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Quade Cooper and Summer Digressions

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Alan Cameron (40)
I've really got to question whether Cooper is up to it mentally after his poor display tonight.

Under pressure he fell to pieces. Not for the first time either.
He doesn't get the concept of percentage football and takes unnecessary risks with bullshit behind the back stuff. This isn't Fijian 7s rugby.
I cannot recall a poorer defender for us, not since Campo in the amateur era. He is diabolical.
His behaviour is not Wallaby standard. I don't know if you caught the interaction with McCaw after O'Connor scored - I thought it was very poor form. The bloke is low class bogan scum. He is a flake.

Time to cull.


Bob Davidson (42)
He can't tackle for shit, I'll grant you that. He, however, did score the opening try, set up the 2nd try and was great running the ball in the 2nd half.

He wasn't the only player to kick a few bad ones tonight. Everyone had a go (except JO'C).

I want to see him partner with Barnes first before we drop him. If anyone deserves to be dropped it is Giteau.

The Chosen

Fred Wood (13)
Yes- by my count he missed 4 significant tackles.
There had been an earlier brush with McCaw(not sure if warranted or not) but agree his `go' at the end not warranted at all.
In the last 6 minutes or so he was one of several with white-line fever when cooler heads were needed 7 thankfully prevailed.


His tackling effort tonight was infuriatingly poor. - 1/10
His poor kicking was equal parts bad luck and bad execution, most of his decisions were reasonable sound in that regard (except for a couple of shockers - that grubber on the ABs line??) 5/10
His ball running and distribution was exceptional and aside from that one horrendous flick-pass at the start I don't think he did too badly in that respect. 7/10

He needs to get serious in defence or get out, his other deficiencies were mostly forgivable


Chilla Wilson (44)
He's an enigma & we all know that but he played a part in all four tries & the bounce of the ball went against his general play kicking tonight.

How any player gets to that level & is still totally shit at tackling is beyond me & it's not like he's small either I think he weighs in at 95kg.


Alfred Walker (16)
His general kicking game was pretty good apart from a couple of bad kicks which happens to the best of them. Attacking play and passing is well above anything we have atm. His defence is definitely a worry though but our defensive line looked a lot more stable when Barnes came on. And this was the whole line as Cooper wasn't alone on the poor tackling front.


Alan Cameron (40)
He's an enigma & we all know that but he played a part in all four tries & the bounce of the ball went against his general play kicking tonight.

How any player gets to that level & is still totally shit at tackling is beyond me & it's not like he's small either I think he weighs in at 95kg.

In other words, you agree. He's fatally flawed mentally.

The real problem is the lack of an alternative. Nobody is screaming 'pick me' and the inside centre spot is a more pressing problem presently (couldn't think of another 'p' word to add).


Vay Wilson (31)
he is a great attacking player,but his defence is certainly suspect
so what do you do?
Giteau isnt doing much either
give Barnes more game time at either 10 or 12 would be in the equation


Chilla Wilson (44)
In other ways you agree. He's fatally flawed mentally.

Well yeah I suppose it is a mental thing maybe he should start by changing his accent.

Giteau isnt doing much either
give Barnes more game time at either 10 or 12 would be in the equation

I would definitely drop Gits for Barnes.


Mark Loane (55)
Barnes to 10, JOC (James O'Connor) to 12?

Though I do think Cooper deserves time to improve, when he is on the field he usually does more good than bad. His attacking danger isn't replicated by any other Australian 10. I'd leave him there for now and hope he grows some balls, because that is all he is missing, the intent to put his shoulder in.


Mark Ella (57)
Cooper's defence is very very poor. I wondered when the comparison with Campo would come out, but even Campo was a better defender that Quade.

However Quade can be accomodated ( but he does need some very intensive training) if we have a strong organiser and defender at 12. IMO that is Barnes this year and maybe JOC (James O'Connor) next year or the year after. Giteau must go. He does not lead the back line and never has done so effectively. The fact that he must never be handed the ball to kick in test match rugby again means he really should be playing the mid week matches IMO.


Bob Loudon (25)

He made a couple of seriously dumbshit plays, but then a steady head beside him could tell him to pull it back a notch.

He missed a bunch of tackles. Wow. We totally didn't know he'd do THAT.

He was highly involved and had an active hand in all four tries and other threatening play...Hmm...

Oh and wait, what are our alternatives? As per the Deans plan they run to Giteau followed by Beale followed by Barnes. Giteau couldn't play his way out of a wet paper bag, Beale is our best fullback and Barnes needs to take Giteau's place. I think I'll stick with Cooper thanks.


Cooper's defence is very very poor. I wondered when the comparison with Campo would come out, but even Campo was a better defender that Quade.

However Quade can be accomodated ( but he does need some very intensive training) if we have a strong organiser and defender at 12. IMO that is Barnes this year and maybe JOC (James O'Connor) next year or the year after. Giteau must go. He does not lead the back line and never has done so effectively. The fact that he must never be handed the ball to kick in test match rugby again means he really should be playing the mid week matches IMO.

Absolutely. Barnes creates an immediate sense of authority in the midfield, especially in defence.

As for Giteau, history tells us he may remain against all odds. We can only hope otherwise.


Trevor Allan (34)
Barnes played really well today and did two things in 20 mins that gits hasn't really done all year,

Sit nonu down behind the gain line and make a clean break

Also when was the last time gits was on the bench, 2006 maybe in the tri nations


Agree with MrMouse, massive over reaction. Yes Quade made some errors, but so did Kurtley in the SA game and everyone anointed him a God. The equation with Quade is simple. You have to take the bad with the good. Without Quade tonight we don't score a single point. Nobody in the world has his passing game and a quality pass was involved in every try, especially Mitchell's and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)'s.

His defense tonight was shocking, but so was the majority of guys in Gold jerseys. He showed massive improvement during the S14 and seems to have gone backwards since then. I cannot understand why Matt Taylor hasn't been drafted in as defensive coach.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Cooper needs to stay - he will win more than he loses. BUT, some hard bastard need to take him aside and give him some real defensive training.
The thing with Richie was, I agree Naza, totally uncalled for. Don't need to see that shit.
Fix him up, don't chuck him.


Knitter of the Scarf
Well, absolutely NO progress on tackling is a worry. He's our best 10, no doubt, but if he WON'T tackle, then fuck him, I'll take the 2nd best 10.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
I have deep concerns about the number of times i have read "deadset" on this forum lately.

Cooper needs to be told that tough guys tackle not take cheap shots.


Allen Oxlade (6)
There is an old adage about the merit of turning weaknesses into strengths.... I wonder if Quade would respond to the challenge of turning himself into the best tackler in the team... can we find some knarled old ex-league player to show him how to do it?
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