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CAS Rugby 2017

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Frank Row (1)
Knox 1st XV Line-Up 2017:

#1 Dawson (1sts)
#2 Morrison (2nds) / Kennedy (16as)
#3 Cutrone (1sts )
#4 Frost (1sts/Barbarians)
#5 Humphreys (2nds)
#6 Stenning (2nds)
#7 Collins (2nds) / Adams (16as)
#8 Garing (2nds)
#9 Hansen (3rds)
#10 Woodcock (1sts)
#11 Brown (1sts)
#12 Myers (1sts )
#13 Cameron (16as)
#14 Galleta (2nds)
#15 Pavlakis (2nds)

IMO, the brand of rugby we are likely to see from Knox next year will be different; it will be fast paced, electric and exciting to watch, differing from the 'juggernaut' style of the past 2 years: Knox have lost the likes of Margin, Basson and Grindal.

Frear - will not play 1sts in 2017, he will play seconds no doubt but Knox are sure to keep Dawson and Cutrone at prop - Morrison (2nds) is a good player.

Year 10s - no year 10's will start for the 1st XV next year, calibre in Years 11 and 12 is too strong.

McInerney - will not play 1st XV next year, he will be lucky to make 2nds.

#7 spot - I'd assume they'd go with Collins who was a good player for the 16as in 2015, but Adams has picked up good form in the later parts of the season, interested to see.

Rod Knee

This is team is from a biased knox 16s player. How does Kennedy, Trobec, Mcinerny and Leigh make it over already established players of Dawson, Garing, Pavlakis and Galletta???

Very true, the 16's boys will be spending their time learning the ropes in lower grades just like last year's 16s batch. Also look for the big man up front Scott to push for selection.

Rod Knee

My knox line up
1. Dawson (1sts)
2. Cutrone (1sts injured)
3. Frear (16as)
4. Frost (1sts)
5. Humphrey (2nds)
6. O'brien (2nds)
7. Stenning (2nds)
8. Garing (2nds)
9. Hansen (3rds)
10. Woodcock (1sts)
11. Batchelor (2nds)
12. Myers (1sts)
13. Cameron (16as)
14. Zweck (1sts - newington)
15. Voysey (3rds) (captain)

The Knox juggernaut again looking like a powerhouse that will be hard to stop, an instering move as they have offered newington's Jack Zweck a full scholarship. However a very unique but well planned decision to have two 3rds players in the 1sts next year as they both showed promise and prospect during their season. It is said that Voysey struggled with injury and elected himself in the 3rds this season to avoid more chance of injury, all though one of his weakest seasons he will be breath taking to watch next year. Additionally Cutrone will be exciting to see when he pairs up with Zweck, the chemistry will be some of the best in CAS as they have played in numerous rep games, will be very hard to defend against

Son I'm fairly sure Zweck has been at Knox all his life, you must be misinformed.

Also, look for Dawson to make the switch to the back row next year after a intense sprints schedule throughout summer, to fill the vacant #8 jersey.


Frank Row (1)
If you knew him you would know he has played there previously

just cause you played a couple of games there doesn't mean your actually any good. Halfback isn't a position that you can just learn overnight, it takes many years to perfect and thats the point im trying to get across

Rod Knee

just cause you played a couple of games there doesn't mean your actually any good. Halfback isn't a position that you can just learn overnight, it takes many years to perfect and thats the point im trying to get across

Son I feel like you lack the rugby nous to make these type of comments about the position of halfback, how about you get back to class.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
Hello BM,

I ranked the teams for 2017 to get a response, and got it, thanks.

Love your Knox passion, passion is good!

That's why we all write the odd comment here.

Anyway, next year will be great again.

Get ready for some more blips on the radar.


Both Jordan from Waverley and Bosch from Knox played scrum half this year after previously playing others positions most of the time
They made CAS 1sts and 2nds. Jordan went on to play State and got picked in the Baa Baas team. I heard the Combined States coach wanted Bosch but he didnt get his own way.
It is a specialist position which can take years to master but good players can adapt and do a pretty good job in their first year.
If a new scrim half is used to running as a fullback or flyhalf he turns into a running halfback which is a bonus.
Unfortunately a lot of young rugby scrum halves are taught to pass well left and right and box kick but they don't offer much else.
It can be an advantage for a scrum half who hasn't been conditioned to play that traditional role.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Tyzac was a freak ... At the start of 2016 I was keen to see him focus on being a 9, as that didn't seem a sure thing and in my estimation the one chink in his game was his kicking game ... So as a 10 he was a worry

There is a kid Andrews at Waverley who I reckon is going to be good ... Might struggle to displace incumbents in 2017, but he sure is composed ... Got some skill, often is the one that makes the likes of towns look good

Anyway hate to admit it, but Knox will be team to beat in 2017, and agree they will be a more exciting team than 2016

Cameron has been one that has always been a star ... Will be interested to see if it translates into success in the opens ... I am guessing he will be v good

The Medical Joker

Frank Row (1)
My predictions for the winners
1. Knox
2. Waverley
3. Cranbrook
4. Trinity
5. Barker
6. Aloys

This is my prediction basing on how this years year 11's played in the 16's. Although Aloys has a very strong 16's side this year I think that 2018 will be a strong year as they will be older and more experienced. It should be a tough competition between Knox and Waverley, and Trinity Cranbrook and barker you would expect to fair much the same however Barker will be better but not strong enough to clinch into the top 3


Vay Wilson (31)
What about all the yr 11 lads that played in opens? Would be a better gauge than the relatively small number who played 16s

front row club

Frank Row (1)
possible trinity side
1.Ginis 16s
3.Lambert 16s
5.Yazbeck 16s
6.Layton 15s
12.Edmed 16s
14. Hollingwirth-Dessent
15. Payne


Stan Wickham (3)
With Knox's CAS Rugby team looking as strong as ever. Some may consider this the year for Knox to sweep all 6 of the major sports, these being Swimming, Athletics, Rugby, Soccer, Cricket and Basketball. This would be unprecedented and clearly show their sporting prowess.



Trinity won the swimming?

Barker are likely to win the athletics...


possible trinity side
1.Ginis 16s
3.Lambert 16s
5.Yazbeck 16s
6.Layton 15s
12.Edmed 16s
14. Hollingwirth-Dessent
15. Payne

It will be interesting to see if Trinity change their coaching staff. This season they had the same amount of NSW reps as Knox and more than any other team. It's time for a coaching change at Trinity to bring the best out of the players and make CAS competitive.

Karma Police

Allen Oxlade (6)
Medical Joker's predictions
1. Knox
2. Waverley
3. Cranbrook
4. Trinity
5. Barker
6. Aloys

Cranbrook are interesting because this year's 16s have been so weak. Also, in this year's 1sts, a few of the 17s age group (ie last year's 16s) like Dickins are underaged year 12s, and won't be there next year. I expect them to struggle, especially for depth, and in the backs.

Aloys are also interesting. Their last year's 16s were weak, which next year are the year 12 boys. The year 11s coming in from this year's 16s are pretty good though. How will they match up with a combination of both? They should be good the following year.

Trinity have usually been around 3rd/4th in both those age groups, but often competitive against the top teams. This year's 16s struggled because they lost players to 1sts and specialist athletics, and they lack depth. Also, their forwards have usually been an issue. They are a question mark too, but at least have Chambers, Ilias, BHD, Stead, Payne, Langham etc backing up from this year, and others like Doyle and Ginis who have had good time in the 1sts. Their backs should be fine, the question mark will be on their forwards - and how well they are coached (which has been questioned by others on here).


SDWs predicted Waverley team should be pretty close to the mark. Throw in prop forward Will McCormick.
The 16s from this year will be bigger and stronger and into the fitness and strength prigrammes so there might be some surprises selections.
There's plenty of size, speed and skill there so the same coaches as this year should get them playing to a high standard and the same brand of running rugby.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
With Knox's CAS Rugby team looking as strong as ever. Some may consider this the year for Knox to sweep all 6 of the major sports, these being Swimming, Athletics, Rugby, Soccer, Cricket and Basketball. This would be unprecedented and clearly show their sporting prowess.
Mr tt, you should check the "sporting" results/prowess of Knox over the years across the major sports. You will get a surprise!
Given the unequalled resources,other schools have done better.
Like your enthusiasm but Knox will be lucky to win any of the major sports in 2017',maybe soccer and basketball,but who cares!


1. Wright (W)/McCormick (W)
2. Coghill (B)/Kennedy (K)
3. Cutrone(K)/Rahme (A)
4. Frost (K)
5. Flaherty (B)/Rogers-Smith (W)/Sullivan (A)
6. Reimer (B)/Murphy(W)
7. Molloy (W)
8. Moretti (W)
9. Chambers (T)/Kitchener (B)/ Tejcek (B)
10. Woodcock(K)/Donaldson (W)
11. Lloyd (B)/Pavlakis (K)
12. Stenmark (C)/Cornish(W)
13. Cameron (K)/Hardaker (W)
14. Hollingsworth-Dessent (T)/Myers (K)
15. Ilias (T)/Westbury (A)

These guys will likely be in the first or seconds or reserves somewhere.
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