Alan Cameron (40)
Yeah regardless of what anyone thinks about the scrums channel 10 9 and 7 and that AFL bloke from offsiders are going to be laughing there arse off at rugby, not popular in Australia, this is why rugby isn't working in AUS, rugby needs to sort out it's game. TBH that's what I find so annoying, it giving all the leaguies and journos something on this game. It leaves me deeply disapointed when it happens because it's cringeworthy to watch as you know that youll hear wally on 9 saying, "Last night the Reds scraped home in a scrappy affair, with 20 minutes of scrums" and then masked giggling. THat is why I am so pissed at NSW. I find it embarassing and depressing.
The simple solution is not to watch Wally on 9. Again, it's rugby. Why do we let league pundits try to dictate that union should be played like league?