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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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Red Black

Larry Dwyer (12)
Nice little write up GO, but can you guys throw in a little u13 or u14 etc in your posts so we (I) know what age group you're talking about. Especially for old heads like mine who have spent way to many times at the bottom of a ruck and can't recall which age you're talking about, just in case I feel like sticking an oar in, cheers.

Yeah the boys arn't even 14 yet in most cases, lets not take it TOO seriously


Fred Wood (13)
Something in the water out at BBC
S Farrell and Hope still out and now Veravis,Seabrook and Simpson out.
Porter and Cotton back .
Ikatu obviously not fit - not the same boy who smashed them at Nationals.

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
You say that you respect Churchie 13 A's as a rugby team, yet in their last two game they have had 170 points scored against them and haven't scored a single point themselves.

BSHS 13's in three games have scored 228 points for and 5 against.
Ipswich Grammar A's in three games have also scored 228 points for and 14 against. Every other team seams to be not even in the same ball park as these two teams.
I said I had respect for a lot of Churchie's forwards and a couple of their backs ...how they are functioning in the collective of their team is a different consideration and one I have no clue about

And the Fixture results on fox sports I have a 68-0 result against State High and a 40-5 result against TGS for a 108-5 in their last 2 - not 170-0 as you suggested

What you suggest as a 2 tiered competition is correct. A large part of this reason , if not the exclusive part of this of this reason , is between 4 to 6 players on each of these teams where the average weight differential is at least 30kg . And - they're good athletes - they can move and use their weight to great effect in the collision

Size matters .

This will change in coming years when the great levelling out occurs and when it does things will look different


Chris McKivat (8)
I said I had respect for a lot of Churchie's forwards and a couple of their backs .how they are functioning in the collective of their team is a different consideration and one I have no clue about

And the Fixture results on fox sports I have a 68-0 result against State High and a 40-5 result against TGS for a 108-5 in their last 2 - not 170-0 as you suggested

What you suggest as a 2 tiered competition is correct. A large part of this reason , if not the exclusive part of this of this reason , is between 4 to 6 players on each of these teams where the average weight differential is at least 30kg . And - they're good athletes - they can move and use their weight to great effect in the collision

Size matters .

This will change in coming years when the great levelling out occurs and when it does things will look different

I could not agree more the dominate teams in the lower age groups from what I have seen definitely have a size advantage. On a skill level, ability is fairly well spread between the big and little kids. Sure there a bigger kids that will go on to great things but there will be a lot more fall off the radar. I don't know what these schools are trying to achieve by stacking these teams with giants for their age, to physically dominate the smaller teams. Its a bit like putting up a D9 against a Fergie Tractor in a tug a war, of course the D9 is going to win you would be worried if it didn't.

There are plenty of little guys out there that still have a fair bit of growing to do, out there running around in the A and B teams that are holding their own in a lot of cases giving up over half there body weight to some of the other boys currently making an impact.

Yet the schools these boys a coming from are spending the time on developing these kids they are taking a long term view and are looking to reap the rewards later. To me just going out and finding the biggest team you can put together in either U13 or U14 is just short sighted and lazy how it makes a good Rugby program is beyond me but maybe I am missing something.


Herbert Moran (7)
I said I had respect for a lot of Churchie's forwards and a couple of their backs .how they are functioning in the collective of their team is a different consideration and one I have no clue about

And the Fixture results on fox sports I have a 68-0 result against State High and a 40-5 result against TGS for a 108-5 in their last 2 - not 170-0 as you suggested

What you suggest as a 2 tiered competition is correct. A large part of this reason , if not the exclusive part of this of this reason , is between 4 to 6 players on each of these teams where the average weight differential is at least 30kg . And - they're good athletes - they can move and use their weight to great effect in the collision

Size matters .

This will change in coming years when the great levelling out occurs and when it does things will look different
My apologies. I will rephrase my post. In the last three games that Churchie 13 a's have played they have had 205 point scored against them and have only scored 5 points. No matter which way you try to twist it, that does not make them a good rugby team.


Chris McKivat (8)
My apologies. I will rephrase my post. In the last three games that Churchie 13 a's have played they have had 205 point scored against them and have only scored 5 points. No matter which way you try to twist it, that does not make them a good rugby team.

My apologies. I will rephrase my post. In the last three games that Churchie 13 a's have played they have had 205 point scored against them and have only scored 5 points. No matter which way you try to twist it, that does not make them a good rugby team.

Yes I don't disagree with you there I am new to this post I was actually making a general observation and not specifically talking about Churchie as such I don't even have any association with Churchie.

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
I would imagine they would scream right blue murder given that English and Math will actually help students have real jobs in real careers

Approximately half of 1% of an Age Group across all schools will actually have a Pro Career

Just sayin....

Law of relativity........perspective ......and all that stuff


Chris McKivat (8)

I wish your point was true. However if you attend most training session of this age group and below you will find well meaning teachers and a few old boys supplementing income whilst at UNI.
Their intent is willing but their technical understanding is poor.
The coaching is uncoordinated with different coaches teaching different techniques/theories.

Many educators of boys will say that 12-14/15 is a critical age group of learning. New skills with out foundation are very difficult to learn.
Think of trying to learn a new language when you are older.

I agree that the emphasis on Skills and Game Sense should be imperitive at 12 - 14 years. Unfortunately most schools treat Rugby at this age as glorified baby sitting. What would a parent say if the same approach was taken for English or Math?


Don't despair. This is changing pretty rapidly.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Yeah the boys arn't even 14 yet in most cases, lets not take it TOO seriously

I agree its only U13, remember the team spoken by everyone as Nudgee's best team coming through the current U15's, back in U13 and U14 they were beating everyone by large margins, they were a very big team at a young age, now all the other schools have caught up in size, not saying they arent a great side just think the margin has shortened as kids bodies sizes changes at different times.


Herbert Moran (7)
Something in the water out at BBC
S Farrell and Hope still out and now Veravis,Seabrook and Simpson out.
Porter and Cotton back .
Ikatu obviously not fit - not the same boy who smashed them at Nationals.

I wonder what possesses people who delight in publicising ins and outs each week. If you are a supporter GSP I can only think not talking about the injury count might be in BBC's best interest rather than encouraging every opponent to think they are likely to pull off a win.

And BTW VEREVIS is his name. Please spell it correctly. It is really annoying everytime people misspell it.


Billy Sheehan (19)
I wonder what possesses people who delight in publicising ins and outs each week. If you are a supporter GSP I can only think not talking about the injury count might be in BBC's best interest rather than encouraging every opponent to think they are likely to pull off a win.

And BTW VEREVIS is his name. Please spell it correctly. It is really annoying everytime people misspell it.

I assume that GSP and other supporters who detail injuries are helping relay information which everyone ,it seems, but you find useful.
From February until now not a single person has complained but one:you.
I did not know, but found out on this thread ,that young Mosely(a great young player) was out for the year.
So GSP, Blue & WHite ,B&G and others -keep spreading the info on injuries.
FF (Folau Fainga'a) -if you dont like it-don't read it-but I find it interesting.


Bob Loudon (25)
I see GT's No 13 from 2014 Nikau Te Rupe has scored 10 tries in 12 games for the Broncos Under 20's, additionally Haille Roycroft is starting to get game for them as well - very sad we didn't get to see them play together last season in the 1st XV games.


Ted Fahey (11)
I see GT's No 13 from 2014 Nikau Te Rupe has scored 10 tries in 12 games for the Broncos Under 20's, additionally Haille Roycroft is staring to get game for them as well - very sad we didn't get to see them play together last season in the 1st XV games.

BAG this is another great indicator of the strength of the Brisbane First XV competition. A good player, but by no means the best, in last year's GPS comp is now a standout in the country's premier U20 league competition.


Bob Loudon (25)
BAG this is another great indicator of the strength of the Brisbane First XV competition. A good player, but by no means the best, in last year's GPS comp is now a standout in the country's premier U20 league competition.

We never got to see the best of him as the 12 position caused GT a lot of headaches after Roycroft was banned.

Those lucky enough to be at BBC for the trial V GT saw what that combination was building to for the season proper.

But you are right the depth last year was outstanding.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
As a sideline Interesting info coming through MARIST AShgrove is playing league in 2016.. Looks a bit like the QRU ignoring their grassroots? Who's asleep at the Wheel there.

You may be confused, it is possible for a school in the AIC to play both league and union. The Confraternity Cup is played after the Union season and Padua, SPC and SEC all have teams in it. Maybe what you've heard is that Marist are looking to put a team forward in 2016?


Fred Wood (13)
Lazy recruitment ...really .... so are you going to guarantee us that the other schools arent going to find some front rowers and tall players for that age group in later years ...lol.... i know we will at BBC ..
Poor churchie/nudgee parents.... maybe you should take your model to the reds. ..lol


Fred Wood (13)
The NC U15 team are poorly coached this year ... but dont you judge players on how effective they are in their age groups... how they contribute to the program ...eg results and years playing first ... lol they will be the backbone of NC program for the next 2-3 years...


Fred Wood (13)
[QUOTEI would imagine they would scream right blue murder given that English and Math will actually help students have real jobs in real careers

Approximately half of 1% of an Age Group across all schools will actually have a Pro Career

Just sayin..

Law of relativity..perspective ..and all that stuff ]

Thank you for supporting my argument. We need to lift that percentage by providing the coaching.[/quote]
Maybe not all schools take this approach... i know that NC, BSHS, Ippy, GT all pride themselves on the importance to have the best coaches on U13 and U15 teams for player development..


Fred Wood (13)
I agree its only U13, remember the team spoken by everyone as Nudgee's best team coming through the current U15's, back in U13 and U14 they were beating everyone by large margins, they were a very big team at a young age, now all the other schools have caught up in size, not saying they arent a great side just think the margin has shortened as kids bodies sizes changes at different times.
They are still the best time in that age group....lol
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