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Reds 2016

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Alan Cameron (40)
How many people are required to get the WE ARE RED chant going? Suncorp is pretty big but has excellent acoustics. Are the families of the players (the only ones I assume who will go to the games) enough to get it ringing out?


Tony Shaw (54)
Quotes from Jim Carmichael.

"Of course there is going to be expectation from the fan that looks from a passionate position and wants to see their team do well. They would think 'why don't you just move the coach' without understanding all of the complexities,"

"What we will be measured on next year is winning football games and having sustained success. What I know is fans, during the course of the next number of months, will still love their team.

Reading between the lines for me at least. If you disagree with their decision you are simply letting your passion cloud your judgement and let's be honest, you don't really understand what your're talking about anyway. At the end of the day, we can serve the Reds fans as much shit as we want and they'll still hang around.

On the rumours that Richard Graham doesn't have the support of the playing group.

"We interviewed players, we interviewed coaches, administration, to get a personal sense of how people saw it. There were clearly some conflicts of personality along the way that we genuinely believed were circumstantial,"

"Since that time, we've worked with the group and I am absolutely convinced that what has come out is a brutal assessment by Richard and what he could have better. I am convinced there is a relationship there ... player and coach ... that is going to be enduring."

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/rugby-union/reds/richard-graham-reappointed-as-queensland-reds-coach-20150818-gj1lts.html#ixzz3j8bdV0ek

Of course there is a relationship there you clown!
I'm convinced there is a relationship there too. A steaming turd of a relationship. But since you reappointed Graham, the 'enduring' part of it is on you.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
Richard Graham and the Damage Done
I caught him knocking at the board-room door,
Hey Jim, can I coach for one more?
Oh, no, the damage done.

Players left because he was so bad,
His reappointment leaves us feeling like we’ve all been had.
Oh, no, the damage done.

Herbie’s been appointed to help fix the mess,
After round four he’ll be in deep distress.
Oh, no, the damage done.

I’ve seen Richard Graham and the damage done,
The QRU has nothing but contempt for everyone,
And now rugby in Queensland’s like a settin’ sun.
Have you apologised to Neil Young?


John Solomon (38)
By the time all you fair weather supporters slink off I'm gonna be left with the best seats in the house and no queue for my beers.
It's not the players fault - I'll still support them.


Alan Cameron (40)
By the time all you fair weather supporters slink off I'm gonna be left with the best seats in the house and no queue for my beers.
It's not the players fault - I'll still support them.

Is a stadium full of grog you have to drain yourself enough to rose tint the game? Or are you just going to power through to catatonia?


Tony Shaw (54)
By the time all you fair weather supporters slink off I'm gonna be left with the best seats in the house and no queue for my beers.
It's not the players fault - I'll still support them.

Good for you buddy. Use the term fair weather fan at your peril though. The most vocal here are anything but and taking some sort of weird moral high ground at a time like this will likely not end well. I'd suggest editing your post.

Train Without a Station

Yeah I resent being called a fair weather supporter.

I went to more games in 2008 or 2009 than I did in 2011 in fact.

At least in 08 and 09 we were trying but coming from a low base and struggling to attract quality. Here they've just ignored results and are working back towards that same low base.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
About 2 years ago a black cat in front of my car. "Bad Luck, Pfft" I said. Then today....:(. My Qld Reds logo is now coming off my profile yes I am that crazy angry.


I'l still be a Reds member in 2016, doesn't mean I support this decision though, this is a disappointing outcome.

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Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
Quotes from Jim Carmichael.

Reading between the lines for me at least. If you disagree with their decision you are simply letting your passion cloud your judgement and let's be honest, you don't really understand what your're talking about anyway. At the end of the day, we can serve the Reds fans as much shit as we want and they'll still hang around.

On the rumours that Richard Graham doesn't have the support of the playing group.

Of course there is a relationship there you clown!
I'm convinced there is a relationship there too. A steaming turd of a relationship. But since you reappointed Graham, the 'enduring' part of it is on you.

A refined version of this would work well on the front page....

Brendan Hume

Charlie Fox (21)
RG: "As a squad we will not tolerate any excuses that compromise our preparations or performance in order to achieve success in 2016."

2015 on the other hand...


Mark Ella (57)
Yeah I resent being called a fair weather supporter.

I went to more games in 2008 or 2009 than I did in 2011 in fact.

At least in 08 and 09 we were trying but coming from a low base and struggling to attract quality. Here they've just ignored results and are working back towards that same low base.

A man becomes wiser as he becomes older, old mate


Tony Shaw (54)
Some actual quotes from Carmichael today (smh.com.au). (A special, enclosed new world has now been built at Ballymore, and much there has a different, altered meaning to that my fellow posters you and I know as our reality.)

Reds chief executive Jim Carmichael said he understood it may not be a popular decision but after evaluating more than 20 applicants, he believed Graham deserved another chance under a new system designed to lessen his load and allow him to focus solely on rugby.

"Of course there is going to be expectation from the fan that looks from a passionate position and wants to see their team do well. They would think 'why don't you just move the coach' without understanding all of the complexities," Carmichael said.

"What we will be measured on next year is winning football games and having sustained success. What I know is fans, during the course of the next number of months, will still love their team.

"To make a decision that simply appeases them, for a moment in time, for us as an organisation is a weakness of our process. We need to deal with the fact that we've made a decision that will be seen by some as unpopular. We need them to feel we've made the right decision and that won't happen overnight."

Carmichael conceded the one-year deal would put immense pressure on Graham to turn around the fortunes of the 2011 Super Rugby champions.
"The one-year ... the frank truth is ... we need to be sure we've got it right. What it does also is put him under enormous pressure to win football games each weekend.

"That requires him to build relationships and the leadership and maturity of his list. Previously, he had far too many responsibilities. That's the reason for the one-year deal."

Carmichael also said he believed Graham had a sound working relationship with the playing group despite constant rumours of unease during the season. He admitted there were some issues on the way but has backed him moving forward.

"We interviewed players, we interviewed coaches, administration, to get a personal sense of how people saw it. There were clearly some conflicts of personality along the way that we genuinely believed were circumstantial," Carmichael said.

"Since that time, we've worked with the group and I am absolutely convinced that what has come out is a brutal assessment by Richard and what he could have better. I am convinced there is a relationship there ... player and coach ... that is going to be enduring."


Yep very disappointing news, however i'l still be a member in 2016.

So RG will be the new defence coach, I guess that could be a silver lining, the last time he was defence coach in 2013 the Reds had their best defensive season since 1999.

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