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Wales vs Australia, 5 November 2016, (1:30am 6 November AEDT) @ Millenium Stadium


John Thornett (49)
I will be very surprised (and disappointed) if Koroibete plays for the Wallabies before he's even laced up the boots at club, NRC or Super Rugby level first. If it happens, I will be convinced that Cheika has indeed lost the plot.

Well if our other wingers could be a combination of A) not injured and B) not slow, Koro wouldn't have even been on the radar.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
But why?

Wing is the most similar position between league and union and he played union growing up so one would assume he has a bit of knowledge re: positioning and the breakdown.

If Cheika sees him outperform other Wallaby wing options at training why shouldn't he give him a run?

Koroibete's form in the NRL this year was miles better than Speights form in any Rugby he played this year (7s or 15s). It might simply be that hes the better option. It certainly looks like he has some class about him.

Maybe similar, but still many nuances about the differences, especially in defense. Look at Izzy when he came into rugby. Also started on the wing for the Wallabies after I think a full season of Super Rugby, and still had issues with positioning himself and with the intricacies of the sideline. As for his previous experience in rugby, that would just about be as relevant to playing in the Wallabies' structures in a test match as would be the experience of a colt just out of school and playing his first year with a back-of-Burke club.

He may in time turn out to be our best winger ever, though I very much doubt that, but he is an absolute novice atm at this level.

Barring injuries, one wing in the EOYT tests will be occupied by either DHP or Izzy and the other will be between Naivalu, Speight and Hodge (if Foley again slots into 12). How should we feel if someone like Naivalu, who has put in a couple of seasons at Super Rugby level while becoming eligible, misses out to Koroibete based on training sessions?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
How should we feel if someone like Naivalu, who has put in a couple of seasons at Super Rugby level while becoming eligible, misses out to Koroibete based on training sessions?

It should depend on how Korobeite performs if and when that opportunity comes.

If Korobeite is selected based on his performance at training it has to be assumed that Cheika thinks he is up to playing a test. If he bombs then that is entirely on Cheika for picking someone too early.

Does Naivalu have a mortgage on selection because he has spent a couple of years becoming eligible?


Simon Poidevin (60)
Lets not forget the Chieka was Izzy's coach when he first came across too - so he'll have a fairly good idea of when a player is ready to play international rugby.


Trevor Allan (34)
I don't really think a Grandslam will gloss over a pretty terrible season on the whole. So, i think this should be a period of (limited) experimentation for the future:

1. Sio
2. Latu/Hanson (Ready if he was in the squad)
3. Kepu
4. Coleman
5. Arnold
6. Fardy
7. Hooper (c)
8. Timani
9. Genia (vc)
10. Foley/Quade
11. Hodge
12. Folau
13. TK
14. Naivalu
15. DHP

16. Slipper
17. Moore
18. Robertson
19. Simmons
20. McMahon
21. Pocock
22. Phipps
23. Foley/Quade (although in some magical dreamworld I'd swap out for Kurtley).

I think that team runs the line between experimental/progressive and competitive. Most of those players could feasibly start in the next RWC. It also admits the limitations of several players. Hodge isn't good enough in defence to justify his lack of impact in attack. Folau isn't a fullback, is still our best attacking weapon, probably good enough to defend the 12 (not 13) and is better than our other 12 options. Foley or Quade are interchangeable imo.

I also think that whilst Moore's form has improved he's not going to be around RWC time and is not our long term captain. I'm not convinced Hooper is either, but we should be giving the opportunity to develop someone else at captain. It's not as if Moore is amazing at it anyway.

I also feel that besides Folau, all other backline players will be playing in their natural positions.

Phipps to come of the bench with 30 minutes remaining.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Does Naivalu have a mortgage on selection because he has spent a couple of years becoming eligible?

BH, I pointed out in one of my recent posts above that I consider one wing spot to be fought out between Naivalu, Speight and Hodge. Nowhere did I suggest anyone had a mortgage on the spot. Naivalu was just an example to highlight the issue - both play (or will play) for the Rebels and one has done the hard yards of gaining eligibility while slogging it out for them. The consensus amongst Rebels posters here over the past year or so is that Naivalu only had to become eligible for him to warrant a start with the Wallabies.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I'll assume that if Korobeite gets selected for a test on this tour that Cheika believes he is ready to go based on what he has seen on the training paddock.

If he then performs terribly on the field I will consider that a poor decision and he shouldn't have been selected.

If he is selected I won't be thinking it is unfair on someone else. Naivalu is in the squad/team because he is good enough, not because he has done his time at the Rebels. I don't think waiting for the residency period to be over to be eligible for Wallaby selection is some kind of selfless act on his part.

Dalai Ninja

Ward Prentice (10)
Folau isn't a fullback, is still our best attacking weapon, probably good enough to defend the 12 (not 13) and is better than our other 12 options.
Getting the world best player under the high ball (and one of our main counter-attacking players) to defend at 12 would be insane. It isn't his ability to catch them but his ability to beat three players after he catches them that makes him a threat. It forces teams not to put up contestable midfield kicks.


John Thornett (49)
What if, more likely, he's not up to playing Test Rugby just yet and costs us a game and the grand slam? You don't learn how to play the game in Test matches.

Then we have a coaching and talent identification/development issue.

(Though I heavily doubt the scenario described above will occur)


Michael Lynagh (62)
I trust our coaches to discern how he's going before picking him.
Irony is coaches closer to seeing players in training make a call and if get it wrong or just that for that game player gets it wrong how much does everyone jump on the band wagon that coach has made the selection blunder of the century yet when us keyboard warriors get it wrong...who cares..

Wallabies showing improvement so I will back cheika to do his best to make the right calls. And if selects koroibete to play a test from the bench because he sees he is ready fair enough. If it does not work out as planned well we all know no guarantees but he has to back his judgement and one of things cheika does do which I respect him for as you would want for a coach of the national team.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Tony Shaw (54)
I trust our coaches to discern how he's going before picking him.

I didn't really want to get drawn into this discussion and now I feel like I'm really laboring my point so I will just say this and try and leave it there.

In terms of the coaches discerning 'how he's going', he will probably go quite well on the training paddock. The thing is that until he gets some game time he won't be able to start settling into Rugby and getting comfortable. That's how it works. If his first taste of pro-rugby is a Test match against one of the 6 Nations then there's a fair chance he may struggle with it all. Crawl before you walk and all that.

Anyway, see what happens. What's done is done, I hope he kills it.


Chilla Wilson (44)
It really is a shame that James O'Connor went off th rails. It would just be nice to have him or Kurtley Beale available.
You have to have Quade Foley on the bench in case Foley Quade goes down injured as there is nobody who can play 10.



Nathan Sharpe (72)
