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Australian Rugby / RA


Jimmy Flynn (14)
How do you know they don't have total confidence they can win the vote?
The letter was signed with 9 votes worth. NSW (3 votes), VIC (2 votes), Force (1 vote) appear to be pro McLennan = 6 votes. RUPA is an unknown, saw some reports they are pro McLennan if that's the case the vote split would be 9-7. They will not have total confidence that at least one of those votes can't be flipped before the EGM, if it was McLennan would remain as chair. There are plenty of deals that could be reached in the interim, as I said Twiggy who provides private funding to Rugby WA is pro McLennan.

The spanner in the works is that on 1 January, NSW lose a vote which makes it much harder for McLennan to turn it around. However, I don't think anybody could argue it is in the games best interest to let this hang over everybody's head till then. It needs to be resolved ASAP, especially at a time we are trying to hire critical figures for the future of the sport.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
he letter was signed with 9 votes worth. NSW (3 votes), VIC (2 votes), Force (1 vote) appear to be pro McLennan = 6 votes.

From Doran's article: "On Wednesday, several states participated in a secret phone hook-up. NSW, who aligned with RA on Tuesday, were not invited"


Wallaby Man

Nev Cottrell (35)
What’s becoming clear to me is they all need to go. McLennan is now undoubtedly in an untenable position, QLD and ACT are clearly trying to attempt a coup for the sake of them retaining as much influence as possible. It screams rugby in Australia, incompetent chairman matched with self interest from the state bodies who are looking after their own patch at all costs. Stinks from all sides


Jimmy Flynn (14)
What’s becoming clear to me is they all need to go. McLennan is now undoubtedly in an untenable position, QLD and ACT are clearly trying to attempt a coup for the sake of them retaining as much influence as possible. It screams rugby in Australia, incompetent chairman matched with self interest from the state bodies who are looking after their own patch at all costs. Stinks from all sides
It really is the perfect encapsulation of all that is wrong with Rugby in this country in one little bow-wrapped gift.


Phil Kearns (64)
Given it is obviously a shootout between QLD & NSW (don't think that should be controversial) here are comparisons between them.

From the 2022 Annual Reports:
NSW generated $37,266,947 total income. QLD generated $33,967,164.
Matchday/stadium revenues were NSW $4,476,254 & QLD $3,618,117.
QLD are in a stronger total financial position, but that is primarily due to the fact the gov't funded the Ballymore redevelopment and NSW funded the Centre of Excellence out of their own pocket. QLD also much more effective at generating sponsorship revenue ($2,416,830 v $5,488,521).

I would do a crowd based analysis for attendance figures also but the only source I can find is this https://www.austadiums.com/sport/rugby-union/crowds and it is very incomplete with many games a year not recorded. Making any comparisons incomplete and unreliable, especially because some stadiums average includes Super + Wallabies, some only Super, some only Wallabies.

Throw in population numbers and rugby participation numbers (as proxy figures for geographic distribution of broadcast revenue) which are both tilted in NSW favour, and it paints a picture that NSW is the state which produces the most $ in the total pot generated by rugby in the country.


Excluding government grants for facilities; NSW generated $19million in revenue in 2022, QLD generated $20million.

Comparing match-day income is a pointless exercise given the different way stadium contracts are negotiated in between NSW and QLD, NSW negotiate rebates, Stadium QLD don’t pay rebates but allow teams to take home more from matchday corporate hospiality, which is reflected in the $1.1million more QLD makes in this area.

Also NSW did not fund the centre of excellence out of their own pocket, it was funded in the entirety by the NSW Govt.

This Govt Funding was reflected in the NSWRU 2022 Annual Report as $18million comprehensive income for reporting purposes, which i assume is how you came to the $37million figure quoted above. QRU also included $13million in Govt Funding as income for reporting purposes, hence why their revenue is $20million, and not the $33million you quoted above.


Phil Kearns (64)
Anyway, how goods Australian Rugby, another RWC cycle and another internal rebellion from blazer wearers fighting to protect their own little crumbling empire.

But i’m sure this time will be different….. I’m sure this time they all have the best intentions for a national alignment of the game and has nothing to do with the centralisation eroding their power and influence over the game.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Anyway, how goods Australian Rugby, another RWC cycle and another internal rebellion from blazer wearers fighting to protect their own little crumbling empire.

But i’m sure this time will be different….. I’m sure this time they all have the best intentions for a national alignment of the game and has nothing to do with the centralisation eroding their power and influence over the game.
Shoulda just gone back to amateurism during Covid and started from scratch.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
The letter was signed with 9 votes worth. NSW (3 votes), VIC (2 votes), Force (1 vote) appear to be pro McLennan = 6 votes. RUPA is an unknown, saw some reports they are pro McLennan if that's the case the vote split would be 9-7. They will not have total confidence that at least one of those votes can't be flipped before the EGM, if it was McLennan would remain as chair. There are plenty of deals that could be reached in the interim, as I said Twiggy who provides private funding to Rugby WA is pro McLennan.

The spanner in the works is that on 1 January, NSW lose a vote which makes it much harder for McLennan to turn it around. However, I don't think anybody could argue it is in the games best interest to let this hang over everybody's head till then. It needs to be resolved ASAP, especially at a time we are trying to hire critical figures for the future of the sport.
NSNL the worst outcome I can see would be for McLennan to survive on a split vote of even a majority of one. As you say NSW loses a vote on Jan 1, and the "rebels" (in my view, the good guys) would then have a majority to enforce another round of EGM and vote to kick him out. Would you think there is a provision in the constitution to deny a second bite at the cherry if the first one fails?

That scenario would just prolong the agony into the new year and continue to interfere and stuff up any and every thing now in the pipeline, eg, DOR, head coach, assistant coaches, restructure/alignment etc. McLennan simply has to go, no arguments and he will ensure he is always regarded in the lowest esteem as a Chairman of RA if he fails to fall on his sword right now.
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Jimmy Flynn (14)
NSNL the worst outcome I can see would be for McLennan to survive on a split vote of even a majority of one. As you say NSW loses a vote on Jan 1, and the "rebels" (in my view, the good guys) would then have a majority to enforce another round of EGM and vote to kick him out. Would you think there is a provision in the constitution to deny a second bite at the cherry if the first one fails?

That scenario would just prolong the agony into the new year and continue to interfere and stuff up any and every thing now in the pipeline, eg, DOR, head coach, assistant coaches, restructure/alignment etc. McLennan simply has to go, no arguments and he will ensure he is always regarded in the lowest esteem as a Chairman of Rugby Australia if he fails to fall on his sword right now.
Depends really on how it all falls out. As I've said before, I'm indifferent to whether McLennan stays or goes. I think he's a knob of the highest order, but don't believe it will have any real impact on the direction of rugby in this country. That's up to the states and whether they are willing to give into proper structural changes (not a watered down version). That choice does not turn on McLennan, but on their own desire to do what's best for the game.

I think they'd be hard pressed to go again for another vote if this one fails. As you say, that would just be prolonging the agony, and the game must move on ASAP. They'd also look a bit pathetic if they had to wait for Jan 1 and NSW losing a vote to force it through. If it does fail, I'd also suggest the positions of Brett Clark and Matt Nobbs must be called into question. At the end of the day, no one forced them to do this.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
I really can't see how any good can come of McLennan remaining, there's way too much bad blood now. Even if he genuinly believes he's the best man for the job, he must see that in excess of half the rugby community wants him gone. If he doesn't resign, he clearly sees his own pride as more important than the game in Australia.