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CAS Rugby 2017

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CAS Rd1 isn't till June.

Only schedule I've seen in this thread has been for Knox. Remaining games:
6th May v Kings - H
13th May v Newingtown - H
20th May v Scots - A
27th May v Joeys - A
3rd June v Cranbrook - A
17th June v Trinity - A
22nd July v Aloys - H
29th July v Barker - H
5th August v Waverley - A

Final game at Death Valley could very well be a decider

Good news for the Double V.

Could well be the decider, but anything can happen in a one round comp.
There'll be no second chances.
No one should be getting ahead of themselves at this stage.

If it does happen to be the decider, Death Valley will be packed and the Waves will enjoy the home ground advantage.


Chris McKivat (8)

It is my opinion that we start training in the lower age groups WAY too late for the beginning of the season. I know the Knox 14 A/B group started training at the end of last year,and I suspect so do the GPS schools, we started only recently...

...BUT there is 1 boy who is the most talented young player I have ever seen. Probably 9-100kgs, 6"3, the fastest school boy I have seen, is their kicker and also plays league, so tackles like an NRL player, he is unbelieveable, and good luck to him and Kings. I hope we keep him in Rugby. I can't see any school beating this Kings team if he plays!

Personally I think that there are significantly skewed priorities at schools that think there is a need for 13 and 14 year olds to be training for Rugby on the same timetables that professional athletes follow. Where this occurs it is more about someone else's aims (the school, parents) rather than the balanced and effective development of youth athletes - it's actually the road to injury and early withdrawal from organised sport.

I think I know the player you are referring to, he is certainly a talent and teams he plays for are far more likely to win when he is playing. I'm a little surprised to hear he's 90+ kg, he must have bulked up a lot over the off season. I'm also surprised to hear he plays league - I understood b'ball was the sport competing for his attention.


Arch Winning (36)
Personally I think that there are significantly skewed priorities at schools that think there is a need for 13 and 14 year olds to be training for Rugby on the same timetables that professional athletes follow. Where this occurs it is more about someone else's aims (the school, parents) rather than the balanced and effective development of youth athletes - it's actually the road to injury and early withdrawal from organised sport.

I think I know the player you are referring to, he is certainly a talent and teams he plays for are far more likely to win when he is playing. I'm a little surprised to hear he's 90+ kg, he must have bulked up a lot over the off season. I'm also surprised to hear he plays league - I understood b'ball was the sport competing for his attention.

BAR, I actually don't disagree with you about when training should start for these younger boys, just stating when it is starting for those schools who tend to perform well.

I know little about the boy I was referring to but did see him on sat.
My boy and his centre partner are tall and about 60kgs and he was much taller and thicker. Apparently he is a super star at numerous sports,and I am not surprised.
I was just giving him a rapp, not only was he devastating, against a good side, but his sportsmanship was solid.
I hope we keep in rugby, for me, basketball is not as important nationally as cricket BUT I understand the big money.
I bet no one can name the national basketball team!
The real reason basketball is growing at school v cricket is because a sport is compulsory at all private schools and it is over in 40 minutes v cricket.
Same for soccer v rugby is because mum doesn't want little johnny to get tackled,IMO, I will stop now to save being compared to Pauline H.

Trust this opens a can of worms!


Chris McKivat (8)
...I know little about the boy I was referring to but did see him on sat.
My boy and his centre partner are tall and about 60kgs and he was much taller and thicker. Apparently he is a super star at numerous sports,and I am not surprised.
I was just giving him a rapp, not only was he devastating, against a good side, but his sportsmanship was solid...

They do grow! I actually haven't seen him this year but my son is 6'3" and about 95kg and when they played against each other last year the difference in bulk was noticeable so it surprised me to hear he might have gotten that big. Anyway, from what I've seen (and heard on the 14's grapevine) I think you're on the money - great athlete and nice kid. Agree that it'd be good to keep him in Rugby (but perhaps preferable if he plays with our sons and not against them ;)).


Peter Burge (5)
Should be interesting this weekend seeing Aloys vs Barker apparently Reimer and the Aloys Hooker Spalding are cousins same with the Flahertys from Barker and Aloys The Barker boy playing lock and The aloys one in the centres. Watch to see if some big hits come from some good family competition

Take the Points

Frank Nicholson (4)
Just some further qualitative comments on the Shore/Barker game.

This was a very entertaining and close game, with both sides having the talent to win it.

Shore have a excellent set piece. Their line out and scrum was robust and 1st phase play was error free. Their front row is topnotch and they have speed and skill in the backs with Max Sinclair (10) and Dom Walker (13) standouts and yet another speed demon Blake Rixon (younger brother of Luke who was the standout at last years Nationals) at fullback.

They team combined well, and along with Barker giving away too many simple penalties, Shore had plenty of possession to show their considerable skills.

It was no surprise they were leading 10 nil at half time.

Where they need some work is defensively up the middle along with showing a bit more vigor at the breakdown.

Any GPS team who takes Shore for granted this year will be regret it.

Barker on the other hand are this years big improvers. The blooding of many year 10 lads last year has paid dividends and the open squad clearly has depth. (Barker won the 2nds and the 16As against Shore)

Reimer (8) is inspirational, being a brick wall in defense and an absolute mongrel with ball in hand as well as being a level headed Capt.

The make shift front row is still a work in progress in the set piece, but around the park and defensively, Charlmers, Wilson and Melchor are providing some real starch to this pack. With Flarherty (4) Weymouth (6) and Hutton (7) the Barker forwards are can now compete.

With Pollard (6 or 3) learning the game, and Mack Northcott (5) (to return from injury) Barker has a nice squad of forwards to be competitive.

Complimenting the forwards is the seeing how much the backs have improved. With Tejcak (9) providing great service to a back line that has some real speed. Van Woerkom (13) Lloyd (15) and Galloway (11) are all speedsters and are willing to take on the defense.

With a forward pack that retains possession, the Barker backs now have the confidence to run the ball, with the Reds returning kickoffs ball in hand to regain field position. This has been a point of difference lacking over the past 3 years of Barker Rugby.

Galloway (11) is a real talent and will no doubt be a handful when he reaches year 12 in 2019, with speed aggression and a determination to contain his opposite number.

Of course it is still early days, and with only one round of CAS rugby this year, the results of the big games against Waverley (at Hornsby) and Knox (at Warrawee), will be binary. No second chances.

Thanks RS, if both teams can play some consistent footy there will be some positive signs this season in both CAS and GPS. Hopefully a few upsets.


Arch Winning (36)
It was impressive to see the Waverley Firsts Coach down helping the 15's this afternoon. Just a sign of the difference in the culture at the school over the last couple of years.

it was noticeable that the coaches were also there with the younger age groups from the start of the day on Saturday. This is what's great about rugby and the people that bring passion into rugby at schools.

Some lessons that could be learnt here from NSW rugby and the ARU who spend so much time on the big picture they don't know the path to get there. Coaches like these guys are the ones that make the big difference in the long run. If only the ARU thought about grassroots as well.


Couldn't agree more,culture builds a sport at school.
We now have a new HEAD OF SCHOOL who is a rugby fan, finally.

It is now up to us all to "persuade" him about the things we aren't doing well, which many of us have discussed recently, particularly those who told me my cover is blow, and I know who you are! HA HA HA!!!


Nev Cottrell (35)
Thanks wlf for insights.

Must say the contrasts were not lost on me , in the time spent at kings.

First of all kings grounds are like a university... truly spectacular. Now I know Waverley kids aren't uninitiated to wealthy facilities, but wow kings is not far off an Ivy League campus

Then you have the contrast in terms of coaching... and none of this is in any way a criticism... you had many of the kings teams coached by English GAP kids. Well mannered , presumably well looked after by Kings, and well schooled in the fineries of a game invented by the Brits (and perfected by kiwis)

In contrast you had the Waverley coaches making do ... there was the 1st xv coach warming up the 5th xv, the newly promoted head of sport doing his bit ... just so many good blokes, no work demarcations

Then you had totally different styles of rugby ... one an entertaining hybrid of Randwick running rugby and league crash and bash, versus a more structured and quasi professional but equally entertaining schoolboy rugby

Something Waverley boys would have been unaccustomed was the military uniforms of their opponents

While for me I was interested to see that the demographics of the kings student body has changed reflecting
The decline of the farmer grazier and the rise of the Asian tiger

AnywAy was an interesting day, unfortunately cut short by other commitments, but hopefully somewhat skewed results in kings favour don't prevent a repeat in future years


Knox demonstrated their true prowess on Saturday, but will only continue to be more dominant.

Frost played so well on Saturday, he made some piercing line breaks that showed his true caliber and as usual his work in the air was phenomenal.

I also want to make a shout out to Hansen for all his hard work in the off season, paying dividends and rightfully earning him that 9 jersey. An unsung hero from the weekends clash.

Thanks to all the supporters on Saturday.

We have only just began, our best is yet to come.


Bob Loudon (25)
Knox demonstrated their true prowess on Saturday, but will only continue to be more dominant.

Frost played so well on Saturday, he made some piercing line breaks that showed his true caliber and as usual his work in the air was phenomenal.

I also want to make a shout out to Hansen for all his hard work in the off season, paying dividends and rightfully earning him that 9 jersey. An unsung hero from the weekends clash.

Thanks to all the supporters on Saturday.

We have only just began, our best is yet to come.

Heh heh. Sounds a tad North Korean BM.


Bob Loudon (25)
Knox demonstrated their true prowess on Saturday, but will only continue to be more dominant.

Frost played so well on Saturday, he made some piercing line breaks that showed his true caliber and as usual his work in the air was phenomenal.

I also want to make a shout out to Hansen for all his hard work in the off season, paying dividends and rightfully earning him that 9 jersey. An unsung hero from the weekends clash.

Thanks to all the supporters on Saturday.

We have only just began, our best is yet to come.

Let's hope there is no Knoxian failure to launch when the real competition begins.

hedrick potter

Frank Row (1)
Isak stene (A) is far superior to Nick Frost (K) in every way, if u dont believe this get out to Aloys 2s vs Barker this saturday to see Isak crack some skulls


Herbert Moran (7)

I told you the boy from Kings 14A's was good!!

Also glad to hear that he is getting some kudos for being a good sport. So true.


Bill Watson (15)

I told you the boy from Kings 14A's was good!!

Also glad to hear that he is getting some kudos for being a good sport. So true.

His name is Joseph Sua'ali'i....he is easily 6'3", if he's 100kg he has done serious weights over summer. He is a champion high jumper, champion Basketballer and the most influential junior rugby player I've ever seen. By that, I mean, when he decides to get involved, he can score a try from nowhere. He is almost impossible to tackle because of the length of his stride. The Eastwood 13's won the State Champs last year because of him (they had about 4 other quite decent players), and his club team won the 13's grand final because of him. I hope beyond hope rugby can keep him, but as he was playing 1st's basketball in year 7 at Kings, i'm pretty sure the US college's will be all over him. From all account's, a really nice kid, so I wish him well.


Arch Winning (36)

I told you the boy from Kings 14A's was good!!

Also glad to hear that he is getting some kudos for being a good sport. So true.

Hi BOL, Next time you see me reveal yourself, otherwise I will never talk to you again, take that!

You were more than spot on re this boy, not that I doubted you or everyone else who has seen him. He is a champion and a nice young man.

I do think we will see others catch up in size as they age, he will probably still be a superstar, but it won't be as easy.


Bill Watson (15)
Does anyone know how the Knox 14A's went against Riverview?

Riverview won 26-10. The View 10, 12 & 13 cut Knox up in midfield. The forward battle was very even...maybe Knox slightly on top. Knox were certainly bigger and stronger, but View were better drilled at the breakdown. Knox's scrum was quite dominant. The View 10 controlled the game well, until he was smashed by a Knox 2nd rower......he was barely seen after that.......but for Knox, it was too little, too late.


Arch Winning (36)
Knox demonstrated their true prowess on Saturday, but will only continue to be more dominant.

Frost played so well on Saturday, he made some piercing line breaks that showed his true caliber and as usual his work in the air was phenomenal.

I also want to make a shout out to Hansen for all his hard work in the off season, paying dividends and rightfully earning him that 9 jersey. An unsung hero from the weekends clash.

Thanks to all the supporters on Saturday.

We have only just began, our best is yet to come.


Can you tell us how the Knox 14a's went against Riverview last week,
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