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QLD GPS Rugby 2013

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Black Caviar

Stan Wickham (3)
Morrey out for the season. ACL is stuffed. Shall probably need a reconstruction. Big loss for the men in Blue - especially their captain. Morrey has consistently had the biggest aggression on the field. Let's hope that Halliday can step up as captain.

Really feel for the boy, I wish him a quick and full recovery


Herbert Moran (7)
Sorry Monday. No parent told you 14 new boys. Porter, Andersson, Vaughey, Le Roux, Crook, Wall, Hope etc have been there from as early as Grade 4. The people you spoke to are talking rubbish. Not a bad result considering there are a few injuries as well. The program is a significant factor in their success. One of their best players is out with injury... mentioned earlier in this forum.

Sam Hauser

Sydney Middleton (9)
Round 3 fixtures, predictions:
BBC to down state high
NC to flog chuchie
IGS by 10 against GT
BGS to beat TGS by 20
3/08/2013 NC ACGS NC
2 3/08/2013 BBC BSHS BBC
3 3/08/2013 IGS GT IGS
4 3/08/2013 TGS BGS TGS


Dave Cowper (27)
Round 3 fixtures, predictions:
BBC to down state high
NC to flog chuchie
IGS by 10 against GT
BGS to beat TGS by 20
3/08/2013 NC ACGS NC
2 3/08/2013 BBC BSHS BBC
3 3/08/2013 IGS GT IGS
4 3/08/2013 TGS BGS TGS

I would revise your prediction TGS v BGS.
Will be tough game for Grammar.
Don't forget BGS have a horrendous injury count.
BBC v State High will be a cracker.
IGS v Terrace - close game in my opinion.
Nudgee will beat Churchie, but not a flogging.
TSS to flog Downlands College.


Darby Loudon (17)
NC to beat Churchie by 20 - as Churchie are on the improve.
State High to reverse trial 8 try belting from BBC and sneak home by 10.
IGS to bounce back from 50 point Coast pounding and be too powerful for GT (by 15).
BGS despite injuries too classy for poor old TGS still recovering from being run over by bus last weekend (BGS by 15)
TSS 2nds to be a little too slick for Downlands 1sts (TSS by 10).


Frank Row (1)
Nudgee to beat Churchie by 15+

I wouldn't be so sure, Churchie have some incredible firepower that seemed to click last week against TGS, Tanuvasa (QLD 2 2012) Perese (QLD U16) Mason (QLD U18 Rugby League) and Macmillan
(Australian A)who I believe is back from injury this week, just to name a few, this Churchie side will give Nudgee a tough game


Peter Burge (5)
I wouldn't be so sure, Churchie have some incredible firepower that seemed to click last week against TGS, Tanuvasa (QLD 2 2012) Perese (QLD U16) Mason (QLD U18 Rugby League) and Macmillan
(Australian A)who I believe is back from injury this week, just to name a few, this Churchie side will give Nudgee a tough game

Would have to agree. That backline really did click. However I think Nudgee forwards may be too strong. Is Macmillan 100% confirmed back this week? If so may add some energy. Churchies forwards are a little suspect IMO


Fred Wood (13)
Churchie 1st XV vs TGS
1. Will Bailey
2. Josh Webb
3. Brodie Brusasco
4. Angus Scott-Young
5. Jeremy Gimpel
6. Liam Wright
7. Ben Hughes
8. Harley Fox
9. Harry Nucifora
10. Mack Mason
11. Aidan Dempsey
12. Nigel Tanuvasa
13. Izaia Perese
14. Hugo Doessel
15. Ben Ogilvie

Is it correct that Churchie brought in 3 from Downlands and 3 from St Edmonds this year? Mason is from Dlands .Who are the others?

Dark Shark

Alex Ross (28)
Is it correct that Churchie brought in 3 from Downlands and 3 from St Edmonds this year? Mason is from Dlands .Who are the others?

No not quite correct. Six new faces but not same schools as queried.

From the QLD u16 Red squad that the Churchie coach, Jason Gilmore, coached last year, Mack Mason (Downlands), Harley Fox (St Edmunds) and Richia Asiata (Keebra Park, John Paul College) have started rugby at Churchie this year. I wonder if Gilmore has been appointed coach for the u16 Qld teams this year.

From the QLD u16 White squad, Izaiah Perese (St Edmunds, Nudgee, Wavell Heights High - I believe) has been brought in this year.

The other new players that have arrived at Churchie this year seem to be Josh Webb (from the Sunshine Coast) and Aiden Dempsey (Bundaberg).

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
I have deleted quite a few threads that mention scholarships, imports or the like - or quoted such. I started editing them but it took up too much time.

The reasons for it are in post #8 in the Rules of the Schoolboy forum, here:


Apologies for not intervening earlier.


PS - Posters should feel free to discuss scholarships, imports, exports, transfers and the like in the School sporting scholarships thread here:


PPS - a special apology is due to Vegas, whose level of reasoning and ability to write clearly is uncommon. I regretted having to delete some of his posts.


Johnnie Wallace (23)
Very entertaining game at Ross Oval today. Possibly not played at the highest level, as it was scrappy at times, however the commitment from both sides could not be questioned. Nudgee forward pack was very good, scrum was solid and had BBC scrum under pressure numerous times. No8 for Nudgee Maclean Jones IMO was man of the match by a long way, had a storming game, with the rest of the pack all doing their job well. BBC forward pack, who had a definite size advantage, competed well with their No 8 probably their standout. Nudgee backline definitely lacked some spark other than Tuttle at 10 and Magnay at 13. Not quite sure why Hussey is playing in the 2nds, they seriously lack speed out wide. BBC backline was pedestrian other than the 15, who looked like he could split the game wide open at any time. Wilkins at 13, even though he scored two tries, was easily held by the NC backline with Magnay all over him when he received the ball. It is looking more than likely that the game against TSS in round 4 will have a huge bearing on the premership. My prediction is TSS will go the year unbeaten. One final point, 14A Nudgee team beat BBC 15-5 after winnng last year by at least 60 points in the 13's. Apparently 13 of the 15 players were new this year for 14A BBC team, they must be spending some serious money. And yes first loss for the 15A Nudgee side today against BBC, their recruiters must be doing a good job.

Footage of the BBC Nudgee 15a match. Hope I didn't break any forum rules.


Herbert Moran (7)
Also the fullback Carswell?

Yes. and Middleton as well. If they could just get a culture change happening across the rest of the age group. The program is full of talent that needs to be focused. Holloway and the Yeatman boys need encouragement to get more involved.
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