakes and will make more of them, whom of us have not?

As a side point: his/the 'cheap shot' issue. (a) I agree wholeheartedly with Gagger's comments on this today (b) do we really think this is not in some form endorsed by the Aus team as part of a conscious ploy to unsettle key ABs? and (c) it's almost all of laughable minimality compared to what goes on everyday of the week in league, AFL and soccer (with its 'accidental trips' and 'unfortunate fallings over').

Anyone who wants to understand a bit more of Cooper's life background may find this article and interview of interest:



Trevor Allan (34)
I don't like him because he's from Tokoroa & plays for Australia. And on top of this, he loves throwing cheap shots against our captain & he can be an absolute fucking wimp when it comes taking contact & defence. Those is 1 good reason for hatred & 2 more for simple dislike.

But take all that out and I still think he's a hell of a player who at times has the ball on a string.

And therein lies why QC (Quade Cooper) splits so much opinion & generates so much chat. I'll never like him, that's factual. But Jesus, that kid can play.


My opinion of the 'cheap shot' thing (and I wouldn't even really call what he does cheap shots as it'd be generous to call them shots) is that he doesn't back it up with enough physicality to justify the niggle. At least other niggly bastards like Bakkies Botha are big tough bastards who can back it up if push came to shove. And then there's chippy little blokes like Genia (or Gregan) who don't physically back down despite being the smallest guy on the pitch more often than not. Cooper doesn't really have anything in the bank to justify his tough man niggle, which is why I think it rubs people up the wrong way.

Gregan's a good comparison actually - he was far more chippy and we loved to hate him, but we had a huge respect for the little cnut. Cooper, for all his undeniable talents, perhaps isn't perceived to have earned that respect due to his aversion for the physical stuff. Although it might be more accurate to say his niggly stuff has prevented him earning that level of respect, as a guy like Campo was respected despite being a big wuss.

All of which has nothing to do with his off field conduct which I understand is generally above reproach (I don't hold a drunken shenanigan against him).
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David Codey (61)
Watch the lead-up to Genias try. Cooper set the whole thing up through a little bit of handbags with McCaw. Franks slid wide on defence looking at Cooper like we wanted to murder him. Genia slides straight through the gaping hole.

Niggle like that changes Test matches!

McCaw started that niggle, so he cost his own team.


Andrew Slack (58)
Sorry, calling the mods. This is just flagrant abuse of a fine player. Do you know this to be true Blue?

Hit a nerve? Completely over the top response.

Call the mods then. Call your dad and your big brother while you're at it.

Cooper seem to be quite good at getting himself into shit and as is usually the case in this country, if you're a footballer you can get away with it if you say you're sorry and you have your coach and mates talk about what a nice bloke you are (sniff sniff).

Here's a parallel for you:

"Bakkies Botha thinks intensely about the game, he talks intelligently about what he does and how he does it and and what he wants to achieve. He is not at all egotistical or vain in person. In fact, in person, he's humble, warm and utterly self-effacing. He's openly admitted to his mistakes" That's what you wrote about Quade. Now having met Bakkies, I can tell you that is a good description of him as well. And ask any of his mates and team mates and they will tell you that. Add to that that he gives loads of money to charity, is very involved with his church you have to say he is a great bloke? No? What? Why? Not? Right. Because of the shit the world sees him getting up to. Every bit of good he does which is 100% the case in the rest of his life is irrelevant.

I have also met Richard Lowe who people call all sorts of names. I can tell you that on the surface he is a hell of a nice bloke. Ask people about Schalk Burger and they will tell you he is one of the best of best blokes you could ever meet (as Waugh - they're mates - he'll tell you that). Yet because of cheap shots and eye gouging the world sees him as a villain. That's the way it is. Get over it.

Here's the point: People like footballers are in the spotlight. Do stupid things (breaking and entering, constant niggling on the park, suspensions, drunken brawls with other players) and the majority of people will think you are a twat.

Quade Cooper does a great job of looking like a twat. Sorry.


David Codey (61)
I don't like him because he's from Tokoroa & plays for Australia. And on top of this, he loves throwing cheap shots against our captain & he can be an absolute fucking wimp when it comes taking contact & defence. Those is 1 good reason for hatred & 2 more for simple dislike.

But take all that out and I still think he's a hell of a player who at times has the ball on a string.

And therein lies why QC (Quade Cooper) splits so much opinion & generates so much chat. I'll never like him, that's factual. But Jesus, that kid can play.

So his father went to Australia for work and opportunity, and found it, including a scholarship for his son, and you expect him to go back to the country that couldn't provide as well for his family just because he was born there?

I don't suppose you dislike any AB players that were born outside of NZ, just for that fact, do you?


Trevor Allan (34)
So his father went to Australia for work and opportunity, and found it, including a scholarship for his son, and you expect him to go back to the country that couldn't provide as well for his family just because he was born there?

I don't suppose you dislike any AB players that were born outside of NZ, just for that fact, do you?

At 15 years of age I was a kiwi & AB supporter through and through. I suspect you were an Aussie & a Wallabies one as well?

Ironic that loads of kiwi's go to Aus for various reasons & they get nothing but flak thrown at them from this site - I've never ever ever seen anything positive written about any NZer who has moved to Aus from this site outside of Quade Cooper.

But I suppose you like them all as well right?


McCaw started that niggle, so he cost his own team.

Yeah, I've seen many people say McCaw started it, but you can't really say that with any certainty. You see Cooper go into clear McCaw out, then a second or so McCaw starts pushing at Cooper's face. The camera angle shown was fairly wide out, so it's kind of hard to say what's going on - and it would hardly be surprising if Cooper wasn't doing something that McCaw reacted to. I'm not saying McCaw didn't start it, just that it's kind of hard to say.


David Codey (61)
At 15 years of age I was a kiwi & AB supporter through and through. I suspect you were an Aussie & a Wallabies one as well?

Ironic that loads of kiwi's go to Aus for various reasons & they get nothing but flak thrown at them from this site - I've never ever ever seen anything positive written about any NZer who has moved to Aus from this site outside of Quade Cooper.

But I suppose you like them all as well right?

Yep, at 15 years of age I was, but I didn't move to a different country, so I can't say what I would have done if I had started playing representative sport at age level.

Kiwis that have moved to Aus get a lot of slack, but from my perspective it is normally because not only do they support NZ through and through, but they support anyone who is playing Australia. That is poor form in my opinion.

When I moved to England for 3 years in my 20's I supported the Wallabies of course, but when England played against anyone else I would support them.

Surely you should hate Kepu more than Cooper for your reasons. He didn't even play age group stuff in Oz (I believe?).


Ken Catchpole (46)
Pull it back, nothing personal needs to be said.

Aussies love Kiwis and Kiwis love Aussies. What makes it fun is that we can take the piss out of each other and know it is just that...


Trevor Allan (34)
Yep, at 15 years of age I was, but I didn't move to a different country, so I can't say what I would have done if I had started playing representative sport at age level.

Kiwis that have moved to Aus get a lot of slack, but from my perspective it is normally because not only do they support NZ through and through, but they support anyone who is playing Australia. That is poor form in my opinion.

When I moved to England for 3 years in my 20's I supported the Wallabies of course, but when England played against anyone else I would support them.

Surely you should hate Kepu more than Cooper for your reasons. He didn't even play age group stuff in Oz (I believe?).

Some good points - but I will say that as a kiwi myself, the amount of shit I take from Australians, in general, just for being a kiwi, does make it tough to support you lot in anything. Mostly good natured shit, but it's still a hell of a lot.

This thread isn't about Kepu...


David Codey (61)
Some good points - but I will say that as a kiwi myself, the amount of shit I take from Australians, in general, just for being a kiwi, does make it tough to support you lot in anything. Mostly good natured shit, but it's still a hell of a lot.

This thread isn't about Kepu...

You can still answer the question though?


Mark Ella (57)
At 15 years of age I was a kiwi & AB supporter through and through. I suspect you were an Aussie & a Wallabies one as well?

Ironic that loads of kiwi's go to Aus for various reasons & they get nothing but flak thrown at them from this site - I've never ever ever seen anything positive written about any NZer who has moved to Aus from this site outside of Quade Cooper.

But I suppose you like them all as well right?

Not true. I have had loads to say about Kerr-Barlow in a positive light. He rose through the juniors of our club and although he will wear the AB jersey one day we are vey proud to call him one of our own. I am unsure whether he is Australian born but I have known him since we was shitting in nappies. In saying that he now pays his taxes in NZ and that is enough for Kiwi's to claim him one of their own.
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